First Loves, Forever Loves: Part Two

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"Do I love her?" Peter asked shocked. Phoebe looked at Peter and nodded as Olivia's face grew red with embarrassment. Her face might have been even redder than Phoebe's hair.

"Yeah, do you love my Mama? Because she still loves-" Phoebe didn't get to finish her statement before her mother had placed her hand over her mouth and sighed.

"That's enough, Phoebe. Please." Olivia begged as she avoided looking at Peter. 

"Actually, I do love her. I have for 12 years." Peter spoke, as he looked directly at the small girl. Phoebe smiled when she heard those words.

"See, I told you he would say he loved you, Mama." Phoebe grinned, and Olivia sighed before walking over to Peter and grabbing his arm. She pulled him from the room before turning and guiding him down the hall.

"I'm sorry about her, Peter. It's just that she doesn't have her father around and when I told her about your visit, she got super excited."

"Where's her Dad?" Peter asked, and Olivia sighed.

"He's in Berlin. We met after school and he was a med student. We got married and then three years later Phoebe was born. He wasn't ready so we got a divorce and he took off while I raised our newborn." Olivia replied.

"I have a daughter, she's 6. And I'm not with her mother anymore." Peter spoke, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"You got divorced? I thought you and Caroline were really in love. Wanted to be together forever." Olivia spoke, and Peter nodded.

"We thought so. But Caroline realized that she was happier with women. So she left me, and we have shared custody of our daughter."

"What's her name?" Olivia asked, and Peter smiled softly.

"Lydia Jane. We call her LJ lately because she told me she doesn't like Lydia nor Jane." Peter laughed softly.

"Phoebe went through that phase last year. She was four and asked if I could call her PJ. She didn't realize that her middle name started with a G instead of a J." Olivia laughed. Peter smiled because he absolutely loved her laugh.

"Liv, we are thirty and both divorce. We aren't lonely because we have kids, but still. I think it's time to cash in our deal." Peter breathed. Olivia blushed before looking at her hands.

"I'm going to go back and check on Phoebe. Please join us for dinner tonight. I'll text you my address. We eat at six."


Peter was walking on clouds. He couldn't believe that Olivia wanted him to join her and Phoebe for dinner. He went and picked up flowers for both of them, before going over earlier than she said, but he couldn't wait. Peter knocked on the front door of a small house on the edge of Queens. He smiled when the little redhead opened the door.

"Mama, Peter is here!" Phoebe yelled, before stepping away and letting Peter into the house.

"Phoebe, I told you to never answer the door. You are too little to do that." Olivia spoke, as she came out of the kitchen. Her brown hair was held back by a clip and her face was flushed from the heat of the stove.

"But, Mama-"

"No buts, baby. Go play till dinner." Olivia spoke, and Phoebe sighed before running towards the stairs.

"Phoebe! Actually, these are for you." Peter smiled, as he handed her a bouquet of white daisies. He knew that Olivia loved those in college, and he hoped that she still did and that Phoebe did too.

"Really?" She asked as she looked at her mother for directions. Olivia gave her a small nod and Phoebe walked over to Peter and took the flowers from him. Peter smiled as she smelt them before running to her room with them held gently in her hand.

"You really are the best, Peter. You never came to my dorm without a bouquet of daisies, and you still kept that up." Olivia spoke. She smiled at Peter before taking them from him. He followed her into the kitchen and watched as she put the daisies into the vase.


"I told Phoebe that I loved you because it's true. I tried to love Michael, but you always had my heart. You will always have my heart. But do I still have yours?" Olivia asked, as she opened the oven and checked to see if the roast was getting close to being done.

"Caroline never had my heart. I tried to love her with the intensity that I loved you, but it was impossible. You are the only one I have and will always want to be with." Peter replied, and Olivia felt tears well in her eyes. She turned to look at him and saw that he was absolutely serious.

"Peter, come here." Olivia breathed. Peter walked over to where Olivia stood, and he was shocked when she pulled him down to her level. She pressed her lips firmly against his, and she kissed him with as much passion as she had managed to save in the last 8 years since they saw each other.

Peter wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her tightly against his as he kissed her back.

They fit together so perfectly, like as if they were made to be in each other's arms. They never wanted to leave each other's arms.


Peter stayed at Olivia's house that night, and he laid beside her. He smiled as she traced shapes onto his bare chest while he did the same to her back.

"We never should have broken up, Peter... but then as I say that I realize that if we had stayed together we never would have had the girls."

"It's going to be hard for me to leave the west coast for here, but I'm sure that Caroline would let me bring LJ. She's having fun with a lot of different people at the moment." Peter breathed.


"Nope. I'm moving here, babe. For me, you, Lydia Jane, and Phoebe Grace." Peter spoke, and Olivia bit her lip before placing a few kisses to his chest. 

"There is not a lot of people who would move clear across the country for me." Olivia breathed.

"I'd do anything for you."

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