Forced Help

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The blonde detective walked down the quiet Manhattan street. It was snowing, but for some reason, she didn't feel the need for a hat or to call a cab to take her home. She just continued to walk through the lightly falling snow and enjoyed the smell of the cold and peaceful night.

As Amanda turned the corner and got a block closer to her apartment, a calloused hand was placed around Amanda's mouth as she was dragged into an alley.

"Please don't fight. Please don't make me hurt you."


Amanda, even though she was scared to death about what was happening, she wasn't scared of dying. She didn't feel like this was going to be her last night on Earth. Something about the woman's voice concerned her but didn't make her fear what may be happening. She was just scared of being pulled into a dark alley and having no one notice what had happened.

Amanda was jerked from whatever vehicle she had been pushed into after she had been blindfolded and gagged, and she was pulled away from it.

"There are stairs going downwards. Don't fall." The voice whispered, and Amanda nodded slowly. She kept walking, slowly and awkwardly. She didn't want to fall down god knows how many stairs and die.

As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Amanda was led for a few more feet before a heavy metal door was shut. She could hear the sound of the automatic lock and started to feel her heart beat out of her chest.

"Don't fight me. I'm going to take the blindfold off and then take the gag out. I'll keep your hands tied till you agree." The woman spoke, before doing as she had said.

Amanda has to close her eyes tightly to let them adjusted slowly to the sudden change in light. Once she was able to open her eyes again without squinting, she saw a few people huddled in the corner.

"What do I have to agree to?" Amanda coughed.

"Help my sister. Do whatever you can to save her." The woman spoke, and that's when Amanda saw the woman walk in front of her. She was barely a teenager, but her hands and voice had been weathered by whatever struggles she has endured.

"How long has she been sick?" Amanda asked, before even agreeing.

"A few months. I'm sure you can figure something out." She urged, before staring Amanda down.

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything."


The zip tie that had kept Amanda's hands behind her back was cut, and then Amanda was pulled towards the corner of the room. She stepped over two sleeping boys, or who she hoped was sleeping, before sitting down beside the small girl.

Her skin had yellowed, and her face was swollen. Even if her face looked swollen, her body was just skin and bones.

"Sweetie?" Amanda breathed, her accent coming through even more as she tried to comfort the little girl.

"She can't speak. But when she did she said her stomach hurt and that she felt weak." The teenager spoke. Amanda nodded as she pushed her hair back into a ponytail, using the hair tie in her pocket to secure it.

"She clearly needs a doctor. I can take her to the hospital." Amanda urged as she took the little girl's pulse. It was weak, almost to the point where there wasn't one.

"No, we can't afford a fancy hospital. Just fix her!" The girl yelled, before kicking Amanda hard in her back.

The detective fell onto her side as she groaned from the pain, before sitting up slowly. She was scared now. Scared of what the girl would do to her if her little sister died.

"I'll pay." Amanda breathed.

"What?" The girl questioned.

"I'll pay for the medical bills. She'll die if she stays here. Her pulse is barely there!" Amanda exclaimed.

"No! She can't die! Just help her!"

The girl didn't understand. She didn't understand that Amanda just couldn't magically help the sick little girl. Amanda was only a detective, one that barely passed Biology in high school, let alone health class.

"I'm a detective, not a doctor! Come on, let me take her to the hospital. I'll pay for everything. You all probably need medical help!" Amanda exclaimed, but she went completely still and silent when she felt the cold metal of a knife blade against her neck.

"Fix her."


The young girl's pulse was barely noticeable, and her sister gave in. She didn't want to lose her sister, and Amanda didn't want to die so she planned on keeping her promise. She picked up the small girl and ran up the stairs, but that was where she couldn't figure out where she was. She shook a bit to see if she could feel the weight of her phone in her pocket, but she couldn't. So she just started to walk as tears ran down her cheeks. She kept walking and walking until she started to recognize where she was, and that she was only a few blocks from a hospital.

She ran the rest of the way, and it was as if she didn't have a human in her arms. That was just how light the girl was. When Amanda got to the hospital, she yelled for help.

"Ma'am, is this your daughter?" A nurse asked as Amanda laid the girl on a gurney.

"No, I just found her on the sidewalk." Amanda lied because she didn't want to get those other kids in trouble. She may have been taken against her will, but now this sick little girl was going to get help.

"Okay, go wait outside. We'll try to keep you updated."


Amanda sat and waited in the hospital waiting room for hours. She didn't really realize how long she was there until her boss sat beside her.

"Amanda, have you been here all night?" Olivia breathed, unsure of what would have led up to her detective sitting in the hospital waiting room.

"Liv, I was walking home last night when it had started to snow. I was so close to my apartment and I went to turn the corner, I was pulled into an alley." Amanda breathed, as she leaned back against the chair back.

"Were you hurt?" Olivia breathed, frantically.

"I was just kicked a bit. But a girl had pulled me from the sidewalk because her sister was sick. I tried to help her there, but she was so close to dying that she let me go. I came here and she is getting help, but those other kids are just as bad of shape."

"Do you remember exactly where they held you?"

"No. Because someone got me into a car. Liv, it was so freaking crazy and scary." Amanda breathed, as she looked at her best friend.

"We will get the others help. Alright? Why don't you describe as much of the area to me as possible."

"They'll get help and not be in trouble, right? She was just trying to do her best and get her sister some help." Amanda breathed.

"I promise."

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