The Unwanted Daughter: Final Part

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Bay passed out on Olivia's couch about an hour after they ate. Olivia walked out of her bedroom with an extra blanket and laid it on the young girl. She had turned up the heat, but even with warm clothes on, and two blankets, Bay was still shivering like crazy.

Olivia didn't want to, but she had to contact Elliot. She went into her bedroom and sat on the edge of her bed, as she waited for Elliot to answer his phone.

"Liv, do we have a case?" Elliot asked, slightly panicked.

"No, we don't. I have your daughter with me though."

"You have Bay?!" He exclaimed, and Olivia could hear the relief in his voice.

"I do. Why didn't you tell me that you had another daughter?" Olivia questioned.

"Because I'm not too proud of how I got another daughter. I'll be there in a few minutes to pick her up." Elliot spoke, but Olivia stopped him.

"Don't come over here tonight, El. Bay is sleeping. I fed her and got her dry clothes. I told her I wouldn't call you, so I need you to just get some sleep. I'll take her home tomorrow after we talk some more. Okay?"

"Kathy and I were so panicked," Elliot whispered.

"Kathy?!" Olivia squeaked a bit.

"Yeah, she likes Bay. She doesn't like that I cheated on her, but we can't be mad at a kid. Please just take care of her. We have so much to deal with when she gets back."

"She said she doesn't even know if she has a home anymore, El."

"Here home is here with me!" He exclaimed.

"How did the kids respond?"

"Not well," Elliot whispered.

"That's why. I'll call you in the morning before we head out. Get some sleep." Olivia spoke, before hanging up. She set her phone down, before standing and going to check on Bay.

The girl shivered a bit more, and Olivia sighed.

At least she was here, in the warm, officer protected apartment, and not on the street fending for herself.


Bay woke up when the sun started to stream through the window in Olivia's living room. She pushed herself up, before sighing softly. Her throat hurt, and she knew she probably got a cold from sitting in the rain last night.

"Hey, Bay," Olivia spoke, as she came out of the kitchen, her brown hair pulled back in a clip.

"Hey, uh, I should probably get going." Bay choked out because her throat hurt so bad.

"You're sick huh?" Olivia asked, and Bay frowned.

"Per usual." She sighed, before standing up and running her fingers through her hair.

"We made a deal. You gotta talk." Olivia spoke, and Bay frowned.

"I'm okay, Olivia. I just need to get home. I need to apologize, and then wait for Eric to pick me up."

"What did they say to you? Your siblings?" Olivia asked, and Bay frowned.

"The oldest boy called my mom and whore, and then called me the same thing. I told Elliot that it didn't matter. They should get it out now, but I'm causing trouble already so it won't stop."


"They don't want me. Elliot and Kathy already have 5 kids, why would they want another one? I'm stupid, and clearly, no one has wanted me before so they don't want me now. I have been in and out of so many foster homes, that I haven't gone through a full year of school. I had to teach myself how to read and write, and I've been beaten and... I've been hurt so much that going into a group home for the rest of my time in the system isn't that big of a deal. I'll probably just live in the home for a few months then run away. I can become a prostitute like my mother. It's all I'm good for." Bay spat, before going over and grabbing her clothes.

She walked into the bathroom and slammed the door before changing. She walked out with the clothes Olivia let her borrow, and she handed them to her.

"Thanks for letting me stay last night. Call my dad and tell him I ran in the night. Then he doesn't need to worry about me anymore."


Bay didn't make it far before Olivia caught her again. She forced her into her car, before driving to Queens.

Elliot was outside when they arrived, and when the car pulled up, he went running towards it.

When Bay ran, he had been surprised how upset and scared he was. When he found out about his daughter, he didn't think he'd ever be able to love her. He knew his kids and wife would act horrible about it, but he was also surprised when Kathy didn't seem too upset over this all. He loved his daughter, even if he's only known her for less than a day.

"Never do that again. Promise me." Elliot spoke, as he drew his daughter into his arms and held her close. Bay didn't hug him back, but her eyes had filled with tears.

"I'm not going to even be here. Eric is getting me, isn't he?" Bay questioned.

"No, you are living here. With your family. With me." Elliot spoke. He kissed her hair, as Olivia watched.

"Really?" Bay asked, and Elliot nodded.


Elliot sent Bay into the house, and he looked at Olivia and sighed.

"You know that I love you, right? You are always there for me, and my kids." Elliot spoke, as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Yeah, I'm pretty amazing. When you are getting in trouble, I'm always there." Olivia smiled. She leaned against her car and sighed.

"Take care of her, alright? She's a sweet kid, and she has never had a family before." Olivia spoke.

"I'm gonna try. I don't know how I can get the kids to like her."

"I don't know either. What about Lizzie and Maureen? Are they angry?" Olivia asked.

"They are, but they didn't say anything bad like Dickie and Kathleen did," Elliot replied.

"Try to get them to help."


Bay was sitting on the couch that was her bed until they could figure out the sleeping situation when her father walked into the house. He was the only one home with her, and she was thankful for that. It meant that no one would be saying hateful things to her right now.

"So, not feeling well?" Elliot asked.

"Nope." Bay sighed, her voice sounded hoarse.

"I can get you some tea, and see if Kathy can get you some medicine on your way home. Uh, I'm sorry for what happened yesterday."

"Why do you want me?"

"Because you are my daughter." He breathed, and Bay bit her lip.

She wasn't Elliot's unwanted daughter anymore, she was just her siblings' unwanted sister.

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