Fearless Part 2

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***Update: Only added a picture because it's super cute

Uh, so this was one of the first one shots I wrote, and finally here is a part two. Please check out Fearless to remember what the first one was all about.

Olivia's POV

I sat next to Nick, as he ran his hand up and down my back. This was a really weird experience. I didn't know until we kissed, that I liked Nick. I liked him more than a friend, and that kiss proved it.

"Nick, are you sure about this?" I asked, as I leaned back so I was sitting back against the couch. Nick shifted closer to me, before grabbing my hand in his, and squeezing it.

"I'm sure, Liv. I really like you." He smiled, before leaning in and placed a gentle kiss to the corner of my mouth.

This relationship we are in is different than those I've been in before. I'm older than Nick, and he's seen me at my worst. In my other relationships, I've been the same age or a bit younger, and it's pretty much been a relationship where we hide when we are at our worst.

"What about Zara?"

"She loves you." He smiled, as he pulled me closer, and started to kiss me.

I melted into each kiss, and he made me feel good. Up until the point we parted at the sound of the doorbell ringing.


Maria paced the living room, as I stood to the side timidly. She was pissed. Like she might have steam coming out of her ears, and devil horns may be sprouting from her head. 

She was upset about Nick and my's current relationship.

"Olivia, you're broken. This isn't something you really want." She laughed, and I swallowed hard.

"I want this." I whispered, but she hadn't heard me, and was onto Nick.

"You are just pity dating her Nick! Come home with me! We can be together, and Zara can get a baby brother or sister. I know you want a son."

"He has a son." I whispered, but my voice won't go above a whisper right now. I'm tired and upset. All I want is for her to leave, and let me have the stability that I crave once again. I live with Nick. I help with Zara. He makes me feel like I can be fearless again. Like I can be the old Liv. But when Maria comes here and yells at us for dating each other, it makes me fall back. It makes me feel like I'm tumbling back to rock bottom.

I felt Nick looking at me, as I held my arm, and shook visibly.

"Olivia, would you mind checking on Zara?" Nick asked, and I nodded quickly and ran from the room.


I fell asleep next to Zara. She had woken up when her mother showed up and yelled at us. I went in at the perfect time to comfort her, than she asked me to lay with her. Nick came in, and he lifted me into his arms, and carried me to his bedroom that I've been staying in. I've told him he could have his bed, and I'd take the couch, but he has insisted that I stay in his warm bed.

He laid me down, and I slowly opened my eyes.

"Nick?" I questioned, and he sighed.

"I'm sorry about that, Liv. I didn't mean for her to find out like that. I didn't want her to come over and hurt you like that."

"She didn't hurt me. I think she is hurting." I breathed.

"She isn't hurting. She's being a bitch." He huffed, as he handed me a t-shirt and a pair of pajama bottoms.

"Nick, she lost you. I got you. She didn't think that would ever happen, but it did. And I don't know if I feel comfortable enough to continue this." I replied, and he looked over at me, as he shut the blinds.

"Olivia, don't let her make you scared."

"I'm not scared!" I squeaked.

"You are. What happened to not giving a fuck what other people think? You are fearless, Liv! If we want to continue date, we can. If you want to live here because you feel more comfortable, than that is fine. I want you here."

I stared at Nick. 

Was I really failing at being fearless? Was I crumbling because I was scared to stand up to Maria? I've watched her hurt Nick, and I haven't stood by before. Now I am.

"Nick, I can't." I choked, but before I knew it, I was taking the first step forward.


I stood in my office at the precinct, after I took over for Cragen. Then there is the fact I officially moved in with Nick and Zara. Zara and I got close, and she wanted to do everything with me, and frankly, I didn't mind having a little buddy to follow me around.

Add to everything, something happened that I had never expected to happen, well other than the fact I fell in love with Nick.

"You seem happy." Nick smiled, as he came into the kitchen. Zara stood next to me as we attempted to cook. It was turning out more like a science experiment, but being able to cook with Zara was nice.

"I am." I smiled, as Zara gripped onto my arm as I stirred the sauce for the chicken parmesan I was attempting to cook from scratch.

"Liv! Look at the bubbles!" Zara giggled, and I smiled.

"Yeah. I think it should be ready to pull off." I smiled.

I grabbed the pot holder, and I picked up the pot. Nick grabbed Zara and sat her on her feet, and moved the chair back into the dining room, before joining us again.

"So, why are you so happy?" Nick asked, and I shrugged.

"Dunno." I replied. He walked over and gently wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Baby, tell me." He smiled, and Zara giggled.

"I wanna know too!" She exclaimed, and I leaned back into Nick.

"I know that I've been trying to really heal, and I've been trying really merge into this family. And I think I have." I smiled, and Nick grinned.

"Are you asking me to marry you, Olivia?" He asked, and I shook my head.

"No. But I'm telling you that Zara is going to be a big sister."

Hey guys! I needed to write tonight, hopefully this was good. Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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