Chapter Thirty Seven

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Samantha folded her arms, glaring at Tommy, who refused to listen to her pleading, beside her Smity chuckled and shook his head, his dark curls brushing at his forehead, this irritated her even more. Julian was the only one on her side at the moment. Several times, he had taken the boy from climbing the steel cage they were trapped in like birds. It would have been encouraging if there was a possibility of climbing oneself out but the enclosed top prevented it, not that they would have been able to get very far if they could have. The rocking beneath her made sure of that. It was a reality, they were in the middle of nowhere surrounded by water. Her lack of swimming abilities sealed her fate even more. She had nowhere of escaping, she more stand a chance on land just like how Halley and her had escaped before but here it was either drown or wait for death. She sighed, her eyes close momentarily wondering how did she found herself in this same position and why?

Why was this happening to her, one moment she was feeling happy as if things were starting to make sense. She had slept in the arms of a man, actually fell asleep only for that feeling to be ripped apart from her in less than hours. She knew she shouldn't have gotten so excited. It seems to be a curse of hers too. Was this to be her downfall? Trapped and murdered by strangers? At first, she would have welcomed it but as she opened her eyes and stare at the little boy that was grinning at Julian as he attempt to climb again. She knew she couldn't leave. He needed her. She had planned to take care of him as her own and she would, through thick and thin.

Samantha surged to her feet when he fell on his back. A whimper escaped him as she took him in her arms and went to sit where she had always sat since they were placed in this cage. It give a direct view of the entrance which was board steps that rise upwards disappearing out of view as if it leads to nowhere.

"I warned you," She said, pinching his cheek lightly. He smiled and blinked away the tears that lingered.

"Sammy, when is the captain going to come to fetch us?" The question for the past weeks had been asked, multiple times, in different phrases.

She smiled at him tenderly. "He'll come for us when the time is right"

"You always said that!" The boy exclaimed, a tiny creased at his forehead. "Is he dead Sammy?"

Samantha's heart did a tiny leap at that question. Of Jake and the rest of the crew, she knew nothing and restless nights of not sleeping had made her draw the conclusion that those vile soldiers would not kill him. The King wanted him back in London alive, to face trial and hopefully, Jake would be proved innocent. That give her comfort but what about them? They weren't guilty of any crime yet they were being held like prisoners. On a different ship. The other ship that had taken Jake was bigger than this one, so space could not have been the problem.

"He's not dead Tommy, don't think such things!" She said sternly.

"I'm famished" Julian groaned from across the cage. "Did they forget about us?"

It's been a day since they had eaten, each day a tray of food was brought to them. One plate with fruits the other with bread and a cup of water. They had to split it between all four of them, sometimes they took turns eating and Tommy had eaten the last rations all by himself days ago. It wasn't all cruel, it could be a lot worst, Samantha thought, combing her fingers idly through Tommy's hair. To Samantha's amazement, none of the soldiers had attempted to touch her. Some lewd Glances were thrown here and there but it was harmless compared to--

Footsteps echoed on the steps, Samantha looked up to see the black tall tassel boots before slowly the body of a soldier came into view. A tray in hand. "Food for the prisoners" His face was hard as a nail, eyes sharp as a knife and Samantha didn't like how they lingered a bit longer on her. She had never seen this soldier before. Where were the regular two?

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu