Voice: Part 2

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As Elliot said those words, she knew that he still knew her better than she knew herself. And he was right. Every time he said that he loved her, she'd smile softly as she said it back. It may have been to his voice on the machine, but she couldn't stop herself from saying it. She finally wanted to say it to his face, because telling him now was safer than telling him before. He wasn't running away, he was staying.

"I said that I loved you," Olivia whispered, and Elliot smiled as he continued to hold her tight in his arms as people walked past them on the sidewalk.

"So predictable." Elliot smiled, as he leaned back a bit to look at her. As he examined her face, he saw a small scar on her cheek.

"Where did that come from?" Elliot asked, and Olivia suddenly became embarrassed. She stepped back from him and looked down the sidewalk.

"I have to get going. It was nice seeing you, Elliot." She breathed, before stepping away from him and heading towards her house.

She didn't get too far before Elliot grabbed her hand and walked with her. He intertwined their fingers together, and Olivia froze mid-step.

"What are you doing?" Olivia asked, and Elliot smiled gently at him.

"I'm not letting you walk home alone, and without telling me about who gave you that scar. It wasn't there when I was in Manhattan." He spoke, and she nodded slowly as they continued to walk.

"I'll only tell you in the safety of my apartment. Where I don't feel like people will judge me."


Olivia told Elliot everything. She never told anybody exactly what happened, but she did feel safe around him. She even showed him how much she improved from when the crime scene pictures had been taken.

"Has your wrist healed?" Elliot asked as he ran his hand over her arm.

"Yeah, but it hurts sometimes. I had to learn how to shoot a gun again." Olivia whispered as she leaned into his body, and he wrapped his arm around her body.

She settled into his arms and felt like she was meant to be in them. She grabbed one of his hands and played with his fingers as they just sat there. It has been so long, and they were both surprised that they didn't have more to talk about. But in reality, the silence spoke louder than their words ever could.

"Why did you come back here?" Olivia asked as she pulled her legs onto the couch as she leaned more into Elliot than before. She was so tired and wanted to just sleep but she also wanted to talk.

"Because my heart was here. Some woman wouldn't give it back to me." He sighed. She swallowed hard and moved away from him.

"Do you love her?" She asked, and Elliot laughed softly.

"I'm looking at her." He smiled, and she blushed once again.

"Are you really gonna stay now? Because I really need someone. Someone who can deal with my craziness and my late night paranoia?" She questioned, and Elliot nodded.

"I'm ready to be with you, Liv. Kathy and the kids are all doing what they want to do. And now I can be with who I want to be with. I love you, Olivia. Please let me continue to love you forever." He spoke, and Olivia walked over to the window and looked out. She didn't want him to see her face as she spoke.

"What I missed the most while you were gone was your voice. How you could say anything, and I wanted to listen. I had to listen. You took me around the world with you over the two weeks you left messages, and I could close my eyes and see you as you called me. I could see myself by your side. I could feel your arms around my body and my heart didn't feel as heavy. I was happy with just hearing your voice that one night, made me feel like I was Olivia again. That I was no longer another victim. I was your partner and best friend. I was me again."


Olivia and Elliot kept their relationship quiet for the most part until Elliot was ready to make her a Stabler. It was something Olivia never thought would happen, because she has had some bad relationships, not abusive or anything just completely wrong. But her relationship with Elliot made her feel like a real woman. Like she was really healing from what had happened.

There wasn't going to be a big wedding. Probably no kids. But all the wanted was to grow old together, and they wanted to go to bed every night knowing that they'd wake up and have each other.

"Hey, there is a really hot guy at the desk officer asking for you. Want to talk to him?" Amanda asked as she walked into Olivia's office. She slipped her glasses down onto the tip of her nose as she looked over them. She saw Elliot and smiled, before taking her glasses off altogether.

"Liv?" Amanda asked, and Olivia smiled at her detective.

"You can show him in here. Just don't harass him and make sure Fin doesn't see him, alright?" Olivia spoke, and Amanda nodded.

"Gotcha." She smiled, as she left. Olivia really looked happy, so if this man made her this happy, then she'd make sure that she didn't say anything to change that.

Elliot walked into Olivia's office and smiled as she stood and walked towards her.

"Hey, baby." He grinned, before leaning down and kissing her lips softly.

"Hey, ready to head home?" She asked, her eyes sparkling as she talked to him. She loved that she could go home with him. She slept in the same bed with him and woke up in his arms every morning. She knew that he woke up before she did, so he could hold her until she woke up which made going to sleep not as scary as before.

"More than ready." He smiled, before hugging her tightly. She melted into his embrace, as once again she heard the same voice tell her how much he loved her, not only because she's his best friend, but because she is the woman that stole his heart without even her knowing.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please check out the link I put on my page if you want to see me fangirl on my Tumblr account sometimes! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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