The Man in the Red Sweater: Part 2

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Olivia and Elliot stared at their apartment door for several moments. They didn't want to answer the door to only find a girl that wasn't their daughter. Audrey has been gone from their lives for 13 years, and they didn't want this to be yet another person there to just hurt them.

"Mom? Dad?" Audrey's voice sounded from the other side of the door. Her parents each let out the breath that they had been holding in, before moving towards the door. Elliot opened it hesitantly before feeling like he couldn't breathe.

Standing in the hallway was a 20-year-old woman. Her hair was long and the dark brown of her mother. Her eyes were a piercing blue, which was different from the eye colors of the others that had come by before. Her face was covered in the same nervous expression that was plastered over her mother's face.

"Audrey," Olivia whispered, as tears ran down her cheeks. She knew that this was her child. She could feel it in every bit of her body. She could tell that this was the little girl she had loved for 20 years.

"Hi, Momma." Audrey whimpered, as she stepped into the apartment and quickly clung to her mother.

"Oh, my baby." Olivia sobbed as she held onto her daughter tightly and caressed her long brown hair. 

Elliot joined his wife and daughter and held them tightly, as he rested his head against theirs. As he moved his head a bit, he saw a man standing in the doorway holding a baby dressed in a light yellow dress.

"Audrey?" Elliot questioned, as he stepped back and brushed tears from his cheeks. Audrey moved from Olivia and turned around to see those that stood in the doorway. Audrey's eyes lit up, as she moved towards them. Elliot grabbed his wife's wrist and pulled her close, just in case they found out that that man is the one that stole their child.

"Momma. Daddy... this is Clay Wells. He's the one I was paired with. And uh, this is our daughter. Her name is Paisley Marie..." Audrey spoke, and she watched as the color drained from her mother's face.

"You have a baby?" Elliot breathed because his wife couldn't find her words.

"We had too... if we didn't have a baby, we wouldn't be released," Audrey replied quietly.


They didn't know really what to do, so Olivia and Elliot made Audrey and Clay something to eat and gave them some of Audrey's old baby clothes to change Paisley into.

While they were making extra pancakes, Olivia and Elliot quietly talked about what had happened in the last hour.

"I can't believe she's back... but he forced her and Clay to have a baby together? What monster would do that to our child?" Olivia whispered because she didn't want her daughter and her small family to hear it.

"The man that stole our child from her bed when she was seven. But once they eat, we have to take them to the precinct. I also want them all to get checked out at the hospital. What if Audrey got no care when she was pregnant or after Paisley was born?" Elliot asked, and Olivia stopped moving as she thought about the pain her daughter must have been in.

How she had to go through it all without probably any medical supervision.

"It smells amazing in here." Audrey smiled, as she came into the kitchen. Olivia was still frozen, so Elliot was the only one to respond.

"Thanks, honey. We were tired from work so we decided to make pancakes. Are you guys hungry?" Elliot asked, as he moved to his wife and bumped her with his hip. 

"We are... but you guys didn't have to make us anything. I could have made us dinner." Audrey replied. Olivia turned around and looked at her daughter with tears burning her eyes.

"I haven't been able to take care of you for the last 13 years. I think that we can make you dinner. Now, sit. I'll go find the highchair for Paisley." Olivia spoke before she quickly left the kitchen as tears ran down her cheeks.

Having her daughter find them was so sudden and was really messing with Olivia. It took her off guard and scared her. She was wondering if her daughter was even a little bit like how she was when she was younger.


They decided to wait until the morning before taking Clay, Audrey, and Paisley to the precinct and the hospital. Clay and Audrey did the dishes, while Olivia and Elliot sat in the living room and played with their granddaughter. There was some talking coming from the kitchen, but Elliot and Olivia couldn't hear it. They were too focused on their granddaughter who was the spitting image of their daughter.

After the dishes were done, they all headed to bed. Olivia and Elliot got an air mattress out for Audrey's old room before they climbed into their own bed and laid there for a while. They listened to see if they would hear what Audrey and Clay were talking about, but they were too quiet. Then Elliot fell asleep so Olivia couldn't even hear them anymore because he was snoring. Olivia climbed out of bed and headed into the living room. As she settled onto the couch, Audrey's bedroom door opened and she walked out.

"Oh!" Audrey exclaimed, and Olivia smiled softly at her.

"Come here, baby. I want to talk." Olivia spoke. She patted the cushion beside her, before shifting the blanket a bit to allow her daughter to use it too.

"I can remember when you used to call me baby... I think that that is why I call Paisley that." Audrey sighed, as she sat close to her mother before tugging the blanket over a bit. Olivia smiled as she wrapped her arm around her daughter's shoulders.

"Did they hurt you?" Olivia breathed.

"We were raised like the 50s. There was a lady who taught me and the other girls how to cook, clean, raise children. It was crazy. Then the boys learned to do boy stuff. This really corrupt pastor married us all off to our 'mate' as they called us when we turned ten. Momma, it was beyond crazy. But as soon as I had Paisley and we proved to them that we could take care of her and be good together, they let us go." Audrey replied. Olivia closed her eyes as tears once again welled in them.

Her daughter was groomed to be a housewife and a helpmate. Thanks to the guy in the red sweater.

Hey guys! I'm going to do a part three on Tuesday, so don't worry! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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