Chapter Eighteen

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"Captain!" Commander Mcmillian looked up from his rattling tea cup to glare at the soldier at his cabin door. The insolent man knew not to disturb him when he was having his dinner. The past few days had been frustrating, with a broken compass for guidance and sailing to an unknown destination. One might have turn the ship around and focus on Clairwood but not Commander Mcmillian. He was close. So close he could almost feel it in his bones. "You are needed on deck immediately! There is something you have got to see!"

His eyebrows rose. The chair dragged, pushing backwards until it bang against the wooden wall. Did they find the ship? Excitement got him abandoning his dinner and falling in steps behind one of his soldiers. He made a rule never to remember their names or look at their faces for they were all pawns, men that he would easily use as shields on the battlefield. Commander Mcmillian eyes widen like one of his mother's saucer when he stepped on deck. The white smoke engulfed his entire ship making it impossible for him to venture any further. And where did that solider disappeared too?


Millinton! The Commander's eyes narrowed. That blackguard has sailed them into this calamity. That incompetent, sonofabitch! Anger caused him to venture further on deck, leaving the door, opened. He looked backwards noticing the fog was not travelling below. That's strange!

"Millinton! What's the meaning of this!" He shouted, twirling around where he stood. "You have mired us in this fog!"

"Sir! That's not what happened! The night was clear as the crystal waters on a sunny day only a few moments ago!"

"You expect me to believe that this fog crept upon you when you winked?" His teeth gritted as his hands rolled into a fist at his side.

"Yes, sir!"

Commander Mcmillian pinched the bridge of his nose. "Anchor the ship and everyone below, now!" There was a chorus of mumbling from the other soldiers. All disobeying, his orders. "What do you mean, you can't move! You just send someone below to fetch me! You are soldiers' goddammit, not cowards!"

There was a lingering silence in the air, lasting only a few seconds. "Sir, no command was given to fetch you. I have already communicated with the rest men and not one of them can move their feet!"

"Ghosts!" one of the men shouted, causing the rest soldiers to enter a state of panic.

"Be quiet!" He roared, a grunt of displeasure followed. Such pathetic men!

"You don't believe in ghost commander?" A voice whispered in his ear. It cause the nape at his neck to prickle with goosebumps. "You are not alone on this ship" The voice sounded distant as if it is travelling in the same beat of the fog, gliding over each word. His body tense, with a startled expression he turn around immediately, trying to find the source of such eerie voice. His blue eyes rattled from side to side, only to be blinded by the white misted atmosphere. A chill ran down his spine as his body became more aware of what surrounds it. The ragged, labored breathing sent him on edge, it's almost as if the fog was breathing...Alive or was it his own? Lifting his hand above his knee, he stared down at them, watching as they became vague before his eyes, disappearing in the greed of whiteness, that felt like it was touching; crawling over any exposed part of his body.

"Who are you? What do you want?" His voice wobbled. The commander sucked in a sharp breath the coldness of the fog-chilled him from the inside, out and finally exhale slowly. Someone was trying to scare him. Yes that's it! His soldiers knew better and when he find that bastard. He would kill him.

There were a chorus of incoherent whispering around him with hums that vibrate through his body curling his stomach in a knot. "Do you heard that Millinton!" The Commander's head swirled from one side to the next, in dazzled desperation. "Show yourself!" His fingers shook as he withdrew his sword from the sheath.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now