First Loves, Forever Loves

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Peter and Olivia sat together on the campus of Hudson University. Peter had his arm wrapped around Olivia's waist as the sun set and turned the sky fiery orange. They were sitting in silence because tomorrow was graduation. Peter was going to Stanford Law, and Olivia was joining the academy. They would be so far away, and this was going to be their last night as boyfriend and girlfriend before they broke up.

"Peter?" Olivia asked quietly, as she moved her hand down to his knee and gave it a squeeze.

"Yeah?" Peter replied.

"These four years have been amazing. I just wish they could last longer." She sighed softly. She turned her head and looked at the boy who made her crazy. Everything he did made her love him more, and even when he was an ass it didn't make her think that she was better off without him.

"I wish it could too... but we both agreed that the distance would be too much. But just know that I will always love you, Liv. No matter where I am or who I'm with." Peter breathed. He leaned over and pressed his lips to hers for a few moments before he turned and looked back at the sky.

"Peter, do you honestly think it'll be healthy to still love me when you are with someone else? I think that maybe-"

"It won't change, Liv. I don't think that I will be able to not love you." Peter replied. He didn't look over at his soon to be ex-girlfriend because all he wanted was to remember the times that they were so happy and together. Most importantly in the same state as each other.

"We should go back to our dorms. We need some sleep before graduation tomorrow." Olivia breathed.

"Let's just wait a bit longer. Until it's dark." Peter spoke. He pulled her closer and Olivia rested her head against his shoulder as tears welled in her eyes.

They didn't want this to end.


After graduation, Olivia and Peter met up in the parking lot to break up. They wanted to be together for the longest amount of time possible, but now it was time for them to go their separate ways.

"Is it okay if I keep the necklace?" Olivia breathed, as she held onto the locket that Peter gave her on their first anniversary.

"Of course you can keep the necklace! I gave it to you, babe." Peter replied. He looked at her for a long moment before stepping forward and drawing her close. Olivia rested her head against his chest as the sounds of other graduates leaving filled the air.

"I'm gonna miss you so much, Peter. But we need to try and get back into contact with each other at least once a year. I want to make sure you are doing good."

"I'm still angry at my Dad, so getting away will be something good," Peter replied. He rubbed Olivia's back as he thought about his Dad not supporting him at all. Then he thought about how Olivia always had his back and went to all of his debates and cheered him on when he was playing baseball.

"Okay, we need to end this, Peter," Olivia whispered, but she still held onto him. Peter kissed the top of her head before giving her a squeeze.

"Okay, Olivia I love you and I wish we could stay together. But we will always stay in contact."

"Once a year I'll message you or call you so we can talk. I hope you find someone that you love and can have a family with. And we both know I'll be alone." Olivia spoke before stepping back and running her hands through her hair. She laughed softly but Peter shook his head.

"Now, if we are both single and lonely by the time we are 30, we will get together and get married." Peter smiled.

"Okay, sounds like a deal. Now, I need to head to my apartment. I have a lot to move in tonight." Olivia breathed.

"See you around, love." Peter breathed. He leaned down and kissed Olivia several times before they turned and went their separate ways. Each of their hearts ached for the other, but they needed to do this.


8 Years Later

Peter was in Manhattan for a conference so he decided to hit up Olivia while he was there. He knew that she had gotten married at some point, and he had too. But he didn't know if she had gotten a divorce as he had.

"I'm here to see Olivia Benson? Detective Benson, I believe." Peter spoke, as he talked to the desk officer.

"She's in that interview room eating dinner. Go right in." The officer spoke, and Peter smiled and nodded. He walked over to the interview room and knocked lightly on the door. He saw as Olivia looked over her shoulder and saw him. Her eyes lit up and she quickly stood and walked over to the door. She opened it before hugging him tightly.

"Peter, I cannot believe that you are here. It's so amazing to see you." Olivia spoke, as she continued to hug him tightly.

"You still look how you did when we were in college. You are absolutely stunning." Peter spoke, and Olivia stepped back and smiled at him.

"It's been 8 years since we saw each other, and I was so happy when you asked if we could meet up. Thanks for meeting me here, by the way." Olivia spoke. She let Peter into the room, but he stopped only a few steps into the room when she saw a kid sitting at the table.

"Uh, who's this?" Peter asked, and Olivia looked at him and smiled before walking over to the girl. She ran her fingers over her red braids before smiling.

"Peter, this is my daughter Phoebe Grace." Olivia smiled before she leaned down and kissed the top of Phoebe's head.

"Hey there, Phoebe. I'm Peter, I'm one of your Mommy's friends." Peter smiled, as he walked over and reached his hand out to the girl.

"Mama says she loves you, Peter. Do you love her?"

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