Chapter Sixty Eight

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He'd not seen Samantha since that night, it's been two days now since they have seek refuge in the village. Everyone respects Elsa and with her approval, Smity and Julian was given a place to stay in one of the huts. The suspicious glares still followed, but at least they were being treated like guests. Smity sighed from where he sat beneath the treehouse, Samantha had not left the place, he heard news from Elsa that she was doing well. Even Julian had the courage to visit her and was doing excellent after learning that she was out of harm's way. While Smity was sulking at the moment Julian was with Gerlad's family having breakfast. He hope that Julian didn't get to friendly with the children, last night he caught him, telling them a story. The boys were so engross that they now looked at Julian like an older sibling and the lad liked it, he always love the attention of taking care of another and playing the role of an older brother. Perhaps, with Tommy gone, it was a way of coping?

Smity shook his head and glance up at the treehouse again, Samantha didn't want to see him, and it hurts more than anything. The pain on her face; anger of not just him but the world. She didn't want to live. He just wish there was something he could do to help her find happiness. Death was not an option. Tommy's death had crushed her, she loved that child as her own and he couldn't bring the boy back. Smity stayed under the tree, amusing himself, making circles in the dirt with a stick, footsteps descended the treehouse, it was probably Elsa, she usually leave at this time to fetch Samantha's meals with this thought in mind, Smity didn't looked up to greet the person when they stood hovering.

"H-How's she doing today?" He asked.

"Why don't you asked her for yourself?"

Smity's head snapped up to greet Samantha's smiling face. His eyes widen and he scrambled to his feet, stick abandoned on the ground, before he could find his voice, Samantha threw her arms around him. "I'm so sorry Smity, please forgive have been nothing but a dear friend to me and I have treated you cruelly."

With a smile, he returned the embrace. "I'm the one that should apologize, I fail to keep you safe, even from yourself." He released her and cupped her cheeks, she looked tired like she haven't sleep in months, which was the truth and her precious blue eyes were dazzling with unshed tears. "I'm sorry Samantha and I'm very happy to see you." His hands moved from her cheeks to grasped her hands, they were cold to his touch and he squeezed them, affectionately. "I was so scared."

"Smity, it's not your fault what happened and I know I said some mean things--" She swallowed and looked away and Smity knew this was hard for her to say along with the remembrance of it all.

"It's ok, let's not speak of it and until Jake's arrival why don't I show you around the village?" At the mention of Jake's name, Samantha's forehead creased and he felt the tension that race through her body. Smity wanted to ask, what transpired when she met the captain again but by the way she reacted, it didn't went well and now wasn't the right time to asked, he can see that she's still trying to cope with everything that happened and her near death experience. Whatever conversations she had with Elsa was helping her but doubts still lingers; it was vivid.

"I'll love that," She give him a small smile that held no eagerness to her words. "And it is a beautiful village." She continued, this time she sound like she meant it and her eyes moved swiftly around her surroundings.

"Well, let's take a stroll around the mysterious village." With a grin, he offer her his arm. Samantha chuckled, softly and with a shook of a head grabbed hold of his arm.

"Where should we start first?"

"Oh, how about we pay your saviour a visit, Gerlad's his name and Julian's with his family."

Samantha's eyebrows rose before she could ask any more questions, a commotion, erupted within the village and everyone started to run in their direction. Some seek protection in nearby huts and those who were fast climbers took to the treehouses. They had never saw a village got vacant, so quickly even the vendors abandoned their stalls.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα