Part 11 ~ Chapter Twenty ~ Nine

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It was with a heavy heart, Samantha sat, listening to Alma hum tuneless, braiding her hair into one fat plat. Her husband had been distant, not physically, for he still welcomed her in his arms at nights, except he didn't make love to her, he only held her until sleep took its course, sometimes he only come to bed, late at night, spending as much time in the study as possible. Something was occupying his mind, and she wished she knew what it was. Snow and his horse had been found that evening, when she had met him on the stairs and inquire about the unmarked horse tracts and how the horses could have gotten loose, he had waved her concerns away.

What possibly could be wrong?

"I'm finish lady Clairwood; would that be all for the night?"

"Yes. Thank you, Alma." She smiled, as Alma curtsey and left the bedchamber. She sat there, inhaling a deep breath, staring at herself in the mirror before rising and fishing her trunk from under the bed, layers of clothing were removed until she found what she was looking for, holding up the thin white fabric, her smile brighten, fortunate that she had kept them and grateful to the seamstress for making them. She quickly discarded her nightgown and slipped into the clothing, she entered his bedchamber through the adjoining door, frowning, she picked up a candle and went in search of her husband.


Someone was trying to scare him, but who? And why? Jake had kept wondering for the past days, his journey back to England was without hinderance, until recently; first it was the carriage incident, he had thought nothing of it, for it looked as it was; an accident, might still be just that but something wasn't right. The footman had claimed that he felt like one of the wheels were wobbling and now the mysterious vanishing of the horses, without a trace. He had tied them himself, and his horse, would never wonder off without him. And the track marks, there were naught, someone had made sure of that. But why play these games? He twirled the glass on the desk, with his hand, it was empty and no matter how much he wanted to refill it he couldn't, Samantha would not appreciate the liquor on his breath, at this time in the night.

A soft knock sounded at the door, before it was push opened. "Jake? Are you in here?"

His body grew hot, just hearing her whispered his name like that. She stepped further in the poorly lit room, a candle in hand, making her body glow in the darkness, she was very difficult to ignore, but he wasn't focus on how the light enhance her golden hair, or the way her eyes shone, when they finally met his, what rendered him speechless and captivate his thoughts was the dress—no that was no dress—it was more of a --- it was temptation. The fabric was made of white silk and lace shaped flowers, it was more lace than silk and was held at her shoulders by white silk ribbons.

"Jake, why are you here in the dark?" She moved towards him, and he felt all his breath left his body, leaving a lifeless shell. "Jake?"

"What are you wearing?" He barely uttered, in a trance.

"I-It's something from my trousseau, I thought you would like it—I"

His head snapped up to look at her, and something in his eyes made her not finished that sentence. He stood, took the candle from her hands, placing it at the far end of the desk, he then lifted her by the waist and place her on the desk, pushing his empty glass away. Her eyebrows lifted and lips parted, no doubt that she was going to ask a question, he place a finger at her lips silencing her and began dragging it sensually across them, she shuddered, and her eyes slid closed. He couldn't resist claiming her lips, if only for a second, but it went on longer than expected and went he pulled away, she exhaled slowly, as if she had forgotten to breath when kissing him.

It made him hot.

And he took off his linen shirt.

And threw it on the floor.

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ