The Last Year

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Olivia woke up with a pounding in her head and an odd feeling in her stomach. She looks around the small hospital room and frowns because she has no idea how she got here. She runs her fingers through her hair when a knot got caught on something on her hand. She pulled her left hand from her hair and saw a small diamond ring on her ring finger. She shifts it from her hand before noticing that there was a tan line from where the ring had sat. She knew that something big had happened, but she just didn't know what.

"Whoa." A man's voice spoke, and Olivia looked over and saw her partner, Elliot Stabler, standing in the doorway of her hospital room with a smile on his lips.

"El? What happened?" Olivia asked, and Elliot swallowed hard.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Elliot, who am I engaged to? And like why does my head hurt so bad?" Olivia asked, and Elliot bit his lip before sinking down beside Olivia.

"You got hit in the head by a piece of wood when we were chasing after a perp... I'm your fiance Liv." Elliot replied, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"I don't remember getting hit... I remember when we went to the bar that one night and ended up going home drunk together." Olivia spoke, and Elliot bit his lip.

"That was a year ago... baby, you forgot all of last year? Everything?" Elliot asked, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"What else am I forgetting, Elliot? Tell me." She whispered.

"You are forgetting Ella."

"Who's Ella?" Olivia asked, and Elliot frowned.

"Our 3-month-old daughter. That night you remember was the night we made her... but you can't remember anything that came after... This is great." Elliot breathed. Olivia could tell he was overwhelmed, but she was too. She just found out that she had a very eventful year, but she doesn't remember any of it.

"I'm sorry," Olivia whispered.

"Don't be. I have to go find your doctor. Get some more sleep." Elliot spoke, and he went to kiss Olivia, but she turned her head and his lips brushed against her cheek instead of her lips.


Olivia had moved from her bed and walked over to the window. She looked out and onto the brown ground outside of her window. She could tell that it was fall now, but she was hoping and praying that she'd remember what she had forgotten. She didn't know why Elliot had left and hadn't come back yet, but she was hoping it wasn't because she had hurt him.

She continued to look out the window as she held her engagement ring in her hand. She kept flipping it between her fingers until the door opened.

"Detective, it's time to get back in bed." A nurse spoke, and Olivia shook her head.

"I don't know what happened last year. I guess I'm a mother and I have a fiance. I don't even remember what happened to make this happen... to make me forget everything that happened last year." Olivia breathed. The nurse came over and started to pull her back a bit until Olivia turned around and headed towards the bed.

"You were hit pretty hard on the head with a piece of wood. You have been out for about three days. This is just amnesia. It will get better." She spoke, but Olivia was unsure.

"What can I do to get back to where I was? To remember my baby and my fiance?" Olivia asked as the nurse covered up Olivia's legs.

"You just have to wait, Detective. It takes time for your brain to heal from such a bad injury. But in time you will remember. We all have hope that you will."


Elliot walked down the hall of the hospital and he held a small baby in his arms. He kept looking down at his little Ella Mae and was hoping that she'd wake up and give him a small smile. Her smiles always made both of her parents happy and calm, but he didn't know if she could bring that happiness and calmness to her mother who didn't even remember her.

"Olivia?" Elliot asked as he knocked lightly on the door with his free hand. Olivia looked up from her hands and swallowed hard when she saw Elliot.

"Hey... are you okay? I was worried you'd never come back." Olivia whispered.

"I'm never going to abandon you, Liv. I just wanted to see if someone special could jog your memory. Olivia, this is our baby, Ella Mae." Elliot spoke, as he walked deeper into the room. He could feel Ella squirm in his arms a bit and he looked down and saw his daughter smiling up at him.

"Ella Mae? I've always loved the name Ella." Olivia breathed, and Elliot smiled and nodded.

"I know. That's why we picked it. She's awake now and I think that maybe she can help you, baby..." Elliot trailed off. Olivia felt butterflies in her stomach when she heard Elliot call her baby. Elliot noticed her shake a bit but he didn't know if she was cringing or okay with the nickname.

Elliot walked over to Olivia laid Ella in her arms. Olivia felt that it was weird to be holding someone so small in her arms, but she felt her body adjust to the small and slightly squirming body.

Olivia looked at her daughter's face for several moments. She examined her and smiled when she noticed how beautiful she is. Olivia lifted her daughter up and pressed her lips gently to Ella's forehead.

"She smells so good... oh god that sounded weird." Olivia laughed softly.

"No, it's normal. Liv, I guess us three just need to work through the fact you don't remember a thing from this last year... but please just give me a chance to win you over again. To woo the pants off of you once more." Elliot spoke, and Olivia bit her lip before nodding.

"I'm sorry that this happened, Elliot. I guess I was trying to brave and just really fucked up what we had, huh?"

"You didn't fuck it up. It's okay, we can do this... now, wanna have some time with Ella? I can go make some calls and tell people you woke up." Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Please... and about that kiss earlier... I just didn't know how you could ever want to kiss me. But I guess you decided that it was nice to kiss me over this last year."

"Yeah, and I plan to never stop kissing you."

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