Their Eyes Met

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Olivia walked through Times Square with her five year old son, Noah by her side. They were spending a day together in the heart of their city, because Noah wanted to get a special gift for his baby sitter's birthday. The way her son's eyes lit up when he asked made Olivia say yes as soon as his words left his mouth.

"Momma, what about a dinosaur?" Noah asked, and Liv laughed as they stopped in the large group of people watching a street performer.

"Noah, sweet boy, do you want a dinosaur, or do you think Lucy would really like it?" She questioned, and Noah giggled as his mother squatted down to his level, and started to tickle him until he told her the truth.

"I want a dinosaur, Momma!" He squealed, and she chuckled.

"That's what I thought, love. Now, lets look for a book or maybe a really pretty shirt." She spoke, and her son nodded, even though getting a new dinosaur for himself was still on his mind.

They moved towards the front of the group, and both became mesmerized by the street performer who was playing a son on a bunch of 50 gallon buckets. Olivia let her eyes move to her son who was dancing in his spot, but when she looked back up, a pair of bright blue eyes met hers. She didn't know why she couldn't take her eyes way from his.

Then as the crowd cleared, and Noah pulled his mother towards a store, the man yelled.


Noah stopped when Olivia did, and he looked up at his mother.

"Momma, who said your name?" He questioned, and Olivia swallowed hard. She picked up her son, and he wrapped his legs around her waist as she took quick steps towards the store her son wanted to look through.

For a few minutes she thought she had lost the man who called her, but instead a hand was placed to her back, and she turned and saw the eyes of her former partner.

"Elliot." She breathed, and the man smiled.

"Hey, Liv." He spoke, as he shoved his hands in his pockets, and looked at the brunette. 

He could tell that even though she was shocked to see him, she was still glowing from being a mother to a boy she couldn't love more. He had watched her look at her son, and tickle him until he giggled earlier, but at that point, he didn't know that it was indeed Olivia Benson. Now that he knew, he could tell that being a mother was what she was always meant to be.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, and he shrugged.

"Eli needed new shoes and stuff for basketball, so I decided to take him shopping." He replied, and she nodded slowly, as she looked over at her son, who was staring at a large dinosaur toy that he had asked for for us upcoming birthday in a few months.

"When did you get back?" She asked, as she slowly removed her eyes from her son, back to her former partner and former best friend.

"I've been back for a few years. I ended up in Brazil for a few months just relaxing, but then I came back because I missed my kids and I missed you."

"But you never came to see me, El. So clearly you didn't miss me." She sighed, and Elliot frowned.

"Liv, I came to the precinct to see you, but one of your detectives said that you were at the hospital with your son. The first thing that came to mind was that you had a baby with Brian. It was scary to think you gave up on finding someone you truly love for him. But then I accessed the public records and saw that you adopted a boy you found." He spoke, and Olivia shook her head as she walked away from him. She walked to her son, and leaned down and kissed the top of his head.

"Noah, sweet boy, are you ready to go to another store?" Olivia questioned, and Elliot walked over next to her.

"Liv, let me take you and this little guy to lunch. Eli is next door at the shoe store, and once he is done, we can go." He spoke, and Olivia turned around quickly and stared him down.

"You left me. I want nothing to do with you." She whispered, but the anger came through. She picked up Noah once again before leaving.


After an unsuccessful day in the city trying to find a gift for Lucy, Liv left her son's room and went into the living room. She had moved from the city to give her son a more quiet place to grow up, and so she could send him to a school where violence wasn't as high.

She sat on her couch, but after a few moments, her doorbell rang, and she swore because she didn't want Noah to wake up. She quickly went to the front door and looked out the side window, and she saw a blue eyed pest.

"Elliot, I want nothing to do with you. I just put my kid down, and he doesn't need to wake up right now. He was exhausted."

Elliot stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her. He rubbed her back, and felt as the tension left, and sobs started. She was a mess within seconds, and he knew why.

She always bottled up her feelings. From the moment things started to go bad in her life, she had started to bottle up everything. Once he left, she let out some emotion, but not enough to help her at all, it just led to her being even more angry.

"When I met your eyes across Times Square, I knew it was you. I knew that you were still Olivia, but just with a few more scars and bruises." He breathed, and she buried her face in his neck, and he placed his cheek to her hair. 

"I was kidnapped, I was almost raped. Elliot, seeing your eyes from a distance still gave me the safety that they have always gave me. Please don't leave me again."

"Never again."

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