Chapter Twenty One

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Samantha tossed the heavy braid over her shoulder to rest on her back and tucked a few loose strands plastered on her forehead, behind her ears. She leaned over the wooden bucket on the poop deck and rubbed the flimsy cotton, of her nightgown between both knuckles until she was satisfy, then dipped it in the soapy water once again. The ship was anchored in the middle of the ocean, giving the crew leverage with swabbing at the decks and lowering a rowboat to catch some fishes, for dinner tonight. The thought of stew fish and cook's famous biscuits, got her mouth watering and her stomach agreeing. She had been on deck since before dawn and have not yet had a meal. Samantha pivot her head to stare at the main deck where her morning labouring, swayed from the ratlines and shrouds of the ship. Nightgowns, gowns, a few of the crew linen shirts and Tommy's cute little breeches. Samantha wonder what the captain's expression would be if he saw, his vessel turned into a laundry room and giggled. Imaging the Duke would take action and threw her overboard, made her increase the scrubbing of her clothes. Smity had told her that the Captain would not be seen anywhere near above until the cleanings were finished, giving her the opportunity to wash, let her clothes dry, pick them up and returned to the cabin.

Easier said than done. She grimaced, straightening her back with her wet palms pressed at each side of her waist, this was a weary task. She now realize why the aristocrats employ so many servants. It was fine when she was living alone and with Halley but now, with the extra load and not forgetting the sun that awake with a vengeance. It was ridiculously hot! Footsteps cause her to quickly turn in that direction, a blush graze her face when she push her skirt down covering her legs and feet as Remmy came to meet her with a bucket of water in hand. She stared at him with admiration in her eyes. Volunteering, to fetch her clean water to rinse, show the kindness of his heart even though his expression was without emotions and he never said a word. Only left the bucket and leave before she could blink and express her gratitude.

Samantha watched him closely this time, lowering the bucket. His long dark curtain of hair brushed against his broad shoulders, she was mesmerized by the way they teased at his neck and the sharp bone structure of his cheeks. He was a handsome man. "Thank you" She whispered, smiling as he stare down at her, She didn't have to squint her eyes for he block the sun with his tall, lean body. She wish he would stand there until she was finished. The shade would be much appreciated.

Not expecting an answer, she return back to her clothes. Dipping a hand in the bucket, she sigh when she felt at least three more to wash. A brow lifted, when he didn't move and her head jerked upwards. "I-I want to apologized for my actions" His raspy voice swept over her like a tidal wave. Rough yet soothing. She almost lost her mind, for a moment she tried to recall what he had just said. Then a thoughtful frowned appeared at her brows. Apologized for what?

"I-I-don't understand."

Ignoring her bewilderment, Remmy dropped on his haunches and took the small breeches from her. "Allow me to help you Miss Wavery."

Startled to the point of speechless, Samantha only nodded and let him tugged the cloth from her fingers. A man has never shown interest in ladies chores before. It was so unorthodox and...sweet. Samantha kept staring at his face, wondering if the man was real. "I have not been very social and conversational since you came aboard." He finally looked up at her, his eyes were dark like the night and mysterious too. Even-though his stare made her nervous it didn't cause her heart to race and set her body aflame like the blue ones, she longed to see. Samantha shook her head, discarding such thoughts and passing it off as a non-offence gesture at his confession.

"There is no need to be, our paths merely didn't cross at that time and if it makes you feel any better I haven't met the entire crew as yet, either"

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें