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Amanda stood between her father and little sister as she stood in church. The hymns were being sung, but all Amanda could think about was how freaking hot it was, and how the dress she was wearing was too long so she felt even worse.

Amanda felt her father's elbow go into her ribs, and she picked up where he was pointing. As the song finished, they all sat down and a prayer was said for a family that just lost two kids in a car accident.

As Amanda lifted her head after mumbling an 'amen', she felt someone kicking the pew right where she sat. Amanda turned and looked over her shoulder as she saw a boy smiling at her. Amanda gave him a nasty glare before turning back around.

"Momma saw that," Kim whispered, and Amanda reached down and pinched Kim's leg before leaning over and growling in her ear.

"Stop being a snitch. Shut up and listen."


After church, Amanda stumbled to the large oak tree in the churchyard and she sank down under it as she fanned herself with her mother's fan. Amanda closed her eyes as a light breeze blew her soft blonde curls. 

"Ya know, looks like that gets pretty girls like you in trouble." A deep male's voice spoke. Amanda opened her eyes and saw Tag Downs standing in front of her. She shook her head as he sank down onto the grass in front of her. He reached out and brushed the dust from his worn cowboy boots.

"Boys like you should dress nicer for church." Amanda finally mumbled out, as she looked and saw her parents talking to a few other members of the congregation, while Kim played with a few other little girls.

"We are going mudding tonight. Wanna join us?" Tag asked, and Amanda eyed him.

"Why all of a sudden do ya wanna hang out with me? You haven't been too interested in me since I turned you down last school year when you asked me out." Amanda replied.

"Mandy, give me one last shot! I promise that you will have fun. A lot of it." Tag smiled, before winking at the blonde. Amanda rolled her eyes before sighing.

"I'm grounded, Tag. Find someone else to fuck with." Amanda spoke. She went to push herself up, but Tag's large work-worn hand was placed against her knee.

"Please, Mandy. There will be other girls to hang out with. I just need a mudding buddy." Tag spoke, as his dark blue eyes bore into hers. Amanda sighed before nodding.

"When?" She asked, as she finally stood up as his hand slipped from her knee.

"Tonight at ten. I'll pick you up." He spoke.

"Nope. I'll sneak out and meet you at the end of my driveway. My curfew is at nine since I got in trouble. You know where I live." Amanda spoke. She kicked his leg that was covered with dark blue jeans.

"I'll be waiting." Tag smiled.


At 9:53, Beth Anne came in to check on her daughter. Amanda had laid down in bed, her eyes closed but she was still awake. She was fully dressed under the blankets, but her mother didn't check that. She just walked over and kissed Amanda's temple before going over and shutting the lamp off on the white desk.

The door closed tightly once Beth Anne left, and Amanda climbed out of bed quickly before going and grabbing her boots from under her desk. She walked over and narrowed her eyes as she looked at what she had picked for a late, yet still extremely humid and hot, night of mudding. She reached down and tugged on the torn ends of her jean shorts before turning and walking over to the window. She opened the window before sitting down and just listening for a few minutes.

She heard her father outside as he put out his last cigarette of the night, and once he was inside and climbing the stairs to head to bed, that is when Amanda made her escape. She barely shut her window before walking across the roof and to where she had left the ladder after she climbed up to get Kim's frisbee for her.

As Amanda was slipping her boots on so she could walk down the dirt driveway and to where Tag was picking her up, she heard the front door open and her father comment something to her mother about putting the ladder away so it wouldn't fall in the middle of the night and possibly break something or scare one of the girls.

Amanda swore under her breath as she ran and hid in the shadow of her father's truck. She waited for a while, and once her father and mother were conversing while smoking again, Amanda made her way into the trees and went running down to the end of her driveway.

Tag had the door open to his muddy truck, and Amanda climbed in.

"Nice for you to join me, Mandy." Tag teased.

"Shut up and drive, Tag. Before my parents realize I'm not in bed anymore."


Amanda was sore and she walked home with her torn tank top barely covering her chest, and her shorts had been torn completely in the middle so that they were now a skirt. But Amanda wasn't going to wear them ever again. She stumbled along with only one boot on because the other had been lost in the mud when she got away from Tag.

The sun was rising and Amanda's father was sitting on the front porch lighting up another cigarette. He looked up and he felt so much anger towards his daughter when he saw her walking up the driveway.

"Who the hell do you think you are, leaving our home when you are grounded?!" He yelled, and Amanda swallowed hard.


"No. Get your ass into the house, and be prepared to never leave again!" He yelled. He was so angry, that all he saw was her at a distance. Not her disheveled appearance or the bruises on her skin and the dried blood on her thighs.

"Daddy, I'm never leaving the house again." Amanda whimpered, before sinking down on the stairs at the front of the house. Her father refused to look at her, and it wasn't until Beth Anne made her way from the house, that he finally saw what his daughter looked like.

"What happened?" Beth Anne asked, as she quickly knelt down in front of her daughter. Amanda's father looked at his wife and daughter with wide eyes.

"Momma, Tag Downs raped me." Amanda whimpered, before quickly leaning forward and clinging to her mother.

"Billy, go call the Sheriff. Tell him who hurt our baby!" Beth Anne exclaimed, and Billy shook his head before walking towards his truck.

"Everyone in Loganville will watch me beat that boy's ass!"

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