Not Okay: Final Part

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Olivia laid unconscious on the floor of the hallway when the cops finally got in. Nick had tried to slip out one of the windows, but they had surrounded the house and quickly arrested him. The SWAT team quickly cleared the house before EMTs were allowed to enter. The first group went quickly to Olivia, while the other ones went into the nursery where Amanda was sitting on the floor sobbing like a baby with Everett and Finley in her arms.

"Detective Rollins, everything is okay now. The man is in custody and we will make sure that you, your wife, and your children are okay. Can we take the twins so we can get you all to the hospital?" Detective Lee asked, and Amanda swallowed hard before nodding slowly.

"Is my wife okay?" Amanda asked shyly.

"She's getting rushed to the hospital as we speak. Here, hand me the boys." 

Amanda passed the boys to Detective Lee before standing slowly. She moved from the room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw blood on the wall at her wife's height.

"He hit her head against the wall?" Amanda asked quietly.

"By the looks of it. But don't worry, they are taking great care of her in the hospital. Did he hurt you?" Detective Lee asked as he urged Amanda forward.

"She took it all. He just touched me... But he raped her and she thinks she is pregnant." Amanda whispered.

"I'll make sure they know that. Now, let's go."


Amanda was put into a room with Everett and Finley. She sat by their cribs and held their hands as they slept. She was trying her hardest to not walk out and ask about Olivia because she didn't want to know exactly what was happening. She didn't want to face the horrible truth.

"Amanda, can I talk to you real quick?" Dr. Larson questioned, as she walked into Amanda's room.

"Is it about my wife? Is she okay?" Amanda asked slowly, but she didn't look at the doctor. She kept her eyes on her sons as her eyes filled with tears.

"She has serve internal tearing and several blunt force traumas to her body. She has a pretty bad concussion and she's currently 6 weeks pregnant. I'm sorry." Dr. Larson breathed, and Amanda closed her eyes tightly as the tears streamed down her cheeks.

"She took everything for me. She never let Nick attack me. She never let him rape me, and all of the beatings... she took everything for me. She said that she didn't want me to die and have our kids hate her." Amanda breathed.

"Do you want to see her?" Dr. Larson asked.

"Is she awake?" Amanda asked quietly.

"No. But you could still go see her. Hold her hand and talk to her. She has a long recovery and she will need you to help her through it."

"What about Nick? Is he here?" Amanda asked, and Dr. Larson shook her head.

"We don't put victims and the perps in the same hospital. And anyway, he wasn't hurt at all. He seems pretty proud of what he did."


It took Olivia awhile to wake up. By the time she did, Amanda and the twins had been moved to her room. Amanda had slowly climbed into bed with her wife and was sleeping with her head gently against her shoulder.

Olivia slowly opened her eyes and felt that her hand was being held by Amanda. She gave it a squeeze before slowly moving a bit.

"Mandy, I'm sore." Olivia breathed, and Amanda slowly opened her eyes and yawned.

"Roll over then," Amanda spoke as she didn't remember what happened.

"I can't because I had surgery. Mandy, I need to move around a bit." Olivia replied slowly. Amanda sat up and frowned as she looked at her wife's bruised face.

"How are you doing?" Amanda asked quietly.

"Not great, but I'll get better. I have to be able to so that our sons have me in their lives." Olivia replied, as she gently caressed her wife's face.


"I know that I'm pregnant. I knew that I was when I missed my period. It's okay. You don't have to feel horrible for telling me." Olivia frowned.

"Do you want to keep the baby? Or do you want to give the baby up? An abortion?" Amanda asked, and Olivia shrugged.

"I have no idea. I just want to go home. Or maybe go back to Manhattan." Olivia whispered.

"I called Fin. He's on his way down here." Amanda breathed.

"Does he know that I'm pregnant?" Olivia asked.

"Do you want more people to know?" Amanda asked, and Olivia grew angry with her wife. She rolled over onto her side and didn't speak to her wife.

"Liv?" Amanda asked over and over again until she stopped herself as she heard her wife sobbing.

"I'm not ashamed of this baby, but I think you are. I think that you aren't okay with the fact that I'm pregnant." Olivia sniffled.

"It's just that-"

"My baby will be loved if I decide to keep it."

"This is our family-"

"This is my child." Olivia sobbed.


After being released, Amanda and Olivia took the twins back to Manhattan. Atlanta was no longer their safe place because Nick had destroyed every sense of safety that they had. He also put a huge scar on Olivia and Amanda's marriage.

"How are you feeling?" Amanda asked quietly, as she walked into Olivia's room. They didn't share a room anymore because Olivia didn't like showing off her body. She had scars and her stomach was very swollen at this point with a little girl that Nick had forced into her body.

"I'm not feeling great," Olivia replied slowly.

"How do you not feel great?" Amanda questioned quietly.

"Like I'm having this baby in the very near future type of way," Olivia replied slowly. Amanda's eyes went wide as she quickly walked to Olivia.

"How far apart are your contractions?" Amanda asked, as she gently laid her hand against her wife's swell.

"They are kinda close... I just haven't told you about them because I'm scared about giving birth. This baby isn't wanted by you. I want her so much... but I don't know if keeping her is going to allow us to stay together." Olivia sniffled. Amanda leaned close and pressed a firm kiss to Olivia's lips before giving her a small smile.

"Our sons are getting a little sister because you are having our daughter tonight," Amanda said with a shaky smile.

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