Chapter Thirteen

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Lady Candace Millinton eyes twinkled with mirth, watching as the golden strands, that felt like cotton caress between her slender fingers before retrieving in their settled position with every tugged and pulled that worried them. It reminded her of a doll she once had as a child, with haunting blue eyes and a fragile body that lasted only a fortnight. A slight lined formed between her forehead. Her mouth twisted with displeasure as she recalled the incident that involved her naughty little brother who was now a vicar in Wales. He was such a naughty brother, tugging on her hair before running off, his tongue would always stuck out at her and she would stomped her feet and ran in the direction of her father's study. Crying. Pondering on the past events were unfruitful, not when she had her future to think about, Sebastain was a changed man, living an chrisitian life. With a fond smile, she returned her full attention to that of her lover.

With one hand folded behind his head and the other lost under the covers that she found comfort laying beneath. Candace knew his mind was not with her or in this room that they shared last night. She had known this man for quite a while now to know that it was not the activities of last night that got him so distance but something else. Was it more money he needed? She bit her lips, not because she was wondering if that was indeed the reason but the fact that it was an horrible habit, unconsciously done ever since she was a child. He knew she had enough money and would not be hesitant to please him.

A smirk grace her plump pink lips. Maybe what she had to tell him would enlighten his mood.

"Leonard darling," She grinned, turning to lay on her stomach, she rested her chin in the palms of her hands, supporting herself on her elbows and stared at his beautiful face. "I have excellent news!"

Leo was dragged out of reverie, that sentence was enough to make his stomach clenched. He watched Lady Millinton eyes twinkled with excitement. Too much excitement, That both frighten and arouse suspicion. Christ, he hope she wasn't with child. Then all this constant worrying, anytime he was far from the cottage and Gabrielle's protection, that someone would try to attack him would be all for naught, for he would gladly let this murderer Kill him if she was with child. Heck, he would even put an announcement in the papers for this person to find him.

While Gabrielle was accustomed to these type of dangerous situations. Leo was not. She lived for these sort of things, the killing, the capturing and hunting. It was what brought them together in the first place, unknown to him two years ago a bounty was placed on his head by one of his lover's husband. He had earned his positioned in the Duke of Cambridge's household as a footman, to steal the jewels and anything valuable. His intention was never to lie with his wife or kept it occurring for weeks. He was weak when it came to the duchess's advances. How could he not? The woman was gorgeous until she became obsessed.

He had to flee. It was then he met Gabrielle or better yet, she found him. He didn't know what compelled her to allow him to explained himself before she knock him senseless and send him back to the Duke. He had gotten only one chance and he used it wisely by telling her the truth of what he does and why. He still remembered the smirk that played across her lips and the way she took her hat off, shook her hair loose and said; 'I could use a man like you.'

The corners of his mouth twitched as he remembered the heartfelt memory. It's true what he does for a living was sort of dangerous but the pleasures was worth it. It's not like he witness a dam murder and was being targeted. To make matters worse, it seems like he was the only one concern for his life, for Gabrielle had created this illusion in the chit and gentleman's head, that they would not be harmed. His jaws clenched so tightly, his head was starting to hurt. The three of them was living merrily in the small cottage as if the world was heaven, without chaos and killers lurking. At this moment they were probably sipping tea and thinking of what flowers to pick outside to fill the few present blue vases. He snorted at that thought. Unbelievable! While he was losing his mind!

Whispers of the Sea (The Compulsion Bride Series) Book II (Unedited)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن