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Olivia sat behind the desk that she used while volunteering at the veteran's center. She was just waiting for someone to come up and want to talk, so she could talk to them about what the center offers. How they have therapists to help with PTSD, options for housing, and they had applications for jobs. She was the hub of information for 16 hours during the weekend. Eight hours on Saturday and another eight hours on Sunday.

Sometimes she talks to many men and women a day, but then other times she doesn't talk to anyone. But either way, she was helping those that had served their country, and it was the least she could do for those that put themselves into harm's way.

Olivia leaned back and ran her hands through her hair, before standing to move to the break room where she was going to have her lunch real quick. She stopped herself when the door opened, and a man came limping in. He had a cane in one hand, and Olivia could see the tiny bit of black metal through a hole in his jeans. Olivia sank back down before smiling at the man that was couldn't be more than 45.

"Hello, sir. I'm Olivia. Can I help you?" Olivia asked. The man cleared his throat before hesitantly sitting down in the chair in front of Olivia's table.

"I need a job." He spoke gruffly. Olivia nodded before opening a drawer in her desk and grabbing a folder.

"Do you have any special skills?" Olivia asked, and the man didn't respond at all. He just ran his hand the wooden cane and stared at Olivia.

"Okay... well then. Uh, we have several options. There is one at a hardware store." Olivia smiled, as she slid the application cross the table.

"Just because I lost my leg, doesn't mean that I need a job for sissies." He spat. Olivia went to take the application back, but the man grabbed it in his hand and crumpled it up. Olivia didn't react, all she did was look through the applications before grabbing one for her precinct. 

There was a job offer for anyone willing to help out with any task for SVU and the other units in their precinct. It paid good, and they would have a job with the NYPD which meant job security.

"Why don't you fill this one out. I work at this precinct, and I love it. Everyone is so nice, and I think that this could really work for you. The NYPD isn't usually for sissies." Olivia spoke. She grabbed a pen and clicked it once before passing it to the man. That's when she noticed his eyes were tear-filled.

"Sir-" Olivia started, but he stopped her.

"This was my old precinct... I was a detective." He spoke.

"Did you work under Captain Cragen?" Olivia asked, and the man nodded.

"Yeah, before my divorce I was a detective for SVU. I was one of the best. Then I left and joined up again. Got my leg blown off and now I'm here needing a job because they don't need me anymore." He spoke. He looked up before grabbing the pen and starting to fill out the application.

Once he was done, he went to see one of the therapists as Olivia looked over the application.

"Elliot Stabler..."


Nearly two weeks after Olivia and Elliot Stabler met, he was working at the 16th precinct. Those that had worked there longer than Olivia knew who he was, and respected him. They made sure to stop by and thank him for his service before giving him the space he asked for. Olivia watched him quietly sometimes because he seemed at home in this building and with the crew that had become her family since she was 28.

"How long have you been here?" Elliot asked as Olivia helped him carry boxes down a floor to file them.

"Damn... uh, it's been about 7 years. The best 7 years of my life." Olivia smiled.

"You are still a kid." He spoke, without cracking a smile or laughing. He had been hardened by war, and Olivia had realized that he spoke less than Fin did.

"I don't feel like a kid anymore... but I haven't been through nearly as much shit as other people have been." Olivia sighed, as she opened the door with her hip before letting Elliot in. He sat his box down before leaning against one of the filing cabinets.

"Never compare your shit to someone else's. I may have lost my leg, and complain about it... but I don't know what you have been through." Elliot spoke. Olivia looked at him for a moment before nodding slowly.

"Elliot, do you ever wish you would have stayed here? We could have been partners." Olivia said with a weak laugh. Elliot sat down on one of the heavy boxes, before running his hand over his thick beard.

"I served the country I love. I'd never change that."


Elliot slowly opened up more and more to Olivia. She learned more about the man that was actually only 40 than she had ever learned about her partner Fin. She and Elliot spent late nights at the office talking, and Elliot learned that Olivia had been through a lot more than she had ever admitted too. Days and weeks turned in months and those months turned into a year. They had known each other for a year and never went a day without talking, and Elliot had finally found someone he felt safe around. 

"Are you going to the VA center tomorrow?" Elliot asked as he walked Olivia out to her car on Friday night. He had his arm looped through hers for support because he had left his cane in his car on purpose. He wanted to hold her hand and be close to her.

"I am. Why?" Olivia asked, as she looked over at him and smiled.

"Can I come?" Elliot asked. Olivia stopped Elliot by his truck and eyed him in confusion.

"You told me that you'd never go back to that, and I am quoting you, "shit hole" ever again," Olivia spoke with a laugh. Elliot nodded slowly before looking Olivia over for a moment.

"Because I want to spend more time with you." He spoke.

"Oh... really?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, really... so, can I join you?" Elliot huffed a bit. Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Of course. Now, would this be a date or just us being friends and helping out people?" Olivia asked. Elliot looked at her for a moment before leaning close and pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.

"If this is our first date, it's gonna be a sucky one."

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