Chapter Sixty Seven

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Smity realized his mistake, when he called for Samantha, twice and she didn't answer.


Julian and him, took off searching for Samantha, his heart in his throat. He couldn't lose another! Couldn't lose her.

Why had he left her alone!

He cursed himself several times as he moved swiftly through trees, shouting her name.

"Smity! Do you hear that!"

Smity whirled around too looked at Julian, eyebrows raised, questionably.

"Listen! It's water!" Julian exclaimed.

Smity listen attentively, the lad was right! He took off in the direction of the sound. Samantha couldn't swim and if she was thinking of taking her life, she would follow the same path. He pray he wasn't too late, tears rolled down his cheeks as he think about all she had been through and some part of him, understand why she would want to give up. But he wasn't about to give up on her. He would never, for she have so much more to offer this world, even if she doesn't see it. Reaching the lake, Smity drop to his knees and intake a deep, shuddering breath. His eyes blurred as he stared at the stranger that had Samantha's small frame afloat in the water.

He was too late?

"No!" Julian cried behind him, alerting the stranger who began to move towards them, with her body. Smity buried his hands in his face and began to sob.

"We should get her back to the village." The stranger urged, his footsteps stopping in front of him.

At this, Smity's head lifted to stare up at the dark hair man, he was broad in the shoulders and had a stern expression on his face. To Smity his build and bearded face made him resembled a caveman. Did this man even lived in a house? With only breeches as his source of clothing and not even boots on his feet, solidify his assumptions but he seems to have forgotten that this was the forest he was in without any rules or propriety. The stranger lifted one dark eyebrow at Smity then turned to Julian, who was staring at Samantha's limp body in his arms.

"You know her don't you?"

Julian nodded. "Is she dead?"

"I think she wants to be but she's still alive." At that Smity, exhaled a shuttering breath and pinched the bridge of his nose with trembling finger. "She was such at lost to this world that she didn't notice I was on the other side of the Lake."

"Thank you." He whispered, sighing at Samantha's body. "We came here looking for Elsa. Do you know her?" Hope shimmer in his eyes as he waited for an answer.

The stranger nodded. "Follow me."


They had stepped into another world.

Smity's breath caught as he took in the numerous huts and tree houses that made up the small village of Salvatore. A village he found out was named, after the ship that brought the people who was looking at him with a mixture of all the emotions; anger, curiosity, worry, suspicious and so many more expression present in the world. Gerlad, the big fellow who still held Samantha in his arms, like a rag doll, told him that they were a small group of different ethnicities who was seeking a better life and found this island. He was a child, when they first settled here before the the British came and claim their land. It wasn't as bad as it is, for the King, scarcely had used the island, it's only when he had given it as a gift to one of his commanding officer things changed for the worst.

Even with the knowledge that Smity was British, he still agreed to help and take them to his village. Smity had a feeling it's not because of his mention of Elsa but the lady in his arms. Gerlad, seems to be quite smitten with Samantha or just protective, given that he did save her life. "She looks like an angel, doesn't she?" Gerlad mumbled, with a sad smile.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now