A 30 Year Difference

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A blonde little girl sat on the edge of a bench as she watched the other kids run around. Her mother had forced her to sit on the bench so she wouldn't get her dress or shoes dirty. The little girl let out a soft sigh, but it went unnoticed by her mother.

"Momma?" Amanda questioned, as she looked over at her mother.

"Yes?" Beth Anne replied.

"Why can't I play with all the other kids? I'd stay away from the puddles." Amanda spoke quickly.

"Because your Papa is coming home tonight and you need to look nice for him."

"But if I couldn't play, then why did we come to the park?" Amanda whined.

"Because Kimmy needs some sun and fresh air. Just sit and be quiet." Beth Anne huffed. Amanda looked back at the jungle gym and saw a little boy staring at her. Amanda stuck her tongue at him, and Beth Anne saw. She smacked her daughter upside her head, and Amanda started to cry. Amanda's crying led to Kim crying, so Beth Anne took her baby to the car to soothe her and left her little girl on the bench.

"Why are you crying?" The little boy asked, as he walked over and sat beside Amanda.

"My Momma is mean." Amanda sniffled. The little boy reached out and brushed a few tears from Amanda's cheeks before smiling at her.

"My Momma and Daddy took me and my sisters here on vacation. If you'd like, you can play with me until your Momma gets back." The little boy smiled. Amanda shook her head.

"I'm not allowed to play." She hiccupped.

"She won't even know! What's your name?" He questioned.

"Amanda. What's yours?" Amanda questioned.

"Dominick... but it's hard to say so call me Dom!" The little boy exclaimed before grabbing Amanda's hand and tugging her towards the jungle gym.


Amanda ended up getting in big trouble because while she was playing, she tripped and scraped her knee up. She got blood on her dress, but Dominick's mother came and cleaned her knee up as best as she could but she couldn't get the blood from the dress. 

Even 30 years after the accident, Amanda still hated her mother for yelling at her and calling her a stupid mistake. That was one of the main reasons why she moved to Manhattan and had issues accepting many people. She always thought that one day she'd make a mistake, and instead of not being able to get blood out of a stupid church dress she'd have a baby to deal with or be abused. Not a lot she can do with those.

"Are you sure that you are okay? I know that a new detective kinda throws you off." Olivia breathed, as she stood next to Amanda in the breakroom and watched as she brushed tears from her cheeks.

"I'm fine. It's not just the new guy that is coming in. It's also the fact that my mom is in town and just driving me nuts." Amanda replied. Olivia gently rubbed Amanda's back before giving her a gentle smile.

"Everything will be okay. She'll go back to Atlanta, and this guy will probably leave us when Nick comes back." Amanda sighed. She grabbed a piece of paper towel before wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"I'm going to go back out and move my stuff to the new guys' desk. Then Fin and the guy can get to know each other." Olivia laughed softly.

"No, it's okay, Liv. I'm just gonna deal with it. I'm gonna go down and get some air real quick, but I'll be back soon."


By the time Amanda got back upstairs, the new guy was sitting across from her desk. He had a mustache and Amanda could already tell he was a little too eager to be a sex detective. She walked over and gently touched Olivia's shoulder to let her know that she was back and still alive before she sat down at her desk.

"Dominick Carisi." The detective spoke, as he stood and reached his hand out to Amanda. Amanda hesitantly reached her hand out to his before shaking it.

"Amanda Rollins," Amanda replied. Her slight southern accent took Dominick off guard and Amanda noticed that as he sat back down.

"Where are you from?" He questioned.

"Atlanta... Why?" Amanda questioned, as Olivia looked over at them and saw that Amanda was holding eye contact with Carisi, which she rarely does.

"I knew that I heard that accent before. My family and I went to Atlanta on vacation when I was 5. It was fun and I-"

"Uh, I may be from Atlanta, but I rarely talked to people. I spent most of my time in Loganville." Amanda spoke quickly. She didn't want to talk about the city she left behind. The one she actually ran from.

"But-" He started.

"Carisi, let me show you the filing room," Olivia spoke, jumping in to give Amanda the space she needed. Dominick nodded slowly before following the detective towards the double doors.


Dominick kept trying to talk to Amanda, but she had closed herself off from him. She only talked to him when it was actually needed, and avoided him the rest of the time. But by the time he had been there for a few weeks, Amanda had to give in when they were working overnight. Alone.

"I had a bad childhood," Amanda spoke randomly, as Dominick clicked his pen and read over a file.

"Is that why you rarely talk to me?" Dominick replied, without even looking at her.

"It is. I was the oldest and my sister was my parents' favorite. My mom would only take us to the park for Kim. I wasn't allowed to play." Amanda frowned.

"You were the girl on the bench. The sad one. I can remember walking over and grabbing your hand and pulling you onto the playground. My mom helped clean up your leg after you scraped it." Dominick spoke. Amanda looked up at him and eyed him quietly.


"Your mom hit you when you started to cry, and she spanked you in front of everyone after you hurt your knee. She also said some shitty things to you." Dominick spoke. Amanda swallowed hard before reaching across the desks. Dominick grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze/

"It may be a 30-year difference and it's still like that day at the park. Your hand is a little sweaty and might have mustard on it." Amanda spoke, keeping her eyes down. She had a small smile on her lips and Dominick couldn't help but laugh.

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