Eleven Months: Part Two

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Elliot was escorted back to the city by a few agents. He was told to not tell anyone about Olivia or Amelia. That he must remain quiet about what was happening until Olivia and their daughter could come back to him.

Elliot didn't know if he'd be able to keep quiet for long, especially since he wanted to tell everyone about the fact the love of his life was alive and that they had a baby together. He wanted to tell Cragen, Fin, Munch, and especially Casey. He wanted them all to know that their friend is alive. That she is doing amazing. That she finally is a mother.

But he had to keep his mouth shut. He had to protect the lives of his two girls.

A few days after Elliot finally saw Olivia, the tiles in the precinct had been replaced and everyone could finally go back to work.

"You don't look nearly as torn up as you have for almost a year." Munch spoke as he saw the younger detective move into the squadroom. Elliot nodded slowly.

"I think I have some hope now." Elliot admitted quietly.

"Did you meet a girl?" Fin teased, and Elliot smiled softly before nodding.

"I did... and she's everything I have always wanted." Elliot spoke. Not only was he so thankful that he had a chance of being with Olivia, but that he also got to be a dad. He had always wanted to be one, and now he was one.

"Who is she?" Munch asked, shocked. He never thought Elliot would move on after Olivia died. They hadn't known about what was going on behind closed doors, but they all knew that Elliot loved Olivia.

"Her name is Amelia. But that is all you guys will know for now."


For the next few months, Elliot was escorted out to Olivia's house in Elizabeth every weekend. He spent a few hours with Olivia and their daughter, before having to head home. But for two whole months, Elliot had to keep Olivia and Amelia a secret. He couldn't tell anyone, because his luck he'd accidentally tell someone that wanted them dead.

But one night, Elliot was just finishing getting ready for bed when he heard someone unlock his front door. Elliot quickly ran and grabbed his gun before slowly moving from his bedroom. He barely made it to the living room before seeing Olivia standing there with a carrier in one hand a diaper bag over her shoulder.

"Liv?" Elliot whispered, not wanting to risk waking up their child.

"I told you that it wouldn't be much longer." Olivia breathed as tears slipped down her cheeks. Elliot quickly put his gun down before making his way to Olivia. 

He tugged her into his arms and held onto her tightly as tears streamed down their cheeks.

"I can't believe that you two are here! With me!" Elliot sobbed.

"And we are never leaving. I promise. We will always be here with you." Olivia mumbled into Elliot's shoulder.

They parted after several long moments of clinging to each other.

"So can I tell people now? The crew? Casey?" Elliot asked eagerly.

"We can tell people now. An agent is going to talk to Cragen and warn him. So don't be shocked if we get someone showing up here tonight."

"I'm not going to answer the damn door, Olivia. I need some real time with you. With Amelia. So, let's get everything else out and get settled in for the night."


Cragen had been called into the precinct late the night that Olivia was finally allowed to be completely out of hiding. He was barely awake as he moved to his office. He opened the door before frowning when he saw George Huang sitting in his office.

"What are you doing here?" Cragen asked, his voice shaking a little bit. Huang only really came in when a case was super bad and they needed help or when something bad happened. Cragen was worried that something bad happened to yet another member of his squad.

"Don, I think you should sit." Huang spoke softly. Cragen moved and sat down at his desk before swallowing hard.

"Which one is dead this time?" He struggled to speak.

"No one has been allowed to say anything about this-"

"Stop tip toeing around it! Tell me what is wrong!" Cragen boomed.

"Olivia is alive."


"Olivia was taken into the witness protection program. About two months ago, Olivia got permission to get in contact with Elliot. That was the start of her coming out of the program, because Josef was killed in prison."

"We watched her die. This is just some sick joke-"

"Today Olivia was allowed to leave her house in Elizabeth and move in with Elliot. I don't know if Elliot has been different, but-"

"He talks about a girl name Amelia." Cragen mumbled.

"Amelia Hanna Stabler." Huang spoke.

"What?" Cragen asked. He was angry, confused, and beyond upset. All he could think about was how one day his detective was dead. That he lost the one detective he thought of as his daughter. And now she was alive.

"Not long after Olivia was 'killed', she was taken to a safe home in Elizabeth. She recovered there and found out that she and Elliot were going to be parents. She-"

"So not only are you telling me that Olivia is alive... but that she has a kid with Stabler, and that they were sleeping together? I'm not dumb! Stop trying to trick me into going crazy and leaving my..." Cragen ranted for several minutes as Huang dialed Olivia's number.

Only moments went by before she was on the phone.

"Listen for yourself, Don. I'll be waiting outside."


Cragen stared at the phone for a few minutes before turning on speaker phone.

"Captain? Don are you there?" Olivia asked, and Cragen swallowed hard as he wiped tears from his cheeks.

"Benson." Cragen breathed.

"Sir, I am so sorry that I didn't get to tell you what was happening. That I didn't come directly to you to tell you that I was alive and doing well. That I was finally happy."

"It was hard enough when we lost Alex. And now..."

"Captain, we are both alive. Alex and I were in contact with each other. We saw each other a few times. We were helping each other make it through this. Sir-"

"I don't know what to say, Benson. But you better know that I'm pissed off."

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