Chapter 50: Your Sweet Six Six Six

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~Months Later~

Octobers POV:

I quickly walked inside the house first and slammed it shut then started stomping my way upstairs while my dad and Evan went inside the house.

“I’m sorry! I’ll be right back!” my dad said as casual as he could while I quickly walked to my room and slammed it shut then I locked it and lied on my bed, then I heard knocking on my door,

“October open the door!” I heard my dad say and I could tell he wasn’t happy.

“October!!” he yelled

“what?!” I yelled back

“open the motherfucking door right now!”

“why the fuck should I do that?! So you can fucking yell at me?!”

“you’re damn right I’m gonna fucking yell at you—now open the damn door!”

“no! maybe I should just leave this fucking house so you can be alone with fucking Evan!”

“well that’s what I thought you were gonna do when you married, Joey but I guess now that’s not gonna happen huh?!”

“fuck you!” I yelled and then I finally started crying.

“what?! That’s it open the door right now!” he growled and I didn’t say anything, instead I just cried and everything went silent. Then I heard him sigh,

“October…I’m sorry…can you please open the door sweetie?” he said behind the door and I didn’t say anything.

“please honey, I’m serious I promise I won’t yell at you just please open the door…I just wanna talk” he said so then I got up and unlocked the door then opened the door a crack.

“what?” I said before sniffling

“may I come in…please?” he asked softly, I sighed and let go of the door and sat back on the bed as he opened the rest of the door and closed it then he sat next to me.

“October I’m sorry for what I said I didn’t mean to bring Joey into the conversation” he said

“sure” was all I said

“I’m serious, but its just I didn’t like the way you acted in front of Evan”

“here we go”

“whats wrong with Evan? Don’t you like her?”



“um shes younger than you, I’m pretty sure shes younger than me and I just have a REALLY bad feeling about her”

“so what? Whats so bad about that? Do you like Dita more?”

“no she was a bitch to leave you, but I’m scared Evan might do the same”

“trust me she won’t, I know her very well and I am very sure shes too sweet to do that”

“mhmm sure…how long have you exactly known her anyways?”

“since the recording of my new album”

“what?! And you didn’t bother to tell me?!”

“well I was gonna tell you, but I couldn’t find the right moment!”


“I can’t help it! Look just please promise me you’ll be nice to her…shes really nice once you get to know her! Plus shes really helped me get over Dita”

Love Is A Fire, and It Burns Down All That It Sees {Joey Jordison Romance}Where stories live. Discover now