A Blank Slate

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Dominick stood outside of Amanda's hospital room as he barely heard the doctor talk about what was exactly wrong with his best friend.

"Detective?" The doctor asked, and Dominick swallowed hard.

"Sorry, I couldn't hear anything you said. Can you repeat the justify of it?" Dominick replied.

"Of course. Your partner has a severe brain injury. Her head hit the windshield hard, and her brain swelled. She woke up nearly an hour ago and doesn't remember anything. She remembers her mother and sister, but not becoming a detective or meeting your crew." The doctor breathed.

"Okay, so what should I do? Can I go see her?" Dominick questioned, slowly and very unsure.

"If you'd like." He spoke, before clapping Dominick on his shoulder before walking away. He waited outside of Amanda's door and watched as she played with a piece of her short blonde hair. Dominick hated himself for telling her that he loved her. She was unbuckled and the other car didn't even try to stop. 

Dominick slowly opened the door and walked in. Amanda looked at him, and she bit her lip.

"Who are you?" She questioned.

"I'm your partner... we work together. Uh, I'm Sonny, but no one really calls me that. So call me Carisi or even Dominick." He rambled, and even though Amanda didn't know who he was, she thought that how flustered he was around her was adorable.

"Did we have a thing? I know that I'm a flirty girl." Amanda spoke, her deep southern accent seemed more defined after she woke up.

"We were having this secret relationship. We are partners and our boss, who probably knows because I spend every hour of every day here with you. I love you, and I hope that at some point you can love me too." Dominick whispered, before wiping a tear from his cheek.

"Darling, you are so freaking adorable!" Amanda exclaimed, which made Dominick laugh. He walked over and sat beside her before sighing.

"So, I heard you remember your mom and sister?"

"Yeah. I remember Atlanta, but not Manhattan."

"Don't worry, I'll help you remember."


Amanda got released about a week after she woke up and Sonny took her back to their apartment. They had a life going, and it was stalled because of the car accident. They were both unsure of commitment and having him tell her that he loved her was a huge step, and both of them were ready, but then Amanda went head first through the windshield.

"Whoa, this is nice." Amanda smiled, as she walked around the studio apartment they bought.

"You fell in love with it. And I had to buy it for you. I'd do anything for you." Dominick breathed. He sat her bag on their bed, before walking over and helping her take her jacket off.

"If I asked you to kill someone you'd do it, huh?" She teased and Dominick chuckled.

"Probably not. But I'd hurt them, possibly." He laughed. Amanda walked around and looked at all of the pictures on the walls and on the mantel. He watched as she gently ran her fingers over the frames and smiled at the ones where they were kissing.

"So, how'd we meet?"

"Oh, good question Rollins." He laughed. He grabbed her hand and led her into the kitchen. He made her sit down and then he started to make her lunch. 

"Well, I got transferred to your Manhattan Sex Crimes unit. You and I didn't hit it off right away, because you didn't like my mustache and I was a little too peppy and I was trying to fit in. But once I shaved and we started to work more together we started to like each other. I kissed you for the first time on our first date when we were undercover. It was a fake date, but we decided it would be our first."

"We can start over. I'm sure we can figure out a way to fall back in love."

"You need to fall back in love, I'm still absolutely in love with you." Dominick laughed softly.

"Good, because I really need love right now. Are my Momma and sister still batshit crazy?"

"Worse. They are crazier."


Amanda didn't start to remember. She would never remember. The way her brain swelled and pressed against her skull made her not remember. She was just different, but she still fell back in love with Dominick and even if she didn't remember the time they spent together, Dominick loved her more than before.

Life was too short to waste it 'hiding' their love. They didn't do a good job of hiding it from the start and Olivia and Fin knew about their relationship. Both stood as witnesses when Amanda and Dominick got married in the squad room, with a justice of the peace overseeing it.

It was as if the accident happened to make sure they got the push to get married. Amanda wore white, something she rarely did because she knew the chances of her getting food or coffee on it was high, thanks to the klutz she is marrying, and Dominick wore the suit Amanda liked the most.

It was small and intimate, but exactly what they wanted. 

"Thanks for the ring, buddy." Dominick smiled, as he took Amanda's ring from Noah. Dominick turned and showed Amanda the simple silver band she wanted, before slowly slipping onto her finger, but only to her knuckle before he started to speak.

"Amanda, I think the most scared I have ever been was when I saw your body on the hood of our sedan. I was so worried, thinking that the love of my life wasn't going to make it. You weren't breathing, and your head was bleeding. But I didn't give up. I prayed like crazy, and I even went to church. My sisters told me that if you and I were meant to be, that you'd wake up. And you did. Somehow those crazy women were right, and now I'm marrying you. I'm marrying the only woman I could ever love. I will be there for you, whether your memory comes back or not because there is no reason why I couldn't love you. Please forgive me for rambling, because I'm just really nerv-"

Before Sonny could finish, Amanda wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply. The justice laughed and finished his part to make them husband and wife because they already got their first kiss as husband and wife going. And they were happy.

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