Disappointed: Part 2

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"Olivia?" Elliot asked again, and Olivia finally stopped in her tracks. Her husband looked at her with confusion in his green eyes.

"Livvie? What's wrong?" Trevor asked, and Olivia sighed softly before resting her cheek against her baby's hair.

"It's my ex. And he sounds drunk." She sighed. 

"Do you want to talk to him or call him a cab? I could take the girls down to the park and you could just meet us there." Trevor replied as he shifted their oldest daughter up a bit.

"Uh, yeah. Take Margot and I'll take Marley with me. Then I have an excuse to leave if she starts to cry." Olivia replied. Trevor nodded before sighing.

"He's like stumbling towards us. Be careful, Olivia. I love you." Trevor breathed softly. He leaned close and pressed his lips against her's before walking towards the park.

Olivia turned around as Elliot looked at her. His eyes went wide when he saw his ex's face for the first time in nearly 5 years. He had missed her eyes, her smile, her laugh. Now she was standing there in front of him, and he felt so jealous. He hated that whoever that guy was got to be the father to her children, and a partner to her for life.

"Elliot." Olivia sighed, as she swayed a bit in her spot to keep Marley calm. Even if she wanted an excuse to leave, she also didn't want her baby to wake up from her nap.

"I haven't seen you in so long. I thought you left New York for good. And you have a baby! Two!" Elliot exclaimed, his voice loud and his words slurring together a bit.

"Shh. My daughter is sleeping... Why are you drinking at noon? It's too early for you to be this wasted." Olivia sighed. Elliot swallowed hard before shrugging.

"I had a rough night. I needed something to help me calm down. So you got married?" Elliot asked as he moved a little closer to Olivia. Olivia took another step back as she kept her eyes focused on Elliot. She didn't want him to make a move and try to touch her or Marley.

"Yes, I got married. Turns out that you were the reason why we couldn't get pregnant. Not me." Olivia spoke, her voice sharp.

"Hey, don't get mean." Elliot slurred.

"I'm not the mean one. You are. So, I'm going to go now. You should probably go back inside and pay your tab before that bartender starts to freak out." Olivia spoke, before pointing behind Elliot. He turned around and saw the bartender with a baseball bat in hand.

"Oh shit." He mumbled, as Olivia quickly made her escape.


Olivia sat on her front porch as she watched Trevor and Margot look at a frog they had found. Olivia was holding Marley close and rocking back and forth slowly on the porch swing as she thought about Elliot. She was so confused about how he was more than willing to leave her, but for some reason she got happy and he didn't. She didn't know how she got so blessed when he seemed to have completely fucked himself over.

"Why don't you pick some flowers for Mama and I'm going to go talk to her real quick." Trevor smiled before he ruffled his daughter's hair. Margot went running off to a bunch of dandelions as her father climbed the stairs in one step before sinking down beside his wife.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked, as he scooped Marley up and held her to his chest. Marley snuggled into her father's embrace, as she let out a small yawn.

"Elliot. I'm thinking about that asshole." Olivia grumbled.

"Babe, there is no reason why you should waste your time thinking about him. He cheated on you, and you have to admit that you are so much happier now."

"I'm so happy, Trevor. I thought Elliot and I were meant to be, but clearly you and I are perfect together. We make beautiful babies and we love each other more than I had ever loved Elliot." Olivia replied. She leaned over and pecked Trevor's cheek before sighing when her phone rang. She stood and walked down the stairs and to the driveway as she saw Elliot's number on her screen.

She hesitantly accepted the call.

"What?" She questioned.

"I'm not drunk anymore, just a little buzzed. Can we sit down and talk? Please." Elliot spoke, and Olivia looked over and saw as Margot came towards her with a bunch of dandelions in her pudgy little hands. Olivia smiled as she saw her daughter's eyes light up when she saw her mother smile. Those green eyes brought her so much happiness, the same way that Trevor's green eyes did.

"Elliot, for five years of my life, you and I were unhappily married. You spent thousands of dollars a month on booze. You lied to me and kept me up all night worrying about you. There are so many other things you did to me, and I'm wondering if you got snipped so that we wouldn't have to have children together. But now, now I'm with an amazing man who loves me and cares about me. He never leaves me all night long without calling me. He sobbed like a baby when I found out I was pregnant and when Margot and Marley were born. He is so different from you, and that is why we are the perfect match." Olivia replied, as Margot showed the weeds off to her mother with a large smile on her lips and her nose scrunched up.

"So is that a no to talking?" Elliot huffed, and Olivia leaned down and kissed her daughter's hair.

"Of course it is a no, Elliot. You kept disappointing me over and over again, and I'm not going to be disappointed again by you. Goodbye, Elliot." Olivia spoke. She hung up on him before he could even respond.

"Mama, look!" Margot exclaimed, and Olivia smiled as she lifted her daughter up and covered her face in kisses.

"You are the best, Margot. Thanks for the flowers, baby."

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