An Unexpected Surprise [Benstone]- Part 2

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So, thanks to Elliot_Sebastian_ I'm doing this by the dream. But, to make sure just in case you want a book or a final part, I'm not going to kill Olivia off. Alright, enjoy.

Amanda kept her eye on Olivia as the weeks start to go by. She was nervous because Olivia was older and having this be her first pregnancy was really going to take a toll on her body, more than it does on other women. But as Amanda waited for Olivia to come out and tell Fin and Dominick about her pregnancy, she noticed Olivia put her walls up more.

"Amanda, can you come into my office, please?" Olivia spoke, from where she leaned against her door frame. Amanda looked over and nodded. She noticed that Olivia was wearing bigger clothes, and that dark circles had developed under her eyes.

Olivia slowly sat behind her desk, and after Amanda shut the door behind her, the woman spoke.

"Amanda, I feel like something is wrong with the baby..." Olivia breathed.

"What?" Amanda asked, shocked.

"I'm spotting a bit, and like I feel like I'm cramping. Like when I'd get my period. Amanda, I'm old. What if this is just God telling me that I'm not meant to have a child that is biologically mine?" Olivia replied as tears welled in her eyes.

"Let's go to the hospital," Amanda spoke,  but Olivia shook her head.

"I can't just up and leave. And I don't want Peter to find out. He and I haven't talked and I don't want to disappoint him and have our baby die." Olivia spoke.

"Just come on. Let's say you and I are going to get some breakfast. We all have noticed you don't eat that often."

"I get sick in the morning still, and I'm nearing five months," Olivia whispered.

"Okay, just grab your phone and jacket. We will see what's wrong."


As Olivia and Amanda waited, Olivia started to feel a tightness in her chest. She couldn't tell if it was her anxiety or if something else was wrong. She gripped on tightly to the armrests, as Amanda filled out the forms. She knew pretty much everything about Olivia at this moment, so it helped Olivia focus more on just trying not to panic.

"Liv?" Amanda asked. Olivia looked over at Amanda and nodded.


"Is this your first pregnancy?" Amanda asked, and she watched her boss quickly looked forward and shake her head.

"No, it isn't." Olivia breathed.

"Okay. I'm going to go take this up for you. I'll be back in a moment." Amanda spoke. Olivia ran her hands over her cheeks, before feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket. She grabbed it from her pocket before using her other hand to grab onto her necklace.

"Yes, Fin?" Olivia sighed.

"Where are you and Rollins? We have a case and we need some help." Fin sighed. He sounded a bit annoyed, which just made this whole hospital visit harder on Olivia.

"We will be back soon. Just take led." Olivia replied before hanging up. She reached down and dropped her phone into the pocket of Amanda's jacket, before leaning back and closing her eyes. She took a shaky breath, before hearing Amanda sitting back beside her.

"The nurse said that you are next on the list. Do you want some water or something?" Amanda asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, but I need you to go back to the precinct. There is a case and Fin and Carisi need some help."

"I'm not leaving you, Liv," Amanda replied.

"It's an order, Detective."


Olivia laid in a hospital bed, her hands felt extremely cold because of the IV, and her nose felt weird because they noticed her oxygen levels were lower. She was feeling very off, and even after telling the doctors that her chest felt tight, they said it was nothing more than anxiety. But it scared her because she didn't know if it was more than anxiety.

"Olivia," Peter spoke, from where he stood right outside of the hospital room. Olivia looked over at him and swallowed hard.

"What are you doing here?" She questioned, as she pushed herself up a bit more.

"Amanda called me. She said that you were at the hospital... uh, are you okay?" He asked, as he awkwardly ran his hand over the back of his neck.

"I'm fine. You didn't have to come." Olivia replied. She tried to act all tough, but she was scared to death that she'd lose the baby, or that something was really wrong and causing the pain in her chest whenever she breathed.

"It's my baby too..." He frowned.

"I know. And I'm sorry. It's just that we haven't talked in a few months. You even switched assignments. I didn't know if you even wanted to be a father to the baby." Olivia spoke. She tried to take a deep breath, hoping that since she moved a bit that it would help, but instead it just made everything worse and she started to feel like she couldn't breathe.

"Liv, this may be my only chance at having a kid! God, I'm not just going to up and abandon you just because we aren't engaged anymore!" Peter started to rant. He started to pace the room as he tried to convince Olivia that he'd be a father to their baby.

He wasn't paying attention to her, as she gripped tightly to her chest and started to gasp for air. Peter finally looked at her because she hadn't responded, and saw how red her face was.

"Olivia! I'll go get help. My god, I'm so sorry!" Peter cried before he ran from the room and started to yell for help.


Peter sat beside Olivia and held her hand. She had just been rushed into surgery because she had a small bleed in her lung. Olivia hadn't told anyone, not even Amanda, about her fall. She had been outside shoveling the path so Noah wouldn't have to walk through snow up to his knees when she slipped and fell hard onto her back.

Peter was scared to death that something would happen to Olivia or the baby. He had grown to love her, not only because she was carrying his child, but also because of how passionate she is. How she has such a big heart. He didn't care if she was older, because she made him feel better even when he was destroyed about his sister getting killed.

Book or final part?

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