Not Okay: Part 3

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Once Nick untied Amanda, he went outside to smoke again. She slowly slipped into her bedroom and saw her wife sitting in the corner of the room where she was breathing heavily. Amanda quickly moved towards her wife, but Olivia held her hands up and shook her head.

"Don't see me like this, Mandy. Go out there and be good. Don't disobey him. Okay? Just go check on the boys or go and sleep on the couch. Just don't look at me." Olivia whimpered. 

"At least let me clean up the burns and the cuts. Okay?" Amanda spoke, but Olivia shook her head.

"I got sick all over the bed, Mandy... he got so angry that he cut my breasts... Please just go away. I'll deal with this. You shouldn't see what was going to happen to you if I hadn't taken it all." Olivia whispered. She closed her eyes and buried her face in her legs.

"I love you, but you didn't need to take this, Liv. I would have taken what I deserved."

"You didn't deserve this, Amanda! I don't either but one of us has to be in a good place to take care of the twins, and you are biologically their mother. If I die, then they will be with you and be happy. If you die, the twins will hate me for letting you die. So just go!" Olivia screamed.

Amanda slowly left the room just in time for Nick to walk back into the house.

"Whatcha looking at?" Nick spat.

"Nothing," Amanda whispered, before walking over and sitting on the couch.

"You got lucky. Very. Fucking. Lucky." Nick huffed.

"Can I go to sleep now?"

"Not until after you clean up the mess your wife made," Nick replied before he moved back towards the front door where he was going to bit sitting and waiting for one of them to try and make a break for it.


Standing in the Atlanta PD's main precinct, the older woman showed the detectives the note that Amanda gave her.

"She didn't give you her name. But she gave you an address." Detective Lee sighed.

"Look up who owns that house. She was blonde and she had a bruise on her cheek. Something was really wrong, and I feel so bad for her. She said that the man had tied her wife up in a closet. That she has kids." The woman replied slowly.

"We can't just go check up on this when there are so many other things happening in this city. Like the opioid epidemic. I'm sorry that we can't deal with this right now, but-"

"Just look who lives there! If it isn't worth your time after that then I'll leave. But if this poor woman and her family die, it's blood on your hands." She sobbed. Detective Lee sighed before taking the note and typing the address into the computer. After several long moments, he felt his chest tighten.

"Boone! Get your ass over here." Detective Lee exclaimed.

"What?" Detective Boone questioned quietly.

"It's Detective Amanda Rollins house. Her wife is a former NYPD detective and they have twin boys... Amanda brought them in to show them after they were born. Boone, we need to figure out who has them and get them out of there."

"Let's talk to our Captain and see what we can do. But this might not be more than a fake note." 

"There's blood on the corner of it. Let's get it tested before we determine it's a fake note." Detective Lee spat.


Even if the note had been dropped off, Amanda didn't know if they would ever get free from Nick. Olivia kept standing up for her wife and was raped and beaten many times a day. Olivia was beyond exhausted from everything she went through, but she still managed to take what she refused to let her wife take.

"It's been four weeks," Olivia whispered, as she laid on the floor of the living room beside her kids. She was running her fingers through their soft blonde hair as she waited for Nick to come back in.

"Honey, they will get us out of here," Amanda replied slowly.

"I missed my period, Amanda. I was supposed to get it a week after Nick got here... haven't gotten it yet."

"Shit." Amanda breathed as she sat up and looked at her wife.

"I want out of here, now. No matter how." Olivia sighed softly. She sat up slowly and pulled her sons onto her lap. She hugged them close for several moments before the door swung open.

"Which one of you snitched?!" Nick spat, as he quickly slammed the door shut before moving and grabbing a few chairs to block up the front door.

"What do you mean?" Amanda asked slowly.

"The cops are trying to storm this fucking place thanks to one of you with a big fucking mouth." Nick spat. He quickly walked over and pulled them from the ground of forcing them towards the nursery.

"We didn't tell anyone anything! You won't even let Olivia out of the house!" Amanda spat, as she went to kick Nick, but Olivia just shoved the twins into Amanda's arms as Nick slammed her body against the doorframe.

"It was me... I let a note out... I didn't think anyone got out." Olivia lied, and Nick saw right through it.

"That slut of yours fucking told someone! Amanda, you whore!" Nick screamed. Olivia shook her head as she forced herself in front of Nick as Amanda slammed the nursery door shut to protect herself and the twins. 

"Leave her alone, Nick. Please, just leave Amanda alone." Olivia breathed, as she heard the crunch of gravel under the tires of vehicles.

"You let that little whore walk all over you! You cover for her at all times, and you get raped and beaten. If you would have just went with me, and loved me, you wouldn't have had to be raped by me because your whore of a wife couldn't keep her mouth shut." Nick growled, as he grabbed Olivia by her hair and slammed her head against the wall. 

Olivia saw black dots in her vision as the front door was knocked on.

"My wife isn't a whore, Nick. You are just fucking crazy."

Hey guys, thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! One more part to come.

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