The Crash

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"Female, about 42 years old, several broken bones. Partially unconscious and not responding to talking or motions." A young EMT, Cristina spoke as she ran next to all of the doctors as they rushed the latest victim of a severe crash into the hospital.

This time Cristina didn't know if the victim would make it, because she wasn't even responding like the others had.

"Olivia!" A man screamed, as they continued to push the gurney towards a large trauma room to work on her.

"Is that Olivia?" Cristina asked, as she stopped running and walked towards the man who sat in a bed, his arm in a cast and his face bruised and bloody.

"That woman. She's my partner. We were chasing after a perp, and I turned quickly to try and bypass a few cars, and then the accident just happened so suddenly. She was hit by the car. Oh my god, Liv." He started to panic, as everything that happened came back to life. She could see she lost him when his eyes glazed over and he sobbed loudly.

"Cris, we need your help!" Cristina's partner Dylan yelled. The young EMT went sprinting towards the room, as the doctors asked for help. They worked on cutting some of the tighter clothing from the woman, and as Cristina removed the jacket, a small golden necklace fell onto the floor. She quickly leaned down and picked it up, before reading it. She and Dylan were pushed from the room a moment later, and she ran to the man who was now surrounded by a few older men in dressy clothing.

"Is she okay?" The man asked, as Cristina approached the bed.

"They are taking her off to surgery. But I found this." She spoke, as she handed the necklace to the man in the bed.

"Can I keep this? It's her favorite necklace. She never takes it off. Uh, can you tell someone that I'm Elliot and I'm her family." He whispered.

"I-i'm just an EMT. I've gotta go out and get some more victims. I don't know if I have time to go talk to someone." She responded, and Elliot reached out and grabbed her arm, as the men around them stepped back.

"None of them know, but I'm in love with her. She probably already lost our baby, but I came back for her, and I can't lose her now. Please just tell someone. Please."


Cristina stood around and waited for a doctor she saw working on Olivia, to come out and ask for her family. She stood and shifted awkwardly, as Dylan approached her.

"Hey, are you alright? Did you get hurt when we pulled one of the victims out?" He asked, as he wrapped his arms around her body and held her close.

No one knew about them either. Cristina didn't want to be moved to a different unit because she is dating Dylan, and she knew that the reason she is here and waiting is because she is in the same boat as Olivia and Elliot. Forbidden lovers.

"I'm fine, Dylan. I'm just waiting."

"Waiting for what?" He asked, as he pushed some of her short brown hair behind her ear. 

"The last woman we brought in. She's a cop. Her boyfriend stopped me and we talked for a few minutes after I gave him her necklace. He is her only family, and he talked about how no one knows they are in love, or the fact that she was pregnant."

"That's why there was so much blood." Dylan whispered, as he walked her over to a seat to wait.

"Yeah. I've been thinking over everything. Hoping that I can find something that I remember to help her. But I'm so exhausted." She whispered, and Dylan frowned. He reached out and rubbed her back gently for a moment before frowning.

"I love you so much Cris. I'm glad that it wasn't use that got into an accident, because I can't lose you." He whispered.

"I don't want to lose you either. But I can't focus on this right now, because I need to help her." Cristina spoke, as she stood and grabbed Dylan's hand as they went to find out more information on the cop.


Olivia was brought out of surgery after 8 hours and losing most of her blood volume. Once she was ready to see visitors, Elliot walked in there as tears ran down his cheeks. She had paled considerably and her face was bruised and swollen. He quickly walked to her side, his limp very noticeably but he could care less about the pain he was in. He opened her hand and traced the lines of her palm for a few moments before placing the necklace into her hand. He brought her fingers down to her palm so her necklace wouldn't fall out. 

He leaned in and kissed her swollen lips softly before pushing her hair out of her face.

"They didn't do a good job cleaning the blood out of your hair." He sighed, as the door opened slowly. He turned around, hoping and praying that Cragen didn't see him kissing her because if he did they'd both be in trouble.

"I'm so sorry for what happened to her, and that your baby didn't make it." Cristina spoke slowly, as she walked towards the end of the bed.

"She was so excited that we were having a baby together. That she was going to be a mom for the first time, but she lost the baby." He frowned, as he ran his fingers over her arm gently.

"Is there anything I can do for you two?" Cristina asked, and Elliot was surprised by her questioned. He turned to look at the young girl, and smiled softly.

"Thanks for the offer, but I think we are good. For now. But I'd like to have your information. I want to contact you when she gets better. She might want to thank the girl who helped her." Elliot spoke, and Cristina nodded slowly.

"Uh, can I tell you something Mr. Stabler?" She asked, and he chuckled because the way she called him Mr. Stabler made him feel old.

"I guess." He replied.

"My partner, Dylan, is the love of my life. We can't talk about it, or even go public because we both love our jobs. But I know how you feel. And I hope she wakes up. I know that she probably will want to tell everyone about your love because an accident like this is scary. Eye opening." Cristina breathed.

They stood in silence until Cristina wrote down her information. She walked over and handed it to him before looking at Olivia.

 Cristina isn't that religious but she said a silent prayer that everything would work out for Olivia and Elliot, and for herself and Dylan.

Hey guys, sorry for this crappy update. Thanks for reading, and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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