Part 11 ~ Chapter Fourteen

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The ship swayed gently beneath her bare feet, that slapped against the cold wooden floor as she emerged from the privacy screen in the captain's cabin, her freshly washed body draped in a chemise of long sleeves and high neckline. Samantha had already placed Adelynn to bed in the cabin, Smity had told her years ago was the library. It was indeed still filled with books but not as much as she remembered, instead a huge mahogany bed stood in the middle, with a settee and small table with chairs in the corner. She had insisted that Adelynn sleeps with her but since the child saw the lovely pink colored covers and dolls on the bed, she had gleefully agreed to stay. Jake was trying his best to make Adelynn enjoy her first time at sea and her as well, by giving her the luxury of the captain's cabin; His cabin.

As the library, his cabin had changed, with new furniture present and the balcony, she gazed at it as she sat on the bed, it had a table and a small chair, she pictured him having dinner out there and shook her head, unfastening the pins in her hair and running her fingers through the tangles, welcoming the distraction, from thinking about her husband but it seems to be unfruitful. Husband....Samantha picked up the brush from beside her, holding the ends of her hair she started to absentmindedly stroke it. If this were indeed a true marriage, she would have been in his arms now, enjoying his touches and kisses, since discovering how pleasuring lovemaking can be Samantha would be lying if she said she hadn't thought about it or whom was in his arms over the years and how foolish she was to try and suggest that he should take mistresses because she couldn't share his bed. Was not that one of the reasons she had agreed to pretend to be dead? To not return to England because she could not bear to see him with another woman.

It placed her mind at ease when he told her about his desires to have no mistresses. But it also made her feel selfish. Samantha closed her eyes and placed the brush beside her, she released the thick stubborn hair letting it coil on the bed and with a shuddering breath, open her eyes, moving from the bed, she stood in front the mirror at the vanity table; A, furniture she recognized to be from one of the craftsmen on the island. He had gotten this for her, a sad smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, she traced the surface of the table with a finger, at least she has something to remind her of the island. Almost forgetting what she came here to do, Samantha took a deep breath and unfasten the buttons of her chemise, slowly she pulled the fabric off her shoulder and turned slightly so she can look at her back in the mirror.

Samantha had always avoided looking at the pink scars that mired her skin, in fact it had been a couple of months, it is not like, she expected it to disappear one day, even though that's what she wishes for, she knew it would never happen. Placing a hand over her back she reached, touching whatever was in her reach, they felt swollen and tender, but they did not hurt. Tears clouded her eyes and she stared at herself, they looked horrible. She was never the vain, type but knew how scornful society was of such a thing. If anyone were to ever see this, they would pity her or even empty their stomachs. She did not wish to witness any of that, especially on Jake's face.

The light knock at the door, cause her to jump with fright. "Samantha, might I have a word."

"Just a minute." Hastily, she pulled the chemise back over her shoulders and quickly button it, as she walked to the door and pry it opened. "Jake, is there a problem?"

"I, apologize if I caught you at a bad time but I brought you a present."

Her gaze moved to the items in his hands, it looks like mostly garments along with a book. "You shouldn't have."

"It's customary for a husband to give his wife a wedding present." He said with a lingering smile. "Might I come in?"

Wordlessly she opened the door wider and step aside, allowing him entrance. "I should inform you that I am very selective of my clothing." She closed the door and turned facing him. "I don't need them."

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now