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Olivia and Elliot sat together in her hospital bed, their arms wrapped around their newborn baby girl. Elliot smiled at his girlfriend, before leaning over and kissing her deeply.

"You did amazing, Liv. I'm so proud of you." He spoke, and she smiled.

"Well, I kinda had to do what I did because otherwise, we wouldn't have our daughter." She grinned. She leaned back a bit as their daughter wrinkled up her nose a bit before letting out an uncomfortable cry. 

"I think it's time for Daddy to change you, huh? Don't you agree, lovey?" Olivia questioned, as she wrinkled her nose up too because of the smell that seemed to be coming from their daughter's diaper.

"If I hadn't witnessed what you did today, I don't think I'd go and change her without something in exchange." Elliot smiled. He took their daughter from Olivia's arms, before carrying her over to change her. 

As he worked on getting his daughter's diaper off and cleaned up, Olivia started to offer up names.

"Ella?" Olivia questioned, as she scrolled through the list of names on her phone.

"No," Elliot replied.

"Wow, okay. Uh, Calley?" Olivia replied.

"C-a-l-l-i-e or C-a-l-l-e-y?" Elliot asked.

"The second one," Olivia replied.

"No to both." Elliot sighed.

"Okay, so you give me shit for my names, but if she was going to be a boy, you wanted to name him Elliot!"

"Elliot is a good sturdy name, Olivia. Geez, want to name her after you?" He huffed, as he tossed the diaper into the wastebasket.

"No, because I'm not madly in love with my name like you are with yours. So, do you have any good options?" Olivia huffed back.

"No, but we still have time. She's two hours old, we have plenty of time before going home."


8 Months Earlier

"Okay, so you really think this is the perfect apartment for us?" Elliot asked as he sat looking at his laptop, while his girlfriend stood behind him, her arms wrapped around his shoulders.

"I love it, El. I think that it'll be the perfect place for just the two of us." Olivia smiled. 

"Good, so I'll-" Elliot started, but then a timer went off on Olivia's phone. She quickly walked away from him as he called her name, but she ignored him.

Olivia shut the door to the bathroom, and she picked the pregnancy test off of the counter and her eyes went wide. She had just taken a test to see if this was the reason why her period had been late and why she'd been a little different in regards to her emotions, and now she knew.

"Uh, babe?!" Olivia called.

"Yeah, Benson?" Elliot called back, from where he sat at the laptop and got ready to email the building manager so they could start renting the apartment.

"Can you come here please?" She questioned. Elliot sighed as he stood up from his laptop and walked into their bedroom and then into the bathroom.

"Okay, so what's up?" Elliot asked, as Olivia passed him the pregnancy test and he knew what was happening.

"So, we are going to be parents, huh?" He breathed, and Olivia nodded as tears welled in her eyes.

"Yeah, we are having a baby. Are you good with this?" She asked, and Elliot smiled and nodded before drawing her close.

"I'm so excited." He grinned, before leaning down and kissing her lips deeply.


Now that they knew about the baby, Elliot and Olivia started to look for apartments that had more space. They rented an apartment where there were two bedrooms and a courtyard with play equipment for their child to play on once it's older. Elliot and Olivia couldn't be more excited about becoming parents, and that showed through every day.

"I wonder if it'll be snowing soon," Olivia spoke, as she looked out of their bedroom window as she cradled her bump.

"Do you really want to be rushing to the hospital in a blizzard?" Elliot laughed, but his girlfriend sighed. She turned around and looked at him.

"Elliot, snow and winter are very important parts of my life." Olivia breathed.

"Oh really?" He asked.

"Yeah, really. I was born in February. We met in a blizzard. Our first kiss happened on New Years in Times Square. I'd like our baby to be born when it's snowing." Olivia smiled softly. Elliot propped himself up on the bed and grinned.

"I'll do a dance on the roof to get it to snow just for you and our baby." Elliot grinned.

"Good. Maybe wear something skimpy." She smirked. Elliot climbed off of the bed and grabbed Olivia by her waist and pulled her onto the bed. He covered her neck and chest with kisses as she laughed.

"Elliot!" She laughed, as he started to tickle her sides. She yelled it again, and he stopped.

"What?" He asked.

"My water just broke." She breathed, and he took a shaky breath.

"Oh god. Uh, you call your doctor and I'll get your bag packed."



"So, we have no good name options for our daughter," Elliot spoke, as he and his girlfriend laid on the bed again. Their daughter was laying on Elliot's chest while Olivia rested her head against his shoulder as they watched their small baby sleep.

"Yeah, we might just have to toss some into a hat and pick one at random." Olivia admitted. She looked up at Elliot and he leaned down and kissed her forehead softly.

"What if she gets named something weird?" He asked, and his girlfriend shook her head.

"It would be names that we have on our short list. Not some random name we just pick out of thin air." She replied. Elliot chuckled a bit before leaning down and kissing the top of his daughter's head.

Olivia closed her eyes for a moment, but when she let out a loud yawn and opened them again, her eyes lit up.

"Elliot, look." She smiled, as she pushed herself up.

"Where?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia pointed out the window.

"It's snowing. Baby, it happened." Olivia beamed. Elliot couldn't help but smile at how happy his girlfriend was about something that most people hate.

"I have an idea for her name." Elliot breathed.


"Yeah, what about Winter?" Elliot questioned.

"It's perfect," Olivia whispered, as tears welled in her eyes.

"Winter Mae Stabler?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia nodded as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

"God, I love this season."

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