Chapter 19: Chaos and Chicken At The Grand Caymen Island

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We were all at a restaurant eating breakfast and talking about random shit.
“soooo, dad, whats the important news?” I asked.
“what news?”
“c’mon dad I know theres something important ya wanna tell us—so spit it out!”
“fuck I swear sometimes its like you’re inside my brain and it creeps me the fuck out”
“good!—now tell us!”
“fine!!—ok well…I have a new girlfriend now”
“oh my goth! Its Dita isn’t it?!!” John yelled as my dad nodded and I was just speechless with my eyes wide.
“hun are you ok?” he asked.
“yea yea—I’m happy for you! But whose Dita?” I said hugging him but not showing any emotion.
“oh babe I was going to tell you about her, but I’m sorry I didn’t!—I met her during the Mobscene video shoot and we just really liked each other—plus shes dying to meet you!” he said with a sweet smile hoping that I wouldn’t get mad. I smiled,
“well as long as you’re happy—then I’m happy!” I said giving him a kiss on his cheek.
“thanks babe”
“you’re welcome!” I said with a smirk.
“well todays our first show!” Acey said excitedly.
“yaay!” Wednesday squealed making us laugh.
“oh yea and today we visit the first island!” Elizabeth said.
“right! We need lots of pictures and we still have to write the outline for the article!” I said.
“journalists” Piggy said laughing, causing Elizabeth and I to flip him off.
“you two do know that the fucking ship already stopped and we’re already at the island right?” Ben said.
“holy fucking shit are you serious?!” Elizabeth screamed.
“yea we’re in…the Grand Caymen island” John said.
“motherfucker why weren’t we told about this shit?!” I asked while everyone else started laughing except for Elizabeth and I. Then I noticed that Joey was staring at me and gave me a look that said that he wanted to leave.
“well I’m done I’m just gonna go have a look around the island” I said getting up.
“er—yea I’ll go with you!” Joey said getting up and following me.
“oh I’ll catch up with you two in a bit then I’ll go get the camera and shit” Elizabeth said.
“AND no fucking!—right Manson?!” Twiggy said.
“eh” was all my dad said.
“Brian are you serious?!”
“what happened to the overprotective father?”
“Twiggy! Shut it already!”
“fuck!” he yelled, and with that we left laughing. Hmm I wonder whats gotten into my dad, Twiggy actually does have a point, usually he’d say something when I would leave with guys especially when I was with Eric…weird—maybe its his new girlfriend, who knows, I thought to myself. Then soon we were finally walking down the bridge thingy and were in beautiful island.

“wow” was all I said. Then we started walking around in silence.
“hey October?” Joey started.
“yeah?” I said looking at him.
“are you really over Eric?”
“yea, why?”
“just wondering….so you really have no feelings for him anymore?”
“haha no Joey trust me” I said looking at him and giggling,
“is there something you wanna tell me?” I said as we stopped by tree and I leaned on it.
“weeell” was all he said as he got closer and then started to kiss me. I felt his tongue play with mine as we both lost ourselves in the kiss, but then suddenly my damn cell phone rang so we both pulled away.
“fuck—I’m sorry” I said taking my phone out.
“its ok” was all he said while chuckling and I answered my phone,
“whoa dude did I call at the wrong moment?” came Elizabeth’s voice.
“um yea!—so whats up?”
“well I’m on my way over there but where the fuck are you?!”
“um well we’re…by a tree and…we’re in front of the ocean and….Theres sand here as well if that helps and—”
“bitch, be more specific!”
“um ok well we’re not that far away from the ship so you can’t really miss us we’re the only ones closer to the ship”
“ok well that wasn’t specific enough but I’ll find a way”
“arighty then”
“oh yea and Wends and Acey are coming too”
“ok sounds cool”
“ok well I’ve got to go Wednesday is trying to take this guys chicken away”
“haha ok good luck with that—bye” I said hanging up.
“Elizabeth?” Joey asked.
“yup—shes bringing Wends and Acey”
“hmm” was all he said.
“excuse me but, aren’t you Marilyn Manson’s daughter?” a girl said walking up to us.
“yea the one and only”
“oh my goth! Its nice to meet you! I’ve read all of yours and Elizabeth’s articles on the Gothic Beauty magazines—really good stuff!”
“thank you um—”
“oh its Azrael!”
“oh ok—hi Azrael!” I said shaking her hand. She was 5’4” pale, her hair is black and to her waist, random dreadlocks throughout her hair, along with random streaks of red blue and purple, icy blue eyes, full lips, she's thin and toned, even though she can eat a lot, curvy in the right spots, she can certainly fill out her shirt, as well as those little shorts. She had a Slipknot tribal S tattoed on her right side (from the bottom of her ribcage to her hip bone), The Murderdolls logo on her left side (from the bottom of her ribcage to her hip bone), Heartagram (like Bam Margera’s) on her lower abdomen, "Azrael" in pretty gothic script across her lower back, a pentagram on the inner part of her right wrist, a cross (like the boondock saints cross) on the inner part of her left wrist, "Sinner" just under her naval, a white angel on her left shoulder blade, a black angel on her right shoulder blade, "Devil" in gothic font across her right knuckles, and "Angel" in pretty font across her left knuckles. She also had piercings on her tongue, snakebite lip piercing, left eyebrow twice, both ears twice, 8 gauge, naval (top and bottom) [say hello to IxTearxMyxHeartxOpen from Quizilla] then Joey did a little cough.
“oh yea—and you probably know this dude already” I said pulling Joey into a hug making him chuckle as he kissed my head.
“hell yea! Joey Jordison—the best drummer ever!—are you two together cuz I thought you were with Eric Griffin?”
“oh no me and Eric broke up—long story—as for Joey….we’re just friends”
“oh I see” she said nodding.
“hey October! Look! I won the chicken!” Wednesday yelled running towards me then I moved a bit and he bumped into the tree and fell down while the rest of us laughed our asses off.
“holy fuck!” he murmured then continued eating his chicken.
“oh yea he won the stupid chicken but the dude who had it already bit it” Acey said walking to us.
“yea but it was soooo hot the way he did it!” Elizabeth said helping Wednesday up.
“why thank you Lizzy wizzy!” he said kissing her on the cheek.
“fuck Wednesday that’s gross—that chicken is gross” Joey said disgusted. Then Wednesday slapped him and said,
“sir! I believe you are the gross one—not the chicken!”
“Wednesday!” he yelled.
“awww Joey its ok—don’t cry!!” I said kissing his cheek leaving a black lip mark.
“oh by the way guys!—this is Azrael—and Azrael you know the guys of course and that’s of course my partner in crime Elizabeth” I said.
“oh yea! Hi!” she said shaking their hands.
“I was just telling October how much I love your guy’s articles on the magazine!” she told Elizabeth.
“wow thank you” Elizabeth said.
“so where did you find this chick October—shes really hott” Acey said putting his arm around Azrael making her blush a bit.
“we found her” Joey said with a smirk.
“really—well now you lost her—c’mon Azrael lets go for a walk!” he said walking away with her.
“looks like Acey found himself a girl” I heard someone say from behind us, and turned to see that it was Eric with Amaranth.
“hey!” I said hugging both of them.
“so what are we gonna do?” Ben said appearing behind them.
“Ghoul!” I said jumping on him.
“nice to see you too!” he said kissing my head.
“lets go find some fucking chicken—I’m starving!” Wednesday said.
“dude we just ate breakfast and you ate some dude’s chicken” Joey said.
“Joey Joey Joey, dear sweet and naive Joey—when will you understand that chicken is my fucking life you dick!” he yelled hitting Joey on his head.
“oh! I know! We should just do what we do best!” Elizabeth said.
“which is?” Amaranth asked.
“CHAOS!” I yelled.
“FUCK YEA!” Wednesday and Joey yelled at the same time then the three of us ran around the island. We ran pass people into the little shopping center they had there and started messing things up and dropping any shit that they had out. Then eventually the security guards in the place got there and stopped us, but when they found out who we were they let us go with a warning.
“sooo now what?!” Wednesday said hyperly.
“weeeeell what time is it?” I asked.
“2:40—oh” Joey said.
“wheres everyone else?” Wends asked looking around.
“oh what?—oh aren’t we supposed to be on the ship by 3?” I asked.
“yup—lets go find the others” Joey said.
“ok but we must get chicken first” Wednesday said still looking around.
“fine” I said then we went to one of those stands where they sell souvenirs.
“hey dude where is thee chicken?!” Wends asked in a serious tone to the guy that worked there.
“huh?” was all the guy said.
“the chicken! the pollo! The poulet! The huhn! The kana! The kyckling! the kylling! Do you need me to tell you the word chicken in another language?!” he said impatiently while Joey and I just looked at him in awe.
“er—no sir—we have a KFC right over there by that hotel!” the guy answered nervously.
“thank you very much!” he said proudly and walked to where the KFC place was at while me and Joey followed.
“um Wends, since when did you speak different languages?” Joey asked.
“oh trust me, when you’re a chicken lover who travels the world, you have to know how to say chicken in different languages”
“so you only know how to say chicken then?” I asked.
“pretty much…but only in Spanish, French, German, Finnish, and Swedish and Norwegian—still trying to get the asian shit!” he said opening the door for us.
“figures” was all Joey said.
“well I never knew that—but chicken? you only know how to say chicken? c’mon” I said laughing as he started to order his bucket of chicken.
“THERE YOU FUCKING ARE!” John yelled from behind us with the rest of the guys behind him.
“lets go before the ship leaves us stranded here! Plus we have to get to sound check soon” he said again.
“in a fucking minute asshole! I must get my precious chicken!” Wednesday yelled getting stares from people. Then when he got it, we all left back to the ship.
“ok sound checks at five so we’ll meet each other at the stage” John said leaving to his room.
“now what?” I asked as we got into the lobby.
“well me and Amaranth are gonna go see a movie with Acey and Azrael if you guys wanna come” Eric said.
“nah a movie sounds boring right now” I said.
“I agree” Joey said.
“yup besides me and Mr. bucket of chicken here have a date with Elizabeth!” Wends said putting his arm around Elizabeth and the other arm had his chicken.
“we do?” she asked confused.
“yea! So lets go cuz its getting late!” he said dragging her away with him to lord knows where.
“well then we’ll see you guys later then!” Eric said leaving with the rest, then I turned to face Joey.
“I suppose you want me to find some entertainment for you right?” he asked me.
“ok—c’mon I have an idea!” he said grabbing my hand and leading me somewhere.

Love Is A Fire, and It Burns Down All That It Sees {Joey Jordison Romance}Where stories live. Discover now