The Man in the Red Sweater

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"I think that she is finally asleep." Elliot breathed, as he laid back beside his wife and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"She keeps having nightmares about some guy standing out on the fire escape. We have looked around, but no guy." Olivia sighed. She rolled over closer to her husband and rested her head against his chest as they tried to fall asleep. 

It wasn't long though before the sound of Audrey's screams filled the apartment. Elliot started to climb out of bed, but his wife fanned him down.

"I'm going to take care of her this time. I think some warm milk and a happy story will help." Olivia replied. She moved from the room and went into the kitchen first. She started to warm up some milk for her daughter when her daughter let out another scream before it was muffled quickly. Olivia turned from the stove and made quick strides to Audrey's room.

She swung open the door to her daughter's room and saw that the window was open, and a piece of cloth was blowing in the breeze. Olivia ran to the window and looked out, only to see as her daughter was pulled into a van and whisked off. 

"Elliot!" Olivia cried, as she sank to the ground and started to cry.

"Liv?" Elliot asked, as he quietly came into their child's room.

"There was a guy... he took our daughter."


Olivia and Elliot sat together in an interview room at the precinct. Sitting in front of them were several pictures of men that were caught on cameras around their building. Most of them were wearing red because that is the color of the fabric that had been found on a rough edge of Audrey's window.

"Do any of these men look familiar?" An FBI agent asked as he sat in front of them. The FBI had been called in on this case because this wasn't the first time a child had been taken by a man in a red sweater.

"N-no. None of them do. I think that it's stupid that you make us keep looking at pictures. Stupid pictures of blurry men. It's probably not any of these men that took our 7-year-old daughter. Clearly, he had been watching her sleep at night, and hid when we went to check on her." Olivia huffed.

"That could help!" The agent exclaimed before he stood and walked away. Olivia looked as he left the room, before turning and looking at her husband.

"She may never come back, El. Our last time seeing her was with annoyance on our faces because she kept us up all night." Olivia breathed.

"She knows that we love her, Liv. We just had a few rough nights." Elliot sighed. He stood and scrubbed his hand down his face as he paced the room. Olivia didn't look at him because she knew that she'd get dizzy watching him walk circles around the room.

"Elliot, what if she is with all of those other children? The ten other little boys and girls that have been ripped from their beds and away from their families. What if she and all of those other kids are dead?" Olivia breathed. 

"They aren't dead. Audrey isn't dead." Elliot replied. He stopped moving and looked over at his wife.

"We are stopping our attempts to have another kid, Elliot. I'm going back on birth control and you are wearing condoms. If we can't bring a baby home to join Audrey, then we aren't going to try and replace her." Olivia breathed. She moved from her chair and walked over to the door. She opened it before looking at her husband.

"We need to go home, El. Now."


Several Years Later

Olivia and Elliot walked quietly into their apartment after a long day at work. Their marriage had been tested over the last 13 years since their daughter had been taken, but they had finally accepted the fact that their daughter was long gone. Never to return.

"Want to go out to see my mother this weekend? I was thinking that we could help her fix up the house a bit more." Elliot spoke, as he and his wife headed towards their bedroom to change.

"I still can't believe that she is selling it. El, that is where we spent every summer with Audrey before she was taken." Olivia breathed.

"We could always buy it. Move out there. We could even keep my mother in the house she loves instead of moving her into that nursing home." Elliot replied. Olivia eyed him for a moment, before nodding.

"I'd like that. But until we can actually do that, I want to get changed and get something to eat. I'm exhausted." Olivia breathed.

They walked around their apartment in silence. Olivia was a lot quieter since their daughter's case went cold. And Elliot had mellowed out a bit. They didn't have such an intense relationship as they once did.

As Elliot was flipping the pancakes and his wife was getting the table for two set, someone asked to be buzzed up to their apartment. Olivia laid a plate on the table before quickly moving towards the door.

"Who is it?" Olivia asked, and after several long moments, a voice spoke. 

"Uh, are you Olivia Benson? And is there an Elliot Stabler up there too?" A girl's voice asked. Olivia sighed. This wasn't the first time someone tried to trick her and Elliot. They kept showing up and pretending to be their Audrey, but none were.

"If you are here try to pretend to be our daughter, be ready to get arrest-"

"Momma, it's really me... Audrey Louise Stabler. I was kidnapped by a man in a red sweater and he forced me and a boy named Clay to be together... I'm telling you the truth. Clay Wells was kidnapped the same year I was." The girl replied.

"Uh, okay then." Olivia breathed. She hit the button before moving towards the kitchen.

"Who was it?" Elliot asked, and Olivia brushed a tear from her cheek before swallowing hard.

"It's our daughter. Audrey is heading up here right now." Olivia replied.

"What do you mean? Liv-"

"No one knew her middle name. They were guessing. And she talked about Clay Wells. The boy that was taken a few months before her. El, this is our daughter." Olivia replied, before hearing a knock on their apartment door.

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