Six Years

447 21 3

This may be a super long one shot, dunno yet. Enjoy!

Olivia and Amanda went sprinting down the road together. A perp was in front of them, but both of them were getting closer and closer to tackling him.

"Go around! Cut him off!" Olivia yelled, and Amanda quickly turned down an alley as Olivia continued to follow the man. As she tackled him, her heart was beating so hard in her chest, that she didn't hear the gunshot. 

"Bitch, get off of me." The man spat, as Olivia cuffed him before pulling him to his feet.

"I've been called worse, so calling me a bit-" Olivia couldn't even get her words out before she heard Amanda whimper her name. Olivia saw Amanda walking out of the alley, her chest covered in blood and she was stumbling.

"Oh shit," Olivia whispered. She quickly uncuffed one of the man's hands, before cuffing him to a pole. Olivia ran to Amanda as she pulled her phone out and called an ambulance. As she shoved it into her pocket, she sank down and pulled Amanda into her arms, since Amanda had fallen to the ground.

"Olivia." Amanda whimpered, and Olivia swallowed hard.

"It's okay, Rollins. You're okay. I promise." Olivia whispered, as pressed her hands to the source of the blood.

"I feel so cold. I'm sorry. I didn't get my gun ou..." Amanda trailed off her sentence as everything became too much. She was losing so much blood, and Olivia knew it was a horrible sign that Amanda felt cold. There just wasn't enough blood to keep her heart beating. To keep her alive.

"No!" Olivia sobbed, as she held Amanda closer and started to rock her back and forth. Her best friend was dead, and it drove Olivia to a point she rarely got to. She rarely sobbed out in the open. 

As the sirens grew closer, Olivia held Amanda just a little closer. There was no use. They could try to revive her and take her to the hospital, but whoever shot Amanda meant it.


Olivia didn't call her crew when the shooting happening, and she didn't tell them when Amanda was taken to the hospital, even if she was considered dead. Olivia stumbled into the squad room, her hands and clothes covered in blood.

"Liv?" Fin asked as he noticed her first. He stood up, as she fanned him away. She walked past everyone and went into her office. She slammed the door shut before shutting the blinds. She walked over to her desk and sat down in her chair, before breaking out into intense sobs. She rested her head against her desk as she wrapped her arms around her body.

The door opened slowly, and Olivia sat up and screamed.


Fin walked over to her, ignoring what she said, and pulled her to her feet. She clung to him instead of fighting him as her sobs got harder and more intense.

"What happened, baby girl?"

"A-amanda got shot! S-she's dead." Olivia sobbed into Fin's chest.

"What?" He breathed, as he felt his heart tighten in his chest.

"She's dead. Some bastard shot her." 

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