Chapter Twenty Eight

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Jake panicked watching her body disappeared beneath the water, she had given up thrashing and fighting to stay alive. His heart thud against his chest and the thought of losing her send a sharp pain jolting through it. He draw in a deep breath and went under, the moonlight crept from the dark skies and glow around the submerged body, the white of her chemise danced around her like the wind. The reflection of her hair shimmering like gold under a fierce sun emphasize her cream coloured skin. She was so beautiful. The small bubbles that left her nostril told him, she hadn't much time. He didn't have much time also. His attempt to swim faster only seems to draw her further. Goddammit! He cannot lose her to the sea.

He pressed on, moving his body like the waves above, it was no use trying to fasten his pace, he had to let the sea to guild him to her. He almost sighed with relief when he captured one of her hand. He came to the same level as her body, wrapping one arm around her waist he used the other to pull them upwards. Before he could reach the surface, the intake some of the water through his nostrils and mouth, coughing he look over at his ship, everything was spinning around him and seems hazy.

Christ, he can't faint now. With that thought, he moved towards his ship with Samantha's shoulder held gently in the crook of his arm. Both bodies looked like ghosts floating atop the water. Smity threw the rope at his captain as soon as he grasped it the rest of the crew help pull them towards the ship faster. Samantha was laid flat on the deck, her chemise clinched to her body like a second skin leaving nothing to the men's imagination. Smity step forward and threw his coat, he extracted from below over her as Jake use his palms to press down on her chest. Everyone stood still; hovering over them, looking down at the lady in terrified, sadden expression.

"Come on" Smity watched as Jake kept repeating the words, between coughs and pressing his mouth to hers. The Captain was not alright. He could tell by the dark purple of his lips and slight tremble of his muscles. "Come on Samantha wake up!"

Oliver who was standing watching the scene, crunched on his knees and pressed two fingers to her neck. "I think she's gone" Jake's glare was enough to make any man shake in their boots. Oliver swallowed and scrambled to his feet. Some the men took their hats off and pressed it to their chest, while Julian's sobs became audible. Jake remained silent as he continued at his task, with frustration, he began pounding his fist at her chest. What was he going to tell his friend Joshua? Halley? His eyes clouded with tears, failure had never been an option in his life. He hated it. He could not arrive with a dead body.

"Wake up!"

Jake give one last beating to her chest, resting his forehead on her stomach, he brought one hand up to touch his chest. That was heaving rapidly, he felt suffocated and began gasping for breath. He thought he had imaged the slight tremble of her stomach and tiny cough over the crew's gasped and didn't lifted his head until Julian screamed that she's alive. He lifted his head to see blue eyes staring at the murky skies before drifting towards him they soon disappeared under her eyelids once more.

"Take care.....her. Oliver." He managed to voice before he collapsed. His cheek pressing against the softness of her stomach.


Jake came to awareness, at the hushed voices around him. He blinked several times, bringing his vision into focus as he stared at the ceiling of his cabin. His head was miraculously not hurting and he felt pleasant, no part of him ache. "Samantha?" He sighed and pivot his head to meet the occupants in his cabin. "Has the storm passed?" He struggled in a sitting position, just as slender arms wrapped around him.

"Captain! I knew you wouldn't leave us!" Julian released his hold on him and sat beside him on the bed, a grin on his face. Ruffling the lad's hair affectionately Jake turned to his first mate, who was looking at him amiably.

"I'm not going to hug you" A soft chuckle escaped Jake's lips and he shook his head. "But I'm going to thank you and would forever be in your debt." He saw the determination in those dark orbs and nodded. "Samantha's alive because of you, Jake." He sighed and looked away. "If I had only locked the door--"

"Smity, it's not your fault, don't beat yourself up too much." Jake said, with a sigh. Julian stood, allowing the captain to swing his feet over the edge of the bed. He looked outside and notice the sun was shining. It wasn't nightfall, the sea wasn't in an unrest and the ship was sailing smoothly.

At the creased at his brow, Smity spoke. "The storm is no more and you have only been asleep for a day. We managed the minor repairs needed from the storm and no men lives were lost" Jake smiled, pleased with his men and the outcome. He inquired of Samantha once more and Smity took a seat.

"She's alive but still unconscious, Oliver's with her at the moment."

He nodded and stood to his feet. Walking wearily to his shirt that laid over the winged armchair. "Christ, I'm hungry" He mumbled, throwing the shirt over his shoulders. "Is this how you take care of persons who are ill? Starving them."

Smity rolled his eyes, heavenward and Julian chuckled before disappearing to get some food for the captain. "You aren't sick Jake and I'm still awaiting my gratitude."

Jake give Smity a funny look. "Why would I thank you? You weren't the one that went into that dangerous sea."

"You don't remember what happened do you?" At Jake's confused expression he continued. "You almost suffocated."

"Nonsense!" He grumbled, moving towards his deck, he reached for the bottle of whiskey and poured a glass. "I was tired and fainted. It happens." He took a sip of his drink and sighed.

"Jake, some water had gotten into your lungs, it was slowly choking you to death, If--" He broke off into a smile when Jake's lips hovered over the rim of the glass. Blue eyes stared at him in uttered shock.

"Please don't tell me you--"

Smity bit his lips from bursting out loud with laughter at the horrific expression on his face. To rattle him even more, he stood to his feet and struggled his shoulders. "I was only one of them--Well I'll see you around--"

"One of them! Christ, how many of you did it need to revive me!"

Smity grinned. "Just two. One for each lung" The glass smashed into tiny pieces as it was flown across the cabin. Smity managed to reach the door on wobbling legs as his body shook with laughter, ignoring Jake's demand to know who the other person was. Serves him right for not saying thank you.

"You have such soft lips by the way," He said between short intakes of breath.

"Dam, you!" And Jake charged after him.


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Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now