The Wrong Bed

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As soon as she opened her eyes, she knew that something was off. That something was incredibly wrong, and it scared her.

She squinted as she looked around the room before turning her head and looking at the bedside table. As soon as she saw a frame sitting there, she lifted it up before quickly placing her hand over her mouth as tears burned her eyes.

"Oh, no." She breathed, before quickly sitting up. She looked over at the person beside her before biting her lip.

"Liv, lay back down." He yawned, and she shook her head as she slipped from bed.

"I'm not Liv." She squeaked. He shot up in bed before finding his wife's blonde best friend beside him.

"Oh, shit..." Elliot trailed off as he looked at Amanda.

"W-what did we do?" Amanda asked, as she quickly turned on the lamp before looking around and finding her pants and shirt, but not her bra or panties.

"You are completely naked... and I am too." Elliot breathed after looking under the sheets.

"We had sex? Elliot! Olivia is my best friend! She's the godmother to my son!" Amanda cried as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"I just remember that we got drunk last night... how the fuck did we let this happen?" Elliot asked, his voice cracking as he thought about cheating on his wife. Cheating on her with her best friend.

"Let's just pretend that this didn't happen. We didn't have sex together. You weren't even here." Elliot spoke, and Amanda shook her head as she looked at him.

"My panties and bra have gotta show up sometime... and it's going to tell Olivia that we did something together. It's going to kill her."


It was a few weeks before Olivia suspected a thing. Amanda was just getting out of the elevator to start her shift, when Olivia quickly shoved her back into the elevator and joined her. She turned the elevator off before looking at her best friend.

"Liv?" Amanda asked nervously.

"I need you to give me some advice." Olivia breathed.


"I found some other woman's panties and bra in Elliot's truck. I got in there to grab Elsie's backpack, and I saw them poking out from under the seat." Olivia frowned, before opening the bag and letting Amanda look into it.

Amanda frowned deeply as she looked up at her friend.

"Are you angry?" Amanda mused.

"Of course I'm angry! He's cheating on me, Mandy! I have given him four kids, and this is how he pays me back?! By cheating on me?!" Olivia cried, as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Amanda took a slow breath before stepping forward and hugging Olivia tightly. She wanted to comfort her before she lost the chance. She wanted to hug her friend one last time before they stopped being friends.

"Liv, don't be angry at him." Amanda spoke softly, as she kept her arms wrapped tightly around her friend's body.

"What? He's cheating on me! I deserve to be more than angry!"

"Be angry at me." Amanda whispered.

"You? Why? Amanda, if you couldn't stop him from cheating on me... it isn't your fault. He's a pig." Olivia huffed, as she stepped away from Amanda and started to pace as much as she could.

"Because it was my fault. We went out drinking, and he offered to drive me home. We were both drunk, but for some reason I listened. You were spending the night with the kids out at Bernie's house..." Amanda trailed off slowly.

"W-what?" Olivia struggled to speak, as she leaned against the wall.

"We didn't know what happened till we work up the next morning! I'm sorry! We were drunk and it never happened before and it will never happen again!" Amanda cried.

"No." Olivia whimpered, as Amanda tried to step forward and hug her again.


"GET AWAY FROM ME!" Olivia yelled.

Amanda quickly turned on the elevator before slamming her hands against the button that opened the doors.

She quickly walked towards the squadroom as her heart pounded in her chest.

"Rollins, where is my old lady?" Elliot asked awkwardly. Their friendship had been super strained since the night they slept together, and Amanda knew that it would never be the same.

"She knows." Amanda whimpered before quickly turning around and heading back out of the squadroom. She knew that she couldn't be there or anywhere near the friend she hurt so badly.


Amanda had just put her son, Jimmy, down for the night when someone asked to be buzzed up. She allowed them into the building before answering the door once someone knocked on it.

"Liv." Amanda choked out.

"Were you lying to me? To cover for Elliot?" Olivia spoke. Her voice lost almost all emotion and her face was pale.

"What? No."

"So you really slept with my husband?"

"I didn't mean too, Liv. I swear."

"You didn't mean too? Then why did you let it happen?!" Olivia cried. 

"I was so drunk, Liv. I swear that if booze wasn't apart of this messy fucking equation... then I would have never slept with him. We were just friends. We aren't even that anymore because we both feel so bad... We regretted it as soon as we woke up, but we didn't know what to do."

"You hurt me, Mandy. You slept with my husband."

"I'm sorry, Liv. I hate myself for what I did..."

"I don't think that I can ever forgive you." Olivia whispered.

"I get that... it's going to suck losing you forever... not being able to see you or the kids. Jimmy is-"

"Don't try and make me feel bad, Amanda. Not after what you did." Olivia snapped.

"Olivia, what I did was wrong. What Elliot and I did together was wrong. We feel horrible for it, but you need to understand that we didn't do this intentionally. I can't even remember anything after him offering to take me home."

"I have to forgive him. We have four kids that need both of their parents. So you have gotta just take this all. You have gotta leave us alone." Olivia whispered.

Amanda looked at her friend with wide eyes before biting her lip.

"Are you telling me to move away?"

"Go back to Atlanta and stay there... just don't sleep with married men. Again."

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