The Cheater

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I leaned into my husband, as he kissed me softly. He ran his hands over my back, as he deepened it. Being newly weds seems to make the kissing better, and everything else. Just having the ability to write Stabler as my last name made me smile every time.

"I bet that once we get to Hawaii, we won't even step foot on the beach." Elliot growled into my neck, and I smiled.

"I doubt we will either, but the only reason we are really going is for a place away from the city, where no one can interrupt us." I replied, and he leaned in and kissed me again, but this time it was interrupted by a knock on the front door.

"I get your point, Liv!" Elliot exclaimed, as I walked away from him, and towards the front door of our small cottage outside of the city. Elliot got it for me as our wedding gift, and I just adore it. Well minus the traffic, that sucks.

I tied my robe tighter around my body before I opened the door. When I did swing the door open, I was staring at someone with a baby in her arms.

"Is this Elliot Stabler's place?" She questioned, as her voice shook.

"Uh, yeah. May I ask who you are?" I mused.

"I'm his baby's mother." She snapped, and I looked at her with wide eyes.

I've been with Elliot for over a year, since we made back up. This was news to me, and it was heartbreaking.

"L-let me go get him." I spoke, as I struggled to get those words out. I turned around, and headed away from the door, and into the kitchen.

"I was thinking we could go have some fun in the bedroom." Elliot smiled, and as he turned around to look at me, he saw the expression on my face, and his smile faded.

"Liv, what's wrong? Did someone die?" He asked, and I walked towards him slowly, before pointing back behind me.

"Some woman is out there."

"Who?" He replied, as he gently rubbed my arm.

"I don't know, but it looks like you are a father." I whispered, before turning and walking out of the kitchen, and into my bedroom.

I heard Elliot walk towards the front door and start talking to who ever this woman was, while I got dressed. 

I was hoping that this was all just a mistake, but I knew deep down that it wasn't. Elliot hadn't been faithful to me at some point, and it might've been during this year when we hadn't broken up. 


I walked out of the bedroom after calming myself. Elliot was sitting on the couch with his head hung. His shoulders shook slightly with each sob, and I didn't want to comfort him, but he's my husband, my soulmate, my best friend. And when he needed me, I'd be there for him even if I didn't want to be.

I walked towards him and sat down next to him, before pulling him to my side. He turned his body so he could hold onto me, and it wasn't long before my shirt was soaked with his tears.

"Elliot, we need to talk about this." I breathed, as I gently rubbed his back, because this was a way to keep my hands occupied, since I wanted to strangle him for cheating on me.

"I'm sorry, Liv." He whispered.

"When did you cheat?" I mused slowly.

"When you were undercover with Star. I got so angry with you. You didn't tell me where you were going, and I thought you were cheating on me with someone, but instead you were just doing your job, and I was the cheater." He sighed, and he looked up at me with hopeful eyes, but only anger and pain filled eyes looked back.

"So, what are we going to do? Huh? Are you gonna want to be involved in the baby's life? Her's? Is she even of age, El?" I asked, and he sighed.

"I don't know! All I want is you, but now there is a baby involved!" He exclaimed, and I stood up, and walked towards the door. I opened it slowly, and then turned to look at him.

"Go out and be with her. I bet that she wants to use you anyway. It seems like you deserve to be used, since you used me for awhile."

"Olivia, I didn't use you!" He exclaimed.

"What do you call lying to me for what, 11 months? That baby must be about a month old!" I yelled.

"I didn't even know about that baby until that slut showed up!" He yelled back, and I shook my head.

"Fuck off. Don't call her names just because you're pissed off. I bet this is a new record though."

"What?!" He yelled.

"We have been married for 24 hours, Elliot. I either want you to come clean about everything, or I'm going to get our marriage annulled right now."

"There is-" He started, but I walked over and started to hit his chest with my fists, as tears poured down my cheeks.

"You're my only family! You hurt me, you fucking bastard! I hate you so much for using me! I want you out. I want you to leave me alone because I can't be married to a fucking cheater!" I yelled, and I broke down completely.

I sank to the floor as I sobbed, and my husband sat down and pulled me into his chest.

"I only cheated once. I promise. I haven't been with anyone since you came back. I want you, only you. Please, Olivia. Please trust me, because right now, I'm dying because you are in pain." He whispered, as he kissed my hair.

"I'm in pain too, El. You cheated on me. I want to start a family with you, but how can I, because there might be little Stabler's running around out there without their father's knowledge. I'm sure you haven't been able to keep it in your pants your whole life."

"I'll get a DNA test. I'll prove to you that my daughter is the only one. I don't want to hurt you anymore. I also promise that I won't cheat on you anymore. Never again. The only other girls I'll ever love are our daughters."

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