Kisses [Part Two]

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Olivia and Amanda didn't waste any time starting to plan their wedding. Olivia wasn't going to waste any expense because she wanted Amanda to have her dream wedding. All Olivia knew she needed was to stand up there next to the love of her life and officially be her wife. She didn't care where it was, as long as it happened. So she gave Amanda the reins and she just said yes or no to a few details. But the rest was all Amanda.

"I want the kids involved," Amanda spoke, as she and Olivia ate a late dinner. The kids were already asleep since Lucy had been watching them, and now they had some quiet time to discuss the wedding and finally eat together.

"How involved?" Olivia questioned, as she topped off Amanda's wine.

"I want Noah to walk be down the aisle. And I want the girls to be our flower girls. Billie will be walking by the time we get married." 

"Noah is going to be so excited. He absolutely loves you, Mandy." Olivia spoke.

"I love him too, Livvie. And I love you."

"I love you too." Olivia smiled. She looked at her fiancee before a moment before speaking.

"I'm 44," Olivia spoke.

"I know. And you are so fucking hot." Amanda smiled.

"Babe, I want to see if I can get pregnant... or at least if maybe they can retrieve some of my eggs so at least you could carry our baby," Olivia spoke. She looked down at her plate and was beyond embarrassed about what she had just said. She thought it was so stupid to want a baby at her age, but after finding Amanda she knew what she wanted. She wanted to feel what it was like, even if she missed all of her other chances.

"Why are you just now telling me this?" Amanda asked.

"Because I'm scared that you'd say no... because you already have two kids and I have Noah... that maybe three kids was all you wanted." Olivia sighed. She ran her fingers through her hair before standing and taking her plate into the kitchen.

"After we get married, we will figure out how we can have another baby. Because I know you are doing this big wedding for me, and I'll do anything for you."

"How'd you figure that out?" Olivia asked as she started to loud the dishwasher.

"Because I know what the love of my life is thinking."


"Thank you for walking me down the aisle, Noah." Amanda smiled as she danced with the little boy. Noah looked up at his new mother and smiled from ear to ear.

"Thanks for taking care of me and Momma. She loves you so much." Noah explained as Amanda spun him around.

"It's an honor to love her. And to love you. You are an amazing big brother, by the way." Amanda smiled.

"I try." Noah giggled. Amanda looked over at her wife and saw as she danced with Billie on her hip and she was holding Jesse's hand as she spun her around.

"Momma looks pretty in her uniform," Noah spoke, and Amanda nodded in agreement.

"She looks pretty in anything, though. Like her pajamas." Amanda laughed.

"Not the ones with the holes in them!" Noah giggled loudly. Olivia heard the sounds of her wife and son laughing, so she danced the girls over to them.

"What are you two laughing about?" Olivia questioned, as she shifted Billie to her other hip. The little girl rested her head against Olivia's shoulder.

"You and your pajamas with holes in them," Amanda replied. Olivia rolled her eyes before sitting Billie on her feet.

"Noah, can you take care of your sisters? I need to talk to your Mommy real quick." Olivia spoke. She grabbed her wife by her waist and they started to sway back and forth.

"You love those pants. You always say that they are easier to take off of me because they are so old." Olivia breathed, as she leaned close to her wife and whispered into her ear. Olivia placed a soft kiss to Amanda's neck right below her earlobe.

"They are. And I have something to tell you." Amanda spoke, as she held her wife close and smiled at her.

"What do you need to tell me?" Olivia questioned.

"I found a donor. He used to have a weird mustache, and he is so willing to have another niece or nephew." Amanda spoke.

"Dominick is willing to donate his sperm to us so I can have a baby?" Olivia questioned, and Amanda nodded.

"He said he's team Rolivia." Amanda smirked.


It took four rounds of fertility medications and implanting several embryos into Olivia, but eventually, she got pregnant. Amanda and Olivia were so excited to be bringing another baby into their family, and the kids were excited for another sibling. It wasn't uncommon for IVF leading to multiple fetuses, and Olivia's wasn't another case. She got pregnant with twins, and that didn't change a thing. It just made everyone more excited.

"Are you ready?" Amanda asked quietly, as she stood beside her wife and smoothed back her hair. Olivia looked at Amanda and gave her a hesitant nod.

"As ready as I will ever be. I'm going to be cut into... but at least this will get us our kids." Olivia replied.

"I'm sorry you have to get a c-section." Amanda sighed softly.

"Don't apologize. It isn't your fault that I'm old." Olivia laughed. She reached up and pulled Amanda down to her level before kissing her deeply. They did that for several long moments before pulling away when Olivia's nurse knocked on the door.

"Alright, love birds. I'm going to take you down to the OR, and Amanda you need to follow and get changed. Once Olivia is numbed, you can come in and wait for your son and daughter to be born." 

"How long should it take?" Olivia questioned, as the nurse put a cap on her head to keep her long brown locks out of the way.

"Dr. Josef can get them out in two minutes. Like a piece. So they will be in your arms in no time." She smiled.


Amanda sat beside her wife's head as they waited for their son and daughter to be born. Cameron James was going to be born first, and then Jenna Marie was going to be next. 

"We can do the whole five kids thing?" Olivia questioned, and Amanda nodded.

"Of course we can. We have done the three kids thing well." Amanda laughed softly.

"Cameron James is out!" Dr. Josef exclaimed, and Olivia felt a tear run down her cheek.

"Is he okay?" Olivia questioned as her son cried.

"He's perfect. Now on to Jenna. She is being a little difficult, but she'll be out in a few minutes." 

"Here he is." A nurse questioned as she passed Cameron to Amanda and Amanda held him close.

"He's so sweet. Look at him, Livvie." Amanda cooed. Olivia looked at Cameron as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"He's got such chubby cheeks." She grinned.

"So does Jenna! She's here!"

Within a matter for an hour, Amanda and Olivia were back in Olivia's room and were bonding with their kids. A kiss started this all, and it led to the best relationship either of them has had.

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