Part 11 ~ Chapter Thirty ~ One

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The wind was strong this evening, as it swept at the ladies, clothes and unpinned hair, the group that gathered on the green wide expanse lawn with a few clustered trees, sat in comfortable silence, without conversing. Samantha kept twirling the ends of her hair, in deep thoughts. The gold, she had saw, that night, the mysterious person who was after her husband, it was all too much. Yes, to much gold as well, which she didn't care about, she'll trade every piece of it, if it meant eradicating enemies from trying to hurt the man she loves. Hurt them. She grimaced, bringing her palm to rest against her nose momentarily, Alana was eating oranges beside her, it was giving her a headache, citrus usually does that, she looked over at the lady, who popped what looked like the last of it in her mouth, thank God, she had not stopped eating since they arrived at their picnic stop. Alana caught her staring and smiled, which she returned, before reaching for a slice of blue berry pie.

She turned to the others, to see if they had noticed the food disappearing. Halley and Jennifer were watching the children, playing between the trees, Victoria was occupied, kissing her sleeping baby's cheeks, Samantha's heart warmth at the thought of having her own baby soon. Her eyes searched for her husband, finding him leaning against a tree trunk with the other gentlemen in deep conversation, she'll take a guess on what they were discussing, it's as if he senses her watching and their gaze met, causing her to blush and look away.

"Well, I can definitely say that it's not a loveless marriage anymore." She turned to find Victoria smiling at her.

Halley snickered. "Indeed, couldn't keep their eyes off each other and hands too." Samantha's eyes widened, as Halley give her a knowing smile. They had arrived early this morning, at Samantha's protest after going a few more days without seeing her daughter; She'd known of the gathering Halley had proposed and eagerly agreed. Adelynn, along with the children were out in the garden with their governess, learning about plants and flowers, when Jake after being deprived this morning had sneak her away.

"I should have known, nothing gets pass you," Samantha mumbled.

"Indeed, it doesn't, just like I know Alana's here is with child and has been eating all my food."

At this, Alana, started coughing to the point she throws up.

"Could you not have waited until she finished swallowing the last slice of pie?" Jennifer sighed.

Samantha forehead creased, she had suspected something was at mist as a midwife, she ought to know these things, her shoulders slumped, she had been distracted lately.

"Alana! Are you unwell!" Smity's voice travelled towards them, followed by footsteps. He was by her side immediately. "I told you not to eat that much, you'll have to stop-"

"And starve your child?" Halley exclaimed.

Smity's looked at Halley like she had gone mad then at Alana. "You're with child?"

"I-I don't know. I don't think I am, heavens the food is so delicious here and--" Alana stuttered. "Samantha would you be able to find out?"

"Of course, I will." She smiled.

Smity insisted on taking her back to the house, to rest. Samantha watched as they go, with a lingering smile, wondering what it would be like having Jake every stepped during her time with child, it would be different, of course and she'll enjoyed every moment of it with her husband.

"My boys are missing," Halley's voice struck fear in each of the ladies, and they stood too their feet, Victoria hugs her baby tightly to her chest and started calling her other children. "James! Where are your brothers?" The child who was sitting alone digging at the ground, looked up and shrugged his shoulders.

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