Forgiven, But Not Forgotten: Part Two

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"Who's that?" Elliot asked, as he looked down at the carrier that his true love was holding.

"This is your daughter, Elliot. I've been trying to contact you since the day I found out I was pregnant with her, but you never responded." She sighed, as she ran her hand through her hair real quick.

"What's her name?" Elliot asked, as he placed his hand to Olivia's back and helped to the bench. Olivia sat Ellie's carrier on the bench and smiled at Elliot.

"Eleanora Serena Stabler. But I call her Ellie." Olivia grinned, and Elliot's eyes lit up. He loved the name of his youngest daughter, and he knew that he already loved her. Like his heart knew his daughter was born, and he started to love her from the moment she took her first breath, just like Olivia did.

"That's adorable, Liv. Can I actually see her, or do you think we should go somewhere warmer? I don't want her to get sick or anything." Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"It might be a bit cold. Wanna go get coffee? Or tea for me." Olivia spoke, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Of course. Come on, my treat."


Elliot and Olivia sat together in a small cafe near the park, and Elliot met his daughter for the first time. He held her close and with such gentleness, it was like he thought he'd break out. He was a natural, and Olivia couldn't help but smile when she saw Elliot holding her daughter, their daughter.

"I've held many babies in my day, but I feel like Ellie is the smallest. And her hair is so curly. How old is she?" Elliot grinned, and Olivia let out a small sigh before speaking.

"She's a month old to the day. Uh, the day after the accident, I found out I was pregnant."

"So the first encounter, eh?" He questioned, and she blushed a bright red.

"Hey, I'm sorry baby." Elliot spoke, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"Where did you go, El?" She questioned, as she wrapped her arms around her chest.

"I went home."

"Home?" She questioned.

"I was living with my Mom. She's getting worse with her disorder, and having me there and taking care of her medicine and stuff. Then Eli spent the summer with me, and I got to watch Maureen get married."

"Elliot." Olivia whispered as tears welled in her eyes. She was so touched. He left, but he wasn't sleeping around. He was taking care of his mother. His kids. Himself. It lightened her heavy heart considerably.

"Hey, love. Please don't cry. I didn't cheat on you. I would never make a promise to you and break it."

"I forgave you for everything El. I don't hate you. I'm crying because I'm so happy. You are back and Ellie is going to have her Daddy in her life. And the fact you were helping your mother makes me feel so much better. Elliot, come home with me. Come home with Ellie and myself." Olivia spoke, and Elliot frowned.

"I want to be involved, I swear to God. I just need to keep the pattern with my Mom. Maybe you and Ellie can come out and stay. Move in and let us help."

"I love my apartment. I love the nursery that Fin and Nick helped me set up."

"Just try it out, Liv. I want to be involved with the lives of both of you."


Before Olivia could even realize what was happening, she was moving into Bernie's beach house. Elliot couldn't help but be extremely excited, and so was his mother.

"Hey, Ellie. Grandma just loves you." Bernie cooed as she held her youngest granddaughter. Elliot and Olivia didn't know, but Bernie knew they were in love before they did. Elliot would come home and talk about Olivia for hours, and then when he ran away, he cried for hours for her. He knew he couldn't go back, and Bernie knew he was dying because he was away from her.

"Her hair was blonde when she was born. I have no idea where she got that from." Olivia spoke, as she brought out the changing pad and the means for changing her daughter's diaper.

"She got that from me. Her Daddy also had blonde hair before it turned dark brown." Bernie spoke, as Elliot joined them in the living room so he could help changing the diaper.

"I like knowing what she came from. I like knowing that she also has a large family full of life, and people who love her so much." Olivia spoke, as Elliot stole Ellie from his mother and brought her down to the road.

Olivia smiled as she started to sing softly to her daughter, since Ellie hates getting her diaper changed, and Elliot took this moment to watch Olivia. She had become a little distant after she moved in, but everyday he saw her change a bit, whether for the better or the worse.


That night, Olivia climbed into the bed she shared with Elliot. She and Elliot agreed to sleep in the same bed so they could take turns with Ellie.

Elliot leaned over and placed a soft kiss to her lips, and after they parted, Olivia rolled onto her other side and took her glasses off.

"Hey, can we talk?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"For a few minutes, but soon I have to get to sleep. Ellie will be up in about an hour and a half to be nursed." She replied.

"Well, I was wondering if you really forgave me."

"Yes. I have." Olivia spoke, and Elliot frowned.

"Are you sure? I think that if you really forgave me, that you'd kiss me like you used to. Or you'd let me hold you."

"Elliot, I love you, does that mean anything?"

"It doesn't if you don't. Please just forgive me. I love you so much. I'm sorry for what I did. I just want to try and build a life with you. Like the one I promised over a year ago."

"So marriage? Kids? Love? Happiness?" She asked, and Elliot leaned in and wrapped his arms around her body and kissed her with all the passion he had in his body.

Her lips melted into his, and she knew that she really did forgive him, even if she had insisted from the day Ellie was born that they were fine. Now she knew they were fine and were ready to take another step forward, where their family can really be a family.

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