Identical: Final Part

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Ava stared at her twin with confusion in her eyes. As Olivia watched her sister process what she had just learned, it was like watching what her own face must look like when she's confused.

"I'm gonna get going," Olivia spoke, before giving her sister a small wave as she walked around to get into the driver's seat.

"Olivia, she did what to you?" Ava asked, as she quickly walked down the marble steps of her house and quickly to where her sister was. Her heels clicked against the cement and drove Olivia nuts. She couldn't understand why her sister couldn't wear sneakers or something while at home.

"Ava, you heard me."

"No. I don't think I did hear you. So what did Serena do to you?" Ava spat. Olivia ran her fingers her through her hair before moving away from the driver's side door and moved to where her sister stood with her hands on her hips.

"Serena used to beat me for fun. She used to call me every bad name that you can possibly think of and even more than that. I went to school every day with bruises covering my body. No one did a thing about it. I had no confidence or self-esteem for the first 18 years of my life because she always tore me down. Elliot was and is my saving grace. My kids make me feel amazing and I feel like I'm actually doing something good by being their mother." Olivia spoke. Ava was still in disbelief that their mother had been abusive.

"Well, my-"

"Ava, people have rough lives. All of them. And even if you had more opportunities than I have, I'm sure you have had rough times too. But don't you dare make it seem that living in a huge house with loving parents was bad. Because it wasn't bad compared to the abuse that I had to deal with. That I couldn't run away from because no one wanted me."

"I don't even know you!" Ava exclaimed.

"What now?" Olivia grumbled as she heard Amy cry from the van. 

"How can I believe you?" Ava sniffled.

"You don't believe me?" Olivia breathed.

"No. I don't think that I do." Ava breathed, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Then actually forget about me. There is no reason why we need to be in each other's lives because there is nothing more we can say to each other. You are just another stranger on the street, but you have my face."


A lot had changed in the year after Olivia and Ava stopped talking. Both welcomed another child into the world, and both babies were surprises. But the babies didn't bring them together since the other didn't know, but it was the older boys that brought them back together. Timothy and Aaron both got into a science camp over the summer, and while picking up the boys they saw each other.

"Olivia?" Ava asked nervously, and Olivia turned around slowly and swallowed hard.

"Hey, Ava..." Olivia trailed off, as she kept her hand to the back of her newest daughter's head. Olivia's eyes dropped a bit and noticed a fancy version of her sling on her sister.

"What are you doing here?" Ava asked, and Olivia looked around and hoped that Timothy would run out and be ready to leave before the conversation progressed anymore.

"Timmy got into this program... so I'm here to pick him up."

"Aaron is here too. Nadia and I are here to pick him up." Ava smiled. Olivia gave her a weak smile as she looked down at her sleeping baby. She didn't say anything else to her sister, but Ava wanted to continue talking.

"Boy or Girl?" Ava asked.

"Uh, girl... Ella Mae." Olivia spoke. Ava nodded as she looked towards the doors to see if Aaron was coming out yet.

"We haven't talked in a year, Olivia... I honestly thought when you told me to forget you, that you didn't mean it." Ava sighed.

"You really thought I didn't mean that? Ava, you said you didn't believe me when I told you our mother beat me... how could I pursue a relationship with someone who didn't believe me?" Olivia asked weakly. She swayed a bit before going to move closer to the door and away from her sister, but Ava stopped her.

"I got into your CPS file."

"No... Ava." Olivia breathed as tears welled in her eyes. She moved quietly away from the other parents that were staring at the twins. It was as if they had never seen grown twins before.

"Olivia, I cannot believe all the shit she did to you. It hurts me."

"It hurts you? Ava, my husband hasn't even seen it before." Olivia whimpered.

"Olivia, I saw the pictures of your bruises... of that huge cut you had on your thigh..."

"Ava, please don't pity me."

"You are strong... your life has been way worse than mine and I'm sorry that I didn't believe you... please give me another shot. Our kids need to meet. They need to get to know each other and we need to be sisters. Like real sisters."

"We are real sisters... at least biologically," Olivia mumbled.

"Please, Olivia. Give me another shot." Ava begged as the doors opened and little boys and girls came running out to find their parents. Olivia took a shaky breath before nodding slowly.

"Okay." She whispered. She and her sister engaged in a weird hug, before hearing Aaron and Timothy yelling Mommy and Mama.

"Timmy, c' mere," Olivia called, but when he and Aaron both ran to their mothers, they stared at them with wide blue eyes.

"Uh, Mama?" Timothy asked, and Olivia laughed softly before reaching out and caressing his cheek.

"Baby, this is your Aunt Ava. And Aaron, he's your cousin." Olivia spoke. Aaron and Timothy high-fived suddenly and their mothers eyed them quietly.

"What was that about?" Ava asked quietly.

"My cousin is my best friend!" Aaron exclaimed.


Identical twins have an undeniable connection. And that was true with Olivia and Ava. Even if they didn't meet each other until both were grown and had kids of their own, but they were still very much connected. Ava and Olivia talked about everything that had happened, and Olivia gave Ava a look into what her life had been with Serena. 

"I'm so thankful that we are making this work." Olivia breathed, as she and her sister sat together in the back yard of Ava's summer home in South Carolina. Their families had traveled there together so the kids could bond more, and so Elliot and Dennis could talk and get to know each other better.

"I am too... I'm so thankful to have a sister... I had been so lonely as a kid because it was just me and my parents." Ava spoke.

"I love you, Ava." Olivia breathed, and Ava smiled at her sister. Olivia laughed and Ava huffed as her smile faded.

"You tell me you love me and then laugh at me. What is that all about?" 

"Well, Ava, you have the same nose wrinkles that I have. It's a Benson thing."

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