Detective to Mother: Part Two

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"The kids are Olivia's? I think Elliot planned on leaving the kids to me... or even one of his siblings. Not Olivia." Bernie spoke as she glanced over at the young detective. Olivia's eyes were wide, and she was having a hard time processing what the lawyer said.

"No, Mrs. Stabler. Elliot and Kathy edited their will not long after Eli was born and they decided on Miss Benson. They left her the kids and the house, so the kids could continue to live in their home." He explained as he looked at Olivia.

Olivia blinked a few times before standing slowly and putting Eli in her spot. 

"Uh, I'll be back." She mumbled, before heading towards the backyard as Bernie and Kathy's mother argued with the lawyer.

"Mommy and Daddy left us to Auntie Liv?" Kathleen whispered, as she looked at her older sister.

"Yeah, they did... they knew she'd take great care of us." Maureen smiled before she motioned for her siblings to follow her out back.


Olivia was sitting on the kids' swing set. She was still numb from everything and completely confused. She didn't understand why Elliot and Kathy left her the kids. Olivia couldn't even keep a damn plant alive, let alone five young children.

"Auntie Liv." Maureen smiled as she walked over to where Olivia sat.

"Kids, I don't think you want me to raise you." Olivia breathed.

"Daddy and Mommy had a plan, Auntie Liv. They want you to keep us." Kathleen spoke, as she stood in front of Olivia. 

"I have babysat you five before, and we have done sleepovers before... but I will be taking care of you all until you move out of the house. Eli is two... that is sixteen years where I can screw that baby up." Olivia frowned as Eli reached his arms up to her. She picked him up without hesitation and held him close.

"But you love us... you won't try to separate us. Grandma Bernie and Grandma Kelly might split us up, so it's easier for them to deal with us. You'll keep us together! And I'm sure that really nice tall guy would help too!" Maureen exclaimed.

"Trevor? Honey, we just started to date. We made it official not long after your parents passed..."

"But he loves you, and I'm sure he'd help. He can teach Dickie to not be a jerk when he's older." Maureen said with a soft laugh.

"Kids, are you sure?"

"Sure that we want you to raise us?" Kathleen asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, that is the question."

"We want you, Auntie Liv." Lizzie smiled as she and her siblings all went into a group hug.


Bernie and Kelly fought Olivia. They didn't want her to have the kids, but every judge told them that Olivia was the guardian of the kids and they couldn't change that. So about a month after the will reading and the funeral, Olivia moved into Elliot and Kathy's house. She ended her rental agreement for her apartment and packed everything up. Olivia knew that she would try her hardest to not fuck up the kids, especially since Kathy and Elliot changed their will because they trusted her. Because they knew she'd do a good job, even if she didn't believe that herself.

"So are you staying in Mommy and Daddy's room?" Dickie asked, as he sat down on one of the boxes that Olivia had carried in.

"Um, I don't know. I think I'm going to sleep on the couch." Olivia replied, because sleeping in Elliot and Kathy's room just seemed wrong.

"They'd want you too." Maureen replied, as she came in with Trevor and a few other items.

"But that is their room... that just feels wrong to me."

"We can change out the mattress so it is yours, and you can bring in your dresser and stuff." Trevor offered.

"I just don't know." Olivia sighed. She stood and lifted Dickie off of her box before moving and stacking it in the corner.

The kids didn't push their aunt any harder. They just let her do her thing before going to their rooms. 

Trevor watched Olivia as she stacked her items before walking up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her waist before pulling her close.

"Are you really going to be sleeping on this couch for the next sixteen years?" Trevor asked before kissing the top of Olivia's head.

"That is the plan. So we better figure out a place where we can do stuff without them walking in on us." Olivia replied.

"Babe, just sleep in their room. You need to sleep in a bed, and in a room where you can have some privacy." Trevor frowned. He turned Olivia around before leaning down and pressing several soft and loving kisses against her lips.

"Do you want to stay here tonight? Help me figure things out?" Olivia whispered as she looked up at her boyfriend.

"Of course. Some of my stuff is in those boxes." Trevor chuckled.


Olivia stood outside of Kathy and Elliot's room, but she couldn't go in. Trevor had moved the mattress out and replaced it with Olivia's, and he even made the bed with her sheets and blankets. But it still felt like it wasn't her room. This house would always be the house of her dead friends, not hers.

"Trevor is sleeping in there. It's more your room now, since Dad would never had laid beside Trevor." Maureen teased as she walked up beside Olivia. Olivia wrapped her arm around Maureen and pulled her close.

"Can I actually do this? Like, can I take care of you guys and do a good job? Do you think Trevor will stay around?" Olivia asked, and Maureen nodded against Olivia's side.

"I think he's going to marry you one day, and that he'll be like another father to us. Just like you are going to be another mother. They clearly knew what they were doing, because they picked you not long after Eli was born."

"I wonder why." Olivia sighed as she looked down at Maureen.

"Maybe because you saved his and my mother's life?" Maureen replied, and Olivia sighed before nodding.

"I kinda forgot about that..."

"Just keep doing what you have done for my whole life. Be a great aunt, and I don't think this will be as hard as you think. We are okay kids."

"I love you, Mo." Olivia whispered.

"I love you too." Maureen yawned before she turned and walked back down to where she shared a room with Kathleen. 

Olivia looked back at the door for a moment before hesitantly opening it and stepping in.

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