Chapter 60: The Unkillable Monster of A Lie

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After I finished the interview with Satyr, I got my stuff gathered so we could go back to my place.

“hey Satyr can you carry those roses for me?” I asked while grabbing my bag

“ummm do I have to?” he asked

“yes…please…it’ll be like you gave them to me when Andy sees us”

“ok! Good idea!” he said as he quickly grabbed the roses and then started making our way out of the office. We went to the parking lot and went to my car,

“how’d you get here?” I asked

“I had a taxi bring me here” he answered with a laugh

“good” I said also laughing along as we both got inside my car. I started the car and “Dragula” by Rob Zombie began playing and then I started driving back to my place.

“ok so how are we gonna pull this off?” I asked him

“weeeeeeell just do what I told you earlier, we were high school sweethearts that once dated, but then I had to move back to Norway which caused us to break up and now that I’m back you wanna get back together with me cuz I told you I still liked you” he answered.

“ok then so how do I break up with Andy?”

“uh who's Andy?”

“Satyr I already told you!”

“oh right! The victim! Uh well…talk to him privately and tell him whats going on?”

“Satyr you’re a fucking genius” I said with a laugh

“psh I know!” he said proudly as we both laughed. In minutes we finally arrived back at my place and we quickly got out of the car with Satyr still holding the roses.

“ok here, remember pretend I gave these to you and I just got here” Satyr said giving me the roses as I nodded. We both walked up to the door and I unlocked it and let ourselves in.

“hey! October you’re back!” Tarryn said coming up to us from the kitchen

“yeah I’m back” I said with a nervous laugh

“hey Andy! shes back!” she yelled looking behind her

“so who's this?” Tarryn asked looking at Satyr

“oh this is--” I started but Satyr interrupted

“I’m Satyr, the lead singer for Satyricon. Nice to meet you” he said shaking her hand

“oh yeah Satyricon, I’m Tarryn” she replied shaking his hand back while I tried holding back my laughter, and then I noticed Andy coming in which made me stop trying not to laugh. I really hope this plan works.

“hey baby!” Andy said happily as he walked up to me and hugged me.

“oh hey Andy” I said looking at Satyr as I hugged Andy back and then Andy quickly kissed me. Satyr finally got the idea and cleared his throat as I quickly pulled away from Andy.

“Hi” Satyr said waving at Andy

“hi?” Andy replied looking at Satyr confused, and then he looked back at me with a smile,

“so how was your day at work? And where’d you get those roses?” he asked

“oh um” I started

“I gave those to her” Satyr answered

“um…wait…I’m confused…who are you?” Andy asked looking at Satyr

Love Is A Fire, and It Burns Down All That It Sees {Joey Jordison Romance}Where stories live. Discover now