Part 11-Chapter Five

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"I do not snore!" Brigitte gaped at her, clearly offended by Samantha's jesting. She slammed the mug on the wooden table drowning Samantha's laughter. "Tell her Alex!"

Beside Samantha, Brigitte's husband lifted his book higher to cover a smile. "My wife says she doesn't snore, which I find to be totally absurd, since she's usually asleep when it happens. " He yelped when a rag was slapped across his arm. "What the devil was that for?"

Brigitte glared at him. "You could have at least act defensive."

"Why ever would I do that?" Samantha watched as he placed the book on the table, giving his wife, his full attention. "It's not a life or death situation for me to lie."

"You took an oath on our wedding day. To honor, love and lie for me."

"Was I at the same wedding dear?" His chestnut colored eyebrows lifted. "I don't recall such a thing being said."

Brigitte made an frustrated noise with the click of her tongue and rose to her feet to check on the bread she had in the oven. "I also don't recall the words feed thy husband, so I guess you are not eating."

Samantha grinned at the startled look on Alex's face. "Oh now you are just playing dirty." He turned to Samantha. "You see the trouble, you got me into."

Samantha smile sheepishly, as she stood. "I believe I have overstayed my welcome." She inhale deeply, dreading the idea of returning. What if Philippe was there waiting for her? The thought cause her to pause. It's hard to believe that it's been mere hours since the incident. After saving the baby's and mother lives, with the repercussion that Aubrey won't be able to conceive again, which was for the best. Monsieur Rosebery had send them each a bath to wash up; expensive clothes were given with a generous amount of pay. The pay she took with Brigitte's persuasion but the clothes were to extravagant for her past misfortunes. Thus, she give them all to Brigitte who had took them with a hint of dubious glee. But Samantha had needed to change and the cook had a few modest looking gown, with long sleeves and a high neckline, she had selected the green coloured gown and although it was rather large on her frame. She felt comfortable.

"Don't leave!" Her friend shouted, hurrying towards her. "Today's my birthday celebration and I need you here and Alex and I have some questions to ask." She looked at her husband and his once playful nature changed to one of seriousness.

"Adelynn's still sleeping," Slowly Samantha slipped back into her chair as he continued to speak. "I should inform you that she woke, asking for you. Asking if the bad man had got you? At first I thought she was dreaming but Jack came home and told me about your broken door."

"He also told me about it on our way to Mrs Rosebery's home." Brigitte said.

"I went there to see the damage myself, I most inform you that your cakes are all burnt." Samanantha nodded, she had expected that. "Naturally, I send someone to repair it the door this morning." Alex straighten in his chair. "Who was it?"

"Thank you." Samantha said, keeping her eyes on her nervously entwined fingers on the table. "I didn't want to tell you anything." She looked at each of them with blurry eyes, Brigitte had took back her previous seat and reach out to touch her hands, steadying them.

"It's Philippe, isn't it?"

Samantha nodded. "He was angry that I refuse him once again and... well the selling of furniture."

"I'm taking this to the authorities." Alex said, sternly. "No!" He lifted a hand in the air silencing her. "He had gone to far and I will not stand by and watch him take advantage of you."

Samantha wasn't to keen on making enemies, having friends is more wise, friends help each other and enemies seek revenge. Making Philippe angrier, doesn't seem right. He'll want to seek revenge. "Can we not settle this without the authorities? I did promise to be out of the house in a few days."

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