Black and Blue

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She thought she loved him enough to forgive his ways. She thought that he'd get better. That what he was feeling would fade away and there would be no reason to call the police. But then he did something he promised to never do. And that was the last straw.

"Elliot!" Olivia cried as she banged on the front door of Elliot's house, as she held her baby boy in her arms. Between her crying and his, and the pounding on the door, Olivia couldn't think.

"Elliot please help me!" Olivia cried as she slammed her fist against the door until it swung open.

"Liv? What's wrong?" Elliot asked. Olivia quickly pushed her way into Elliot's house before passing him her son.

"Brian hit him. Brian hit my baby and now he won't stop crying!" Olivia cried.

"What? How could he hit his own son!" Elliot spat, as he quickly went into the kitchen and turned the light on. That's when Elliot glanced at Olivia and saw the bruises that covered her exposed skin. 

He hadn't seen her since she went on leave, and now he knew why she never let him over to meet her son. It was because not only was Brian beating little Miles, but he was also beating Olivia.

"It looks like he just bruised his arms and legs. We do really need to get him to the hospital. And you too." Elliot spoke, but Olivia's eyes got wide.

"N-no. We can't go to the hospital. If Brian finds out, I'm dead. Miles is going to be dead! We can't go!" Olivia cried, which sent the rest of the Stablers down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"God, what happened?!" Kathy exclaimed, as she quickly walked to Olivia and touched her hands. Just the gentle touch of Kathy's hand made Olivia's hands ache. Every inch of her body was sore and covered in bruises. 

"Brian's been beating her and he started to beat Miles tonight. We need to get them both to the hospital."

"Liv, do you want me to come with you? We don't need to bring Elliot, just me, you, and Miles." Kathy breathed, and Olivia nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry that I woke you all up. I didn't mean to. I was just so scared that my baby was hurt." Olivia sniffled.

"Don't worry. We are your family. Let's get going."


While Kathy took Olivia and baby Miles to the hospital, Elliot called the crew and they drove over to Brian and Olivia's apartment.

"So, what did he do to her?" Fin asked.

"I don't know exactly, but she barely has any skin that is covered in bruises. Then when I looked at Miles, he was bruised too. I don't what the hell is making him act like this, but he'll pay for touching them." Elliot huffed.

They pulled up outside of the apartment, and John and Cragen pulled up behind them. They all got out, guns in hands, and they headed towards the front door of the apartment.

"Should she be okay?" Cragen asked, and Elliot shrugged.

"I have no idea. Let's just go in and fuck him up."

"We will arrest him for beating up Olivia and Miles. They will be no beating him up, do you hear me?" Cragen ordered, and the guys nodded, but Elliot knew if Brian said something that he didn't like, he'd be slamming his fist into Brian's pretty boy face until he felt how Olivia did.


"Olivia, did your boyfriend rape you?" The doctor asked, as Kathy sat beside Olivia and held her hand. Olivia kept her eyes closed tightly because she didn't want to admit that he had hurt her from the day she left the hospital after having Miles.

"Liv?" Kathy whispered, and Olivia looked over at her and gave her a nervous look.

"The only time I had to recover was while I was in the hospital. The morning I got home he started to rape me." Olivia whispered.

"Alright, well I'm going to examine you. Chances are that you will have tears and internal injuries. And there will have to be extensive recovery time."

"I don't have a way I can do that. My son is only a month old. I have to take care of him. I have to protect him!" Olivia cried.

There was a knock on the door, and the doctor pulled the sheet down more over Olivia, before standing and opening the door. There were some muffled words, and then the doctor walked back in.

"Olivia?" He questioned, and she nodded slowly.


"I hate to tell you this, but there were internal injuries to many of the major organs in your son's body. They tried to bring him back, but his little body couldn't take it anymore. I'm sorry, but your son didn't make it." The doctor spoke, and Olivia felt like she was going to die herself.

Brian took away her sense of safety and their son. Their precious little boy died because he was so angry.


"What the fuck is happening with you?" Elliot yelled as he slammed his hands against the table in front of Brian. They had to give him a few hours to sober up a bit, but he still wasn't all there.

"Go away, Elliot." He mumbled.

"You beat your girlfriend and your son! What the fuck type of man does that?!" Elliot yelled, but then someone knocked on the window. Elliot stood up and walked out of the room, completely pissed off at Elliot.

"What?!" Elliot spat, but then he felt his heart start beating out of his chest.

"Is Liv dead?" Elliot asked, and Fin shook his head.

"Miles was hurt worse than they thought and he passed away. We can bump up the charges on Brian for murder. Also, he had raped Olivia for the last month." Fin breathed, before he walked out of the room when he started to cry, something no one ever sees.

"I guess I'm going to tell him," Elliot spoke. He walked back into the room, and he walked over and kicked the leg of the table before Brian sat up.

"What?" He yawned.

"Miles died from his injuries. You are now also charged with murdering him. You will rot in prison, Brian. I don't care what you are dealing with, because men like you don't deserve to be happy."


Elliot watched as Olivia laid in her hospital bed, tears streaming down her cheeks. He could tell that she was numb, and he couldn't blame her. She just lost her baby. It was even harder because she had met him. She had held him in her arms and took care of him for a month before her boyfriend killed him.

"Liv." Elliot breathed, as he walked into the room. She shifted over in her bed, and Elliot laid beside her and held her as she cried. 

"I miss Miles so much!" She sobbed.

"I know you do, Liv. And Brian will pay for this. For hurting you and for hurting him."

"He wouldn't tell me why he was so angry. He just beat me. And then when he couldn't find me last night, he decided our child would be the next option!"

"He's a bad man, and he doesn't deserve you. You will get through this, and until you feel safe again, you can live with us."

"I'll never get better."

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