Part 11 -Chapter Two

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The whistling quietness of the little Study was for the first time suffocating. Samantha had enjoy many nights in the confinement, that served as a glorious atmosphere to assess her notes, read more medicine books and continue her researches. Well, mostly revise the medicine books in the upstairs library for she was forced to read all the theory before attempting the practical. It was very consuming, but Samantha had had time, every night she would stick her nose in a book until the sun awaken; Sometimes in her chamber or this very Study. It was an excellent pass time and often Juliette would complain about her lack of sleep and how terrible it was for the unborn child. Samantha had wanted to tell her that tossing and turning in bed with distress wasn't either but she refrain from agonizing the old woman further. After Adelynn was born, she had given up reading and took resident in the rocking chair that was build by Monsieur Lois and placed in her bedchamber, there she had sat every night looking at her little miracle until she fuss and needed her cuddles.

Samantha won't trade those nights for anything, not even sleep. But it was at the expense of the old lady's worries, who was always vocal about Samantha's beauty and it's tendency to fade from lack of sleep and that she'll start to wrinkle. Juliette was ever efficient, always thinking of the future and what obstacles, one might encounter. It was why she had given Samantha the house as security; her nephew didn't need it and Juliette wasn't particularly fond of her nephew either. But one thing she didn't thought of was Samantha's lack of a husband, without a husband women were easily manipulated and taken advantage of. Samantha's eyes shimmered in the flickering candle light, that had captivate her gaze for the past few minutes. It stood beside the second copy of the Will and other documents, that confirmed that everything was signed by Albert Connor, the only solicitor on the island. He had the power as Philippe said to take everything from her; one word from him and she'll be homeless and no one would dare challenge a man of the law on a woman's behalf. Her eyes close momentarily at the realization that Philippe was right.

She had some money saved in her possession; enough to grant her a few months stay at an Inn; possibly a year. Linking her fingers, Samantha placed them under her chin and leaned forward on the desk. She would not leave without a fight, Philippe Connor would regret the day, he met her. She was no longer going to cry herself to a possible headache and let some pompous vulture intimidate her. Straightening in her chair, she reached for the quill and parchment paper and started to write anything of value in house.

He wanted the bloody house. He shall have it.

A smirk lit her face and by the time, she made her leisurely pace of the house, quilt in hand, she saw that dawn was slowly breaking. She headed back to her Study and placed the last parchment paper to join the others. Taking the once long candle off the desk, she headed up the stairs to her daughter's chamber. The door creaked open and she stood with a worried sigh, watching her daughter sleep peacefully. Something she envied everyone for doing so easily. Adelynn was her entire life and she would not marry a man who detest her only daughter and whom she hated just as much. Adelynn had never spoke with such venom before and it had startled Samantha that evening. She would not give that man the satisfaction of claiming her daughter as his own nor live under the same roof.

Slowly entering the room, she sat on the bed. "Adelynn? Wake up, my love." Smoothing curls from the child's face, she stirred and open her eyes.

"Mama? Another baby?" Adelynn asked, groggily.

Samantha smiled. "No. Have you forgot about your little adventure with Monsieur Lois?"

Adelynn sat upright immediately. "Oh, mama! No the ships! I remembered!" She climbed off the bed and rushed to the window. "Mama, I'm I late? You'll help me get dressed? What if he leaves me behind?"

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora