Her: Part Two

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22 weeks after Olivia and Elliot met Olivia, got off of a Greyhound bus with her backpack on and a suitcase in hand. 22 weeks had made a huge difference in Olivia's life. She was stronger and more confident if that could even be a thing for the young woman. But now she was an officer and would be starting work at the 1-6 precinct in Manhattan.

As Olivia walked away from the bus, she started to look if anyone had come to see her. She started to feel disappointed, but then she saw Elliot. Her eyes went wide, but she smiled. He had waited for her, and she was impressed and happy that he had.

"Hey there, beautiful," Elliot spoke, and Olivia smiled as she sat her suitcase down before hugging him. Elliot hugged her back before they parted and he grabbed her suitcase.

"I see that you still like me, even though I was gone for 5 and a half months," Olivia spoke, as Elliot started to take her back to his car.

"The letters we exchanged helped a ton. It seems like really enjoyed yourself, and by the way you wrote about the academy... you absolutely loved learning how to be a cop."

"It's what I'm meant to be, Elliot. And I have so many things I understand more and that I have even more passion for." Olivia spoke, and Elliot nodded.

"Well, let's go back to my apartment and we can talk all about it," Elliot spoke, and Olivia nodded. While Elliot put Olivia's suitcase and then her backpack into the trunk of his car, Olivia looked around and was trying to get over the fact her mother didn't even try to come to get her.


Elliot had moved to Manhattan because he knew Olivia loved the city he had moved out of. Olivia and Elliot might not have seen each other for a while, but they still wanted to be around each other a lot so they were going to try to live together. It just made more sense because then they both had a place to call home and it would be easier to afford if two people are paying for it instead of one.

"Thanks for letting me stay here, Elliot. It's better than trying to live with my mother again or in an apartment of my own." Olivia spoke, as she ran her fingers through her hair and sank down onto Elliot's couch.

"Then we can spend more time together. I feel like I know you already, between the letters and visiting you on the family days." Elliot smiled, and Olivia nodded. 

She looked down at her hands before glancing at the guy she had kinda fallen for over the past several months. Elliot walked over and sank down beside her before gently grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

"Something is up. You don't seem as... well you don't seem like yourself. Are you just exhausted or something?" Elliot asked, and Olivia bit her lip before shaking her head.

"It's my Mom... she didn't come to visit me at all and she didn't come to get me... I guess that I just kinda thought my Mom would be proud of me." Olivia sighed. She leaned over to Elliot and kissed him softly before feeling his arms wrap around her body.

"I just really want you to be happy... maybe you should just try and forget this... I don't know." Elliot sighed.

"You aren't that great with words, Elliot." Olivia laughed softly.

"That's why I'm dating you... because you are good with words." Elliot laughed softly. Olivia tilted her head up and kissed his chin gently before sighing.

"I have to go pick up some more of my stuff and I want to talk to my Mom... can I borrow your car?" She asked, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah... and if you need me just call me, okay?"



Olivia pulled up to her old building and she sighed. She didn't know what to do in regards to her mother. Her life has kinda been quickly paced lately, between starting to date Elliot and moving in with him, to going to the police academy. She didn't know if she should be thankful her mother ignored her, or if she should be very upset instead.

"Why do I always overthink everything." Olivia sighed, before climbing out of the car and walking over to the apartment building's front door. She opened it and quietly walked up the stairs and to her mother's apartment. She knocked on the door before standing and waiting.

"Yeah?" Serena huffed, as she opened the door. She smelt like smoke, and she had a beer in her hand. She looked at her daughter over for a few moments before sighing.

"Olivia." She breathed.

"Hey, Mom. I just came to get some more stuff, and I wanted to see how you are."

"Just get your stuff and leave me alone, okay?"

"I thought you'd be proud of me, Mom. I went to college and I went to the academy. I went to the academy to help prevent what had happened to you, from happening to other people. I'm dating this really awesome guy, and he was there for me and you couldn't even visit me. So actually, leave me alone. Don't get sober one day and come to talk to me. I won't give you money and I won't waste my time on someone who could give zero fucks about me." Olivia spoke, before pushing past her mother and going into her old bedroom.

It was different from the rest of the apartment. It was painted a light blue and it still smelt like vanilla instead of vomit and smoke. Olivia gathered up the last of her items and put them into the boxes she had left here, before stacking them on top of the other. She used her foot to open the door before walking towards the front door of the apartment.

Serena didn't even bother to say anything to her only daughter, and Olivia didn't say anything to her mother. 


Olivia knew that she would use the anger she had towards her mother for good. She was going to be a kick-ass detective eventually, but until then she was going to be a kick-ass officer. She told Elliot that night that she was going to be completely different from her mother and never treat her children the way she was treated. Elliot smiled as he watched her talk so passionately, and he realized that she was passionate about a lot and he was excited about that.

He was excited about the life they would have together, even if that life wouldn't happen for several years.

"Why are you smiling?" Olivia asked as she ran her hands through her recently cut brown hair.

"Because I really know I love you now that I hear you talk about all of this. I'm attracted to very passionate and confident women. And I really like you especially." Elliot smiled, and she sighed before walking over and sinking down beside him.

"I guess that I didn't expect to love you this fast... even after a year with Jay I didn't love him I still just liked him." Olivia sighed. She leaned over and started to kiss her boyfriend deeply and with a ton of that passion she had.

Elliot smiled into each kiss because he was kissing her.

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