Meghan Kate Benson

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This is a request from peetalo! Hope you enjoy! :D

Luke's arms were wrapped tightly around my body as he kissed me passionately. All I had on my mind was him. As the elevator slowed down, I was ready to quickly move from it and head to my apartment, but when the doors opened, I was welcomed with something else.

"Meghan Kate Benson!" My mother exclaimed, and Luke and I parted quickly. He pushed his bangs out of his face as I started at my mother, and bit my lip nervously.

"Um, Mom? What are you doing home?" I asked, hoping that I could get her mind off of what was happening, as I stepped out. But as my Mom has always been, she wasn't going to forget this that easily.

"A better question is why you aren't at school? And who the hell is that?" She asked, and Luke shrugged.

"Her boyfriend?" He questioned, as if he was unsure of our title.

"Well, you better get going back to school before I call the school." My mother hissed, and Luke stood there, still unsure of what to do.

"Just go. I'll see you tomorrow." I spoke, and he nodded slowly. I stepped forward and went to kiss him, but my mother pulled me back, and I frowned.

The doors closed in front of my boyfriend, and I turned to my mother.

"Why are you so fucking uncool? Like did you ever live your life? Or have you always been too busy living other people's?" I spat, and I watched as her face grew red, but at this moment, I could give less of a fuck. I stomped off towards the apartment, and once I entered, I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door.

I turned on my stereo loud enough to annoy my mother, before falling onto my bed and crying. 

If only my mother wasn't such a bitch, I wouldn't have to deal with this. I would have a father.


I fell asleep after crying for awhile, and I woke up to someone turning down my stereo. I lifted my head up and saw my mother, as she picked up some clothes from the floor.

"Mom?" I croaked, my throat dry from sleep and from crying.

"Meghan, we need to talk. Wake up first though." She replied, and I frowned.

"Why? So you can tell me that I can't date Luke anymore?" I asked, my anger coming to the service again. She ran her hands through her hair, and sighed.

"I want you to stop all of this shit." She spoke, and I watched her as she opened the shade to my room.

"What shit? Being a teenager? You should've thought about that before you got knocked up." I laughed, bitterly, and she slammed her hands against the window sill.

"Meghan! Stop, alright? I  didn't expect to get pregnant, and neither did your father!"She exclaimed.

"I don't even know who my father is!!" I cried, and she swallowed hard, as she looked at me.

I examined her as she did me, and I looked at her tired expression, and pained eyes. Her eyes weren't the same as mine. Mine were an icy blue, and her's a deep brown.

"Do you want to know who he is?" She asked, and I nodded tearfully.

"Please! Don't you think he would want to meet me? Have me around?" I asked, and she swallowed hard.

"He has met you, but not since you were born." She frowned, and I looked at her.

"Elliot?" I questioned, waiting for her answer. She was quick to shake her head.

"Elliot and I are strictly friends. He has helped me so much since you were born, but he isn't your father." She replied, and I nodded slowly, but another frown settled onto my features.

"You don't even want me to know my father, do you?" I asked, and she bit her lip.

"Meghan, please. Don't be like this." She breathed.

"Be like you? Be pissed because of the fact I don't know my father, just like you didn't for years? If you don't want me to be like this, then just let me leave!" I cried, as I stood and threw my pillow onto the bed and I watched as her eyes filled with tears.

"You are my only child, Meghan. I'm not letting you leave. I'd never let you leave." She whimpered, and tears ran down my cheeks.

"Mom, just tell me! Maybe he'll want me more than you do!" I screamed, and she walked over and grabbed me by my shoulders and forced me to look at her.

"I want you! I love you so damn much, and I don't think I could love anyone more than I love you!"

"Then who the hell is my father?" I mumbled, and she swallowed hard.

"You know Captain Tucker?" She asked, and I nodded slowly.

"He is the one you deal with when you get in trouble..." I trailed off, and then more tears ran down my cheeks.

"He's my father." I croaked, and she reached up to wipe tears from my cheeks, but I stepped back, too shocked and upset to even think about welcoming the comforting touch of my mother.

"Meghan, it wasn't something either of us planned. If we would've been in a different situation, we would've stayed together for you, but since he is one of my bosses, it wouldn't have worked out. I'm so sorry, love." She breathed, and I shook my head as I stumbled back against the wall. 

I slid down the wall as tears streamed down my cheeks. She sat down next to me and pulled me into her side.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't give you the father you deserve." She whispered, and I swallowed hard as I laid my head on her shoulder.

"Do you think he loves us?" I whispered.

"I do not know about me, but I think he loves you a lot. Just like I love you." She breathed into my hair.

"I'm sorry, Mom." I croaked.

"I'm sorry too, Meghan."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! I really liked this one shot! You all know how I love drama! :p Please vote and comment all of your feedback below, and comment more ideas! :D

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