"I'm Glad You Called"

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Olivia had just laid Noah down for bed when she decided to call someone. She had been so busy lately that her usual weekly attempts to get in contact had been forgotten. She was still trying so very hard to get in contact with Elliot, even if he had left many years ago. She wanted to tell him about her son, and about how good work as has been lately, and she wanted to talk to him about how scarred her soul and heart have been since Lewis did those things to her.

Olivia changed before sinking down onto the couch and pulling a fluffy brown blanket over her legs. She unlocked her phone and stared at it for several moments before dialing Elliot's number once again. She was used to him not answering, but she never did end the call before leaving him a message and a request that he calls her back.

Olivia listened to her phone rang, and as she prepared herself to leave another message, his voice spoke in words she hasn't heard on his voicemail before.

"I'm glad you called. I was worried that something happened to you since it's been nearly 6 months since your last call." Elliot spoke, and Olivia felt like she couldn't breathe. Like the wind had been kicked out of her.

"Elliot?" She asked, surprised. Her voice was weak, but Elliot wasn't worried that she was sick. He knew that she was just beyond surprised that he had finally answered her call.

"Have you been accidentally calling me for the past 6 years? Because if you didn't mean to call me-"

"No, I've been meaning to call you. I'm just surprised that you finally answered." Olivia breathed. She looked at the shelf be her TV and she stared at a picture of her and Elliot. Tears sprung into her eyes but she quickly blinked them away.

"I didn't know if I should answer. I didn't know if you would just yell at me or if you'd actually want to talk about what happened." Elliot replied quietly. Olivia frowned.

"You didn't even say goodbye to me, Elliot. You just up and left. My longest lasting relationship with a man was with you, and we weren't even dating." Olivia sighed. She shifted in her spot before just tossing the blanket to the side so she could stand and pace.

"I'm sorry about that, Liv. I really am."

"Please don't call me Liv. You lost the right to call me that the moment you ran out of my life." 

"Okay," Elliot replied plainly. Olivia stood and walked over to where Noah's door was barely open. She shut it quietly before walking back to the couch and standing in front of it.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"Detroit at the moment. Next week I'll be back in Manhattan. Kathleen is graduating from college so I want to be there." Elliot replied. Olivia rolled her eyes. 

"I have a son." She spoke, suddenly. It was mostly just to break up the awkwardness that she knew was filling up the empty space.

"How old is he?" Elliot replied.

"He's 3." She spoke.

"You must not be with his father, because if you had been I doubt that for the past three years your child has been alive, that you'd still be calling me." Elliot sighed. Olivia rolled her eyes once again because she hated when he got like this.

"I adopted him, Elliot. He was a victim and I adopted him. And you should know that no man can make me do anything. I'm stubborn and if I wanted to call you and talk to you, I would do it either way." Olivia huffed. 

She shifted the phone away from her ear and let her thumb hover over the button to end the call. 

"Can we see each other when I'm back in Manhattan?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia barely heard those words. She put the phone back to her ear before thinking.

Did she really want him to leave her suddenly again and hurt her once again?

Did she want to see him even if it would only be for a few hours?

"Depends." She replied.

"Depends on what, Olivia?" Elliot replied his voice sounding slightly amused.

"Depends on how long you are going to be in Manhattan and if you think you want to hurt me again."

"I didn't mean to hurt you, and I don't plan on doing that again."

"Meet me at the precinct when you have some time." She spoke, before hanging up. 

Olivia tossed her phone down onto the couch before running her hands through her hair. She tried to calm herself, but she was having a hard time doing that.

She had just invited yet another man back into her life, and she bet that it would end with pain just like all of the other ones.


On Wednesday afternoon, Olivia sat in her office and helped Noah with his letters. She kept encouraging her little boy and watched with so much pride every time he wrote his letters the right way and when his bright blue eyes looked up at her.

"Liv," Amanda spoke, and Olivia looked up from Noah and at her detective.

"Yeah?" She questioned.

"Well, uh... there is a guy out here asking for Detective Benson. Wanna see him?" Amanda questioned as she ran her hand over the back of her neck. Olivia looked through her window and saw Elliot standing by the desk officer and Olivia felt her mouth go dry.

"Can you sit in here with Noah? I won't be long." Olivia breathed.

"Of course. Who is he anyway?" Amanda questioned.

"That is Elliot Stabler."

Olivia left her office and walked towards Elliot. She stopped between the desks and just stood there until Elliot noticed her. They made eye contact, but neither moved or said a thing. It took nearly three full minutes before Elliot spoke.

"You look exactly how you looked when I last saw you." Elliot breathed, and Olivia looked at him as she looked him over. He looked so weird to her because he was dressed in blue jeans and a nice shirt.

"You look old." She admitted, and Elliot laughed softly.

"Thanks... Uh, do you want to go and get something to eat? Will Cragen allow that?" Elliot asked.

"I'm the CO now. I agreed to talk, so that is what we are going to do."

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Law And Order: SVU One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora