Missing In Action

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Trevor sighed as he shut his office door and moved to his desk. He sat the baby monitor down beside his laptop before opening it and clicking on Skype. He had a long week and couldn't wait to see his wife. He couldn't wait to tell her about their kids and how much they all missed her.

Trevor leaned back in his chair and just waited and waited for his wife to request a call with him. She usually did it, because Trevor never knew what she was doing when it was time for their call. 

He sat there for nearly two hours, but his wife never called him. He wasn't too worried about her not calling because he knew that she was busy. So he just shut his laptop before standing and leaving the bedroom with the baby monitor in his hand.

"Night, baby." He sighed, before shutting his office door and headed to bed.


The next morning, Trevor was woken up by his year old son.

"How the hell did you get out of your crib, Jamie?" Trevor smiled tiredly, as he lifted the baby up onto the bed and sat him on his stomach.

"Dada!" Jamie yelled, and Trevor sighed as he reached out and grabbed his son's hands.

"Jamie, you need to be quiet. Your sisters are sleeping." Trevor breathed, before sitting up and drawing his son into his arms.

Trevor sat and held his baby close for many moments before the door opened and his eldest daughter came in and sighed.

"Daddy, did Mama call last night?" Alyssa asked, and Trevor shook his head.

"She didn't, love. But I guess we can try again tonight." Trevor smiled softly, but his smile faded when his daughter walked over to him. At only ten, Alyssa always woke up and read the news before she got out of bed. Olivia and Trevor always chuckled and said that their daughter was an old soul.

"Daddy, I read this... it talks about a base being bombed... that's bad, isn't it?" Alyssa asked, and Trevor's eyes went wide as he removed one hand from his son's back before grabbing the iPad from his daughter.

He swallowed hard as he read through he article before frowning.

"Yeah, this is bad. Why don't you take Jamie and go wake up your sisters. Maybe get them some cereal for breakfast?" Trevor breathed, as he lifted Jamie off his lap and sat him on the floor beside the bed.

"What are you going to do, Daddy?" Alyssa asked, as she lifted her baby brother up and struggled to keep him in her arms.

"I don't know yet, honey. Just please do as you are told."


Olivia was missing in action. The army representative that Trevor talked to told him that Olivia wasn't accounted for after the ruins of the base were searched. No one had more information on her, and it made Trevor feel like falling apart.

The love of his life was dead, or missing, or both at this point.

"Whatcha doing here?" Olivia's former Captain questioned, as Trevor walked into the squadroom alone. He had left the kids with the sitter, because he needed to talk to adults about things that he couldn't talk to his kids about.

"I was wondering if you had some time to talk to me?" Trevor asked softly, as he moved closer to Cragen, as the rest of the squad eyed Trevor.

They had all been so angry and upset when Olivia decided to resign from SVU to enlist. They thought that it was all Trevor's idea, but not long after she was sent to basic training, they found out that Trevor was strongly against it since at the time Ruthie had been just a baby.

"Of course. Is it about the kids?" Cragen questioned, as he moved into his office and Trevor followed.

"No. Uh, Alyssa, Lane, Ruthie, and Jamie are all good. Jamie almost gives me a heart attack every morning since he is climbing out of his crib now." Trevor spoke softly, as he shut the door before sinking down in a chair in front of Cragen's desk.

"So if it isn't about them, then is it about Olivia?"

"Don, Olivia is MIA." Trevor breathed, and Cragen's eyes went wide as he sank down into his chair.

"She's missing?"

"Y-yeah. It took me almost two weeks to get any information at all... and today I found out that Olivia is missing from that base that was bombed."

"Oh god." Don spoke as he tried his hardest to stay strong since even if this was his former detective that they were talking about, Olivia was Trevor's wife and the mother to his four young kids.

"I don't know what to do... or what I need to tell the kids." Trevor whispered, as he quickly brushed a tear from his cheek. He didn't want to show his weakness, but he knew that he had no other choice.

"Trevor, at this point there is nothing you can do. They have to find her, and you just have to wait."

"What about the kids?"

"Tell them that their mother isn't coming home for awhile, and just pray that they find her so you five can have closure."


When Trevor told the kids, he decided that the best thing to say was that Olivia might not come home. So many soldiers passed away in the bombing, that Trevor was doubting that his wife had survived.

For nearly a year, Trevor was focusing on his kids. He took on a few cases, but not nearly as many as he used too when Olivia was still home. His girls were getting so big and mature and he hated it. He hated that his daughters and son were growing up so fast. That they were going to be completely different little humans by the time they got news about their mother.

"Okay, girls. Time to go to bed." Trevor smiled weakly, as he walked out of the kitchen and found his daughters bundled up together under a blanket as they watched cartoons.

"Daddy, c'mon. Let us stay up later." Lane begged, as she shoved her bottom lip out and batted her eye lashes.

"That doesn't work on me, kiddo. Now, go get ready for bed. I'll be up soon to tuck you in." Trevor spoke as the doorbell rang. The girls ran for the stairs as Trevor grabbed the blanket and started to fold it as he moved to the door.

"Hey, it's late." Trevor spoke, as he opened the front door. 

"Too late for me?"

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