Part 11-Chapter Four

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"I'm not gonna be a cripple, aren't I?" Samantha glanced at the boy with a smile before returning her gaze on bandaging the twisted ankle. He was her last patient for the day - having injured himself a few hours ago and had to wait for another hour for the scheduled appointments to be dealt with. The child had came in wailing and leaking fat droplets of tears from his beautiful green eyes.

"No. You would not." At her clarification, a relief sigh escape his lips.

"Thank goodness--now when can I start to climb again?" With a startled look, her head jerked up at him and before she could response, his brother intercepted.

"Never. If you so much as look at another tree, I'll break your other ankle." He said sternly.

Samantha cast the young man, a warning look and turned back to the boy. "You are not to climb anymore trees. Staying on the ground, would be better for all of us." She tied the cloth securely and tousled his shady blond hair affectionately.

"Alright, Doctor Clairwood, no trees." His shoulders sagged and his mood enlighten when his brother came to carry him on his back. "Goodbye."

Samantha returned his gesture of a wave.

"Gregory, another injury what is it this time?" Brigitte, asked entering the Study and blocking the entrance. She gasped theatrically at the ankle and reached out to touch it causing the boy to yelp with pain.

"That hurts!" Gregory groaned.

"Good. If I see you in here with another injury again, I'll play the drums on it." She teased. "Or should I do it.... now!" reaching out to the touch the foot once again, Gregory pulled it out of reach and instructed his brother to get him away from Brigitte.

"Did you see his face?" Laughing Brigitte closed the door. "That's the look of someone, that won't be back here for a long time."

"I'll advice you not to scare my patients." Samantha said with a shook of the head and went behind her desk to write in her medical Journal. "Although, it might have been necessary. Gregory's have two broken arms and hip injury, within less that six months."

"He's a stubborn boy like his father, I tell you." Brigitte said, dropping back on the sofa, that face the desk. "I made ten pounds today!" Smiling gleefully she took the pouch from her skirt pocket. Instead of helping with the patients for the day, Brigitte had to attend to the selling of household items, due to the numerous amount of people that showed up today. "I guaranteed it's more than you made in here after I witness you letting Mrs Bennett, go free without taking a penny."

Slamming the quill on the desk, Samantha glare at the woman. "Mrs Bennett's a widow with two young children, she doesn't have anyone to provide for her. I am merely trying to help."

"Doing charity work at this point in your life? Are you sure you don't want to marry Philippe?" Brigitte eyebrow lifted and with a smirk, she rise to her feet and came closer to Samantha. "What do you think would kiss you first on the wedding day? His nose or his mouth?"

The women erupted with laughter, it was no secrete that Philippe Connor, has a very long beak-like nose.

"I bet it's the longest thing on his body."

"Brigitte Durand!" Samantha shouted in horror.

"Perhaps, you shall know on the wedding night." Brigitte continued between laughs, and to demonstrate her silliness, she crocked her index finger and place it to her nose.

With a exasperation groan, Samantha stood. "I'll go get the children and tell them that their mother is ready to go home." Brigitte had brought her two little girls to keep Adelynn company as they kept busy downstairs. Samantha left her friend laughing at her own joke, not quite sure if the lady had heard her announcement.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin