How To Save A Life

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Olivia looked at her watch, as she sat in a dirty roadside diner. Late last night she got a call from someone with a very familiar voice. They asked to meet here, in the middle of Jersey, in the middle of the night. Olivia knew whoever it was, they needed help.

She has saved many lives in her day. She's been able to talk people off ledges, got them to drop their guns, rescued them from their abusive parents or their pimps. Now she had a chance to save another life, and whoever it was, wasn't leaving without getting them some help.

Olivia looked back at her watch, noticing that it was nearly half an hour past when she was supposed to meet with the mystery caller, so she started to get up. She stood slowly and got into her purse to leave a tip, but as she was putting the money on the table, a man came forward and stood in front of her. Their eyes met, and she felt tears grow in her eyes.

"Elliot." She breathed quietly, and he swallowed hard.

The man she knew for so long now looked like a stranger. His eyes were the only thing she'd be able to recognize him by. Now Elliot's face was covered in a dark brown beard, and his hair had grayed considerably. His eyes had dark circles under them, showing Olivia that this man still wasn't sleeping.

"Hey, Liv." He spoke, as he ran his bruised hand over the back of his neck.

"Why'd you call me?" She questioned, as she slowly sat back down.

"Because I need help. I've gotten into some bad things since I left. I need you to save me again, partner." He breathed.

"Elliot, what are you into?" She mused, as she pushed her coffee mug to him, and as usual he downed it within a few moments.

"Drugs. Some booze now and then." He spoke, as the waitress walked over.

"Can I get you guys anything?" She questioned, clearly annoyed.

"Can we get another coffee, and then give us something warm to eat. Two orders please." Olivia spoke quickly, as she kept her eyes glued to the man who left her behind years ago.

The waitress walked away and Olivia spoke.

"Elliot, why drugs? I didn't think that drinking was an issue with you anymore." She sighed.

"Liv, I killed a girl. I shot her in the precinct, and I couldn't do anything to stop myself. I got trigger happy."

"She shot up our squad room, Elliot. She wouldn't stop, and you did what you had to do to save more lives than we lost. I would've did it, if I hadn't been so shocked by  Sister Peg getting shot. Elliot, it isn't your fault."

"Jenna is dead because of me. Now I'm slowly killing myself because I didn't listen to what I knew. I should've talked her down! I should've tried to save her life like you save everyone's lives." He exclaimed.

"Elliot, I swear to god." She hissed, before running her hands through her hair as tears welled in her eyes once again.

He always had to blame himself! She didn't do what a cop was supposed to do so it was her fault if anything.

"This isn't your fault." He spoke, as he noticed the emotions that were washing off of her in waves. She has always wore her heart on her sleeve in these hard times.

"I let you leave, Elliot. I let you abandon your family, and get hooked on drugs. I caused this."

Olivia was in tears now, and Elliot didn't know what to do. He just stared at her.

"Here." The waitress spoke, as she sat two bowls of soup in front of them, and then a cup of coffee in front of Olivia. Olivia gave her a small nod, but the waitress being a bitch wasn't helping with the feelings Olivia was experiencing.

"What can I do?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot was surprised.


"I want to help you. Please. I can take you home with me. I can help you get sober and stay sober. I can get you back in contact with your family. I'm sure Eli is growing like a weed. He probably misses his Daddy to." Olivia spoke quickly, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Eli is the sweetest boy on the face of the Earth, but what if I corrupt him?"

"You won't. Just come with me. I'll get you back on track."


Elliot laid on her bathroom floor a week later. The withdraw was getting worse by the minute, but Olivia made a promise to Elliot before he started to go through his withdraw, that she'd sit by his side even if he was going to be vomiting.

So that's what she did. She sat next to him and kept cold wash cloths to his neck and forehead, and she made sure he didn't get considerably worse, or else she'd have to take him to the hospital.

She hadn't even been into work since she saw him, and every time one of her detectives called to check in, she'd  fake a cough and say she still didn't feel good, that she'd be in eventually.

"I feel like I'm dying! Give me something!" Elliot cried, as he sat up and reached for his best friend. Olivia reached her hand out and gently caressed his cheek as he cried. He was in so much pain that it was physically hurting Olivia, but she needed him to do this, he needed to do this if he wanted any life.

"Elliot, love, you need to listen to me, okay?" She spoke softly, and Elliot shook his head as he started to rock back and forth.

"No! I need something! Liv, please! I promise it'll be my last time!" He sobbed, but Olivia ignored that and moved closer to him. 

She cupped his cheeks in her hands and forced him to stare at her. She could see the fear in his bright blue eyes, but she could also see hope. He was hopeful, deep down, that this would work. That he could be apart of his kids' lives, especially since shortly after Olivia brought him to her place, she told him that he was a grandfather. He was hoping that he could meet his grandson and be in the right mind to be there for him.

"El, you are going to work through this. I need you to be brave. I need this to be my last time saving your life. I need you to just breath through the pain and think about Eli, or your grandson. Or all of your kids at the same time! Cloud the thoughts you have about only wanting a fix, and think about all the happiness you will have in no time."

Elliot moved closer to his best friend and laid his head in her lap. She caressed his hair and listened to him whimper against the pain.

She wasn't giving up. She'd never give up on Elliot ever again.

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